Make Money Online By Copy Pasting On This FREE Website

How She Made $41,981.40 Copy Pasting On This FREE Website [Make Money Online]
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Make Money Online By Copy Pasting On This FREE Website

A related video is here: How To Sell Canva Templates on Etsy



Inside of this video we will be talking About how this girl is making thousands Of dollars by using this brand new Website that we literally never talked About before. She’s not showing her face; She doesn’t have a website; and she has No social media followers, so we will First examine her business, how she’s Doing it and then I’m going to show you Exactly how you can potentially start The same business.

Let’s see what this girl is doing to make tens of thousands of dollars. well She’s using a platform called Etsy. I’m Gonna explain how Etsy works and how all Of this stuff works and how you can Potentially get an Etsy as well. Basically she’s selling resume templates Which is a digital product which means She created that only once and now Whenever someone buys this they can Download that with one click of a button So she doesn’t need to ship anything she Doesn’t need to create a product again And again and again it was created only Once and you could literally do that for Absolutely free so the profit margins Are 100 because all the traffic is Coming from Etsy itself so you don’t Have to spend money on Google ads and Facebook ads and you don’t need any Social media followers so that’s exactly What she’s doing and as you can see her Sales are starting at 9.96 US Dollars And according to Etsy she has 4.3 000 Different feedbacks which means a lot More people actually bought this product But not every single person will have a Feedback but even when with 4215 feedbacks multiplied by 9.96 she Made it worth forty one thousand dollars

In almost all profit from this one Single product and this is not the only Product that she’s selling so a lot of Other people are also pretty much doing The same thing like for example this Girl over here selling this for 500 Selling this for 8.69 has gotten over 500 feedbacks or this person over here Or 43 sales at forty dollars uh then This person ten dollars 192 sales 92 Sales yeah so there’s actually people Making thousands of dollars by selling These digital products on Etsy now Etsy Is a platform that’s very similar to EBay a platform where people come to Sell different products and services but Etsy is specifically for people who are Trying to sell something that either They made by their hands like handmade Products or digital products like Specific digital products so it’s a Specific type of platform as you can see Shop for handmade vintage custom and Unique gifts so if you open up You can come over to here and you can Create an account so you you can just Press the sign in button right over here And then you can basically register an Account and press and register and then You can register your shop on Etsy to Start selling now there are some Specific countries where Etsy is Currently not available so you will have To check if it works in your country or

Not and let us know in the comments down Below whether it works in your country So leave your country name and say it Works in my country it doesn’t work in My country so let us know so we all know If it does work in your account or not And currently it is working in my Country so I can jump onto Etsy and Pretty much use the same method now Let’s see exactly what she is actually Doing to make the tens of thousands of Dollars like what she actually did to Make to make forty one thousand dollars In almost a little profit well she might Be using a platform like which Is absolutely free platform where you Can find a lot of different templates Like graphic design templates including Resumes so you can type in a resume and That’s going to show you all of these Different templates that you can use so If you click on see all you can actually Find very similar ones to the ones that Are selling on Etsy itself so if you Take a look at all of these that are Selling and making fans of thousands of Dollars again and again you can see that Some of them are pretty much available Here on Etsy for completely free and you Can just customize it you can just open It up and you can customize it for your Own needs you can you know change the Fonts change colors and then use that as Your own unique template to sell on Etsy

So if you want to change this image I Can just go to the upload section and I Can upload my own photo my own picture And then use that so let me just try to Find mine so I’m going to use this one If I drag and drop it’s going to look Something like this and then I can Change the font as well as I said so if I don’t like this font I can just select Some different one from the left hand Side so let’s say for example I want to Go with this one that’s how it works if I want to change the colors I just click On this and then let’s say I want to use The green color it’s going to look Something like this and then once you’re Done customizing your template you can Just click on share and you can download It in any file that you want so whether You want it as a PDF print whether you Want it as a JPEG whether you want it as A PNG file whatever that might be you Just click click on the file you click On download and it’s going to be onto Your computer and you can go ahead and You can sell that template on So there’s definitely a lot of different People that are leveraging this strategy To not only sell the resumes there’s a Lot of different products and services That we can sell on because It’s a platform that’s being visited by Millions of people and there’s actually Not a lot of people who are leveraging

It to sell different products especially Digital products so if you can create All of these different templates graphic Design templates whether those are Vetting invitation cards whatever that Might be you can create all sorts of Different products and all sorts of Different digital products and templates To sell on the platform and actually Make tens of thousands of dollars like This person like this girl is doing but As I said if you want to see how I Personally make money on YouTube without Trumming my face and without recording Anything with a camera so not on this Channel I actually run different Channels where once again I’m not Showing my face I’m not recording Anything with a camera yet we are Monetizing those videos in multiple ways Including ad Revenue affiliate marketing Brand deals print to demand CPA Marketing and much much more and also so Not only can you use those channels to Make money and build a business but you Can use those channels to drive traffic To whatever that you want whether you Want to promote your whether it’s a Physical business whether you want to Promote your website whatever it might Be you can use all the traffic coming From those channels to promote other Things as well and get paid to do that So if you want to learn more about that

I made a full step-by-step tutorial I Made a full step-by-step training Program explaining exactly how that Works how I actually do research how I Actually set up my channels and how I Actually establish my passive income Systems so that everything runs on a Complete autopilot and I don’t have to Spend hours and hours on end every Single day just managing all of that Because that would be a huge hustle if You want to scale a business like this You need to set up information systems And that’s exactly what I talk about Inside of that step-by-step training Program which will be linked in the Description box down below and also the Step-by-step training program is Currently on a 50 off so if you were Thinking about grabbing that this is Probably the perfect time to do it Because it’s never going to be cheaper Than no and you will get lifetime access Not only to the full step-by-step Training program and the done-for-you Things that I’ve created for you inside Of the training program itself but also The lifetime customer support and also a Dedicated success manager who will be Alongside with you while building this Business to make sure that you actually Succeed so he will be basically Reviewing your channel telling you what To improve telling you what to do while

You’re going through the training Program which is basically just going to Be alongside with you helping you Actually make this a successful online Business anyways I really hope you got Some value out of this video I really Hope you’ve learned something new like How this girl is actually making tens of Thousands of dollars online using Etsy Without showing her face and without any Social media followers and let me know In the comments down below whether you Will try out this method or not thank You so much for watching and I will see You in some of the next videos Thank you

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About the Author: Darlene Thompson

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