Make $25,000 PER MONTH With TikTok

Make $25,000 PER MONTH With TikTok
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Making money online with TikTok theme pages with content from Reddit Posts has never been easier. The views are endless and affiliate, dropshipping, and sponsorship opportunities are ripe for the picking!



This right here is a Reddit stories Account and these accounts are generating their owners thousands of dollars per month without touching a phone, a camera, or even having to lift a finger really for that matter.  So how are they making tens of thousands of dollars per month and how do we do it too?

Step One – Make super easy viral videos.

Step Two – Make money from the traffic these videos generate.

So, you see, normally it’s really hard to be a content creator. It’s really hard to come up with your own stories and write your own content but with accounts like this, they already get all their content from Reddit which has Infinite amounts of stories for you to access and turn into video form content.

It’s just written content that we’re converting over to super easy viral and clickable videos so checking out this Reddit story account you can see it’s Got 3.8 million followers and over 175 Million likes which is absolutely absurd.

And all it is is just some super simple videos which I’m going to show you.  We’re going to click on one here as you can see they’ve got a whole Minecraft Background setup going on. They’ve got an actual voice that’s reading text to you Right now on the screen and and it’s Basically we’re just going to put this Sort of content from the thread on Reddit on the screen we’re gonna have a voice read it to people so that it’s engaging and then you have a background that’s kind of engaging moves a little bit and keeps the user’s attention.

It’s that simple and I’m going to show you How they’re actually making thousands of Dollars per month doing this sort of Thing this isn’t the only account There’s all sorts of different ones We’ve got Reddit revealed which 1.3 Million followers it’s got Reddit Stories with almost 500 000 we’ve got Another one with 221 000. there’s a Whole bunch of different accounts like This and it’s not saturated because I’m Going to show you guys that you can Actually Niche down and make more money Than what these guys are actually making On their accounts because their accounts Are typically very generic and sort of Like overlooking content that just Reaches a lot of different people Instead we’re going to Niche down we’re Going to make very specific content and Then we’re gonna sell things to people With this very specific content and We’re also going to have a bunch of Advertising that makes us money as well And I’m going to show you guys how to Make these videos step by step super Easy and I’m going to show you how to Actually make money and set that up for Yourself too it’s a really cool side Hustle if you have a few minutes a day

So if we click on the link in their bio This is how they’re all making money if We look at every single account they’ve Got something in their bio this one’s Got an email for people to reach out for Sponsorships because that does happen Even with short form content all the Time every single day I would know Because my little YouTube channel my Little sort of shorts channels that I Have that you guys don’t know about get The same sort of emails every single day And you can see they’ve all got this Different link tree thing and go getting A link tree super easy I’ll show you how I actually set mine up later but the Whole thing is actually pretty Incredible so if we go and we look at Reddit stories link tree you can see They’ve got it on Tick Tock Instagram YouTube you could take this content and Post it on Tick Tock Instagram reels and YouTube shorts and triple your revenue Or even just double your Revenue I’d say That’s still a pretty good play and you Can get in contact with them right here Through their Discord server if you Really want to get in touch with this Person who actually runs this 3.8 Million followers account but it’s Really easy to grow these accounts Because the content’s already written For you so what you want to do is you Want to head over to a subreddit like

Ask Reddit you can pick any Niche you Could be Fitness it could be animals it Could be something that you’re super Interested in so that way you don’t get Bored making this sort of content but Ask reddit’s a pretty good place to go For sort of generic content and I’m Going to show you how to make these Videos so we’re going to go over the ask Reddit subreddit we’re going to click on Top and then we’re going to sort this by This year or all time and if you scroll Down you could see right here all of These topics apply to a wide variety of Different people but right here this is The one we’re going to go with wood Limiting the age of the president to 65 Be something you’d support why or why Not so we’re going to go ahead and click On this thread and then actually make This content we’re just going to go Ahead and we’re going to copy this and Then we’re gonna head over to this Website called and they have a text to speech Thing it’s completely free to use so all You need to do once you’re on video is Actually just paste your text in here And then select the voice you want to Use so say I want to use Jack Bailey From the United States then you can go Ahead and click preview it’s going to Show you what the sound sounds like so We’ve got the whole voice going on

Completely for free we’re just going to Take this for every single one of these Lines that they take and then we’re Going to click download MP3 because Normally software like this actually Costs money but I’ll have all this Linked In the description because I like To show you guys how to do stuff on Cheap and on a super limited budget so We’re going to go ahead and click Download MP3 we’re gonna head over this Website called V Dot IO which I have Linked In the description along with Every single other thing that I’m going To show you in this video we’re going to Click upload your video and then we’re Just going to go ahead and we’re going To drag that MP3 file we just got into Here and as you can see we’ve got a Brand new video timeline and it’s just The audio that we’ve actually downloaded So far so if we go ahead and we click Play then you can hear our automated Robot voices already starting to read This but the important thing about these Sort of videos is the retention on these Videos so the short form content needs To be really sort of like Interactive it Needs to not have any spaces where People could click off that video and Head to the next video and that’s why Going with controversial content or Content that brings emotion out of People is so important for short form

Content like this because people can’t Help but watch they can’t help but see People’s opinions they can’t help but Argue in the comments and that’s what Makes our content go super easy and Super viral so I’m just going to show You guys how we’re doing this right here So we got the whole audio in here and Then once we have this audio in here and Every single other thing then we’re Going to click the auto subtitle button Now this will take a few minutes to Actually put the subtitles on the screen So that way people can read them the Other thing that we can actually do is We can take different Snippets of like The Reddit thread for instance like just A quick screenshot we’ll put that on the Screen as well to make sure that people Remain engaged but the important thing Is that we set this up for viral success And the best way is just to look at sort Of all of this other content that you Want to kind of emulate a little bit and Put your own spin on it and make sure You give it the best potentiality for Virality that you can so now that we Have our first line of voice in our Video editor we’re going to go over this Website called and instead of Doing this like lame Minecraft Background that’s always moving we’re Gonna go ahead and use pixels which is Royalty free videos for our use in our

Videos we don’t have to attribute Anything and then let’s just say because This one’s a little political this sort Of thing we’re going to click president And then we’re going to go to videos and Then you can see this not my president Video right here I think this one will Work perfectly because honestly a lot of People are super torn on like the whole Political thing I’m not too political by Myself but looking at this we’re going To click download and once we’ve got This downloaded completely for free We’re gonna head back to our video Editor we’re gonna drag this into our Video editor and you can see we’ve got The audio that’s playing over our video We’ve got the background that brings Emotion out of people because bringing Emotion out of people is super duper Important for viral content whether or Not they agree with it or not doesn’t Matter because we’re here to make the Bag we’re here to start the side also And we’re here to make money and the Next thing we want to do is we want to Add some music and sound effects to our Video to make the video just that more Engaging because if we get one percent Better retention on our video that helps The algorithm to say hey this is a great Video we’re going to push this out to Millions of people so for this I Actually recommend the sponsor of this

Video epidemic sound now epidemic sound Is a music and sound effect platform That you can use to make your content Better than it ever is I use it myself Personally for every single one of my Projects all of my YouTube Creator Friends use it for their projects all my Short form Creator friends use it for Their projects really epidemic sound is Just such an amazing platform and you Can get a free one month trial by Clicking my link down in the description Below of epidemic sound and on top of That you can also get half off an annual Personal plan for first-time users by Using that link as well everything’s Going to be linked down in the Description below but epidemic’s so cool Because they have this discover feature Which shows kind of a recommendations For what sort of music I might actually Like in my videos going forward based Off of previous things I’ve done loaded Which I really love about this platform More of sort of the things that I like Featured playlists and themes they’ve Got this browse section where you can Browse by genres moods themes albums Different sound effects because you guys Don’t even know when you’re watching Videos that these sound effects happen But they keep you just that more engaged In the content and that’s the entire Point is to make sure that we can make

The very best content possible but what I really like about epidemic is their Search functionality so as you can see I’ve searched for all sorts of different Things as far as music and sound effects Go on my whole search history here so Let’s go ahead and search for a click Because I think we’re gonna use a click For this video and then we’re actually Just going to go and click sound effects I really like switch click one so I’m Going to go ahead and just click this Little arrow download this so we can use This in our new short form project and With that downloaded we’re going to go Ahead and we’re going to find some music For our actual video and I’m just going To go ahead and grab sort of a dramatic Sound and we’re going to add that to our Video because why not stir up the drama Stir up pots throw up the emotion Because that’s what’s going to get us Millions of views so with our music and Our sound effect downloaded we’re Actually just going to head back to our Video editor I’m going to drag our new Sound effects and music onto the Timeline here which is super easy as you Can see it pops up here on the very Bottom of our whole music and our sound Effect action so you can see our little Sound effects right here this little Blue bar so here’s our audio from what The robot voice is reading off the

Script and then we’re going to take this Music and we’re actually going to drag This to the end of the audio file just To show you how I did it and then Typically I’ll show you right now the Audio is going to be a little bit loud From the start so we’re actually going To go ahead and we’re going to lower This down to like seven ish percent we Are going to fade in the sound and then We’re going to take the switch click Sound effect and we’re going to put it At the very end of that first piece of Text and then we’re going to go ahead And we’re going to add another piece of Text so we’re gonna head back to the Reddit thread we’re gonna go and we’re Going to copy the very first first Comment the one with the most upvotes That’s the one you always want to take So it’s the one that got the most Reactions on the thread so we’re going To copy this we’re gonna head back to Our free text-to-speech which Everything’s linked down in the Description below we’re gonna reload This we’re gonna paste this text in here And then we’re gonna go take our voice Which was Jack Bailey from the US as you Can see it’s gonna play for us real Quick we’re gonna click the whole Download MP3 option and then what we’re Going to do is we’re gonna head back Into veed we’ve got our downloaded MP3

And we’ve got part two of our video Ready to go it’s now in here and then we Are going to actually add this to start To the next thing so we did the whole Switch click I think the sound effects Really good because it keeps people Engaged it helps their subconscious know From a marketing psychology perspective That we’re changing gears to someone Else you could even change the voice it Doesn’t really matter but the thing is That we’ve got the audio so we’ve got The background music to make the whole Thing epic and emotional because we Really want to get people as emotionally Charged as we can in the 30 to 60 Seconds that we’re going to arrange These videos in length from and you Typically want to put about two to three Different Reddit responses per the two To three best and that’s going to be Your video so we’ve got the different Sound effects so we’re just gonna go Ahead and play this real quick limiting The age of the president to 65 be Something you’d support Why or why not anyway you cut it a Shitty so you see I had the whole sound Effect there we had the music that kind Of went with the background you could Add another background music that kind Of goes with the answer if you want to Keep going with the same song that’s up To you it’s up to the Creator’s choice

But we’re still missing something so all We have is this background but we need Something to keep the viewer engaged so What we need to do from there is we Actually want to head back to the Reddit Page and we want to take a little Screenshot which would be Windows shift S if you’re on the Windows computer like Me and then you’re gonna head over and You’re just going to take this different Screenshot and then you’re gonna save it To your computer and once you have that Saved to your computer to make this Content just a little bit better then You’re gonna go over and then you’re Going to drag this onto the timeline as Well and you can adjust the size but me Personally I like to put it up here so We’ve got the first one and then we’re Going to grab the second one and we are Also going to drag that on here when it Makes the switch so as you can see as Soon as it switches over you can hear The click sound effect so we are going To rock this and it will pop up right Here we could stack these to make sure That This one actually ranges for the entire Video so the question so as you can see We’ve got our cute little timeline here It’s getting actually pretty big so We’ve got the background that brings the Motion we’ve got the music that brings Emotion we’ve got the sound effects and

The music that amp up that emotion to Increase our potentiality for virality And we can adjust where we put these Answers on the screen how many we want On the screen if we want this specific The answer to the question the first one To disappear when the next one comes we Can totally do that it’s really Plug and Play it’s super duper simple so now that We have a good understanding of how to Actually make these videos really quick And efficiently we’re going to show you Guys how to actually make money from Them but the important thing is that you Guys spend a lot of time on this content This is going to be probably the most Important thing that you do is get this Content so re-watch this part to make Sure that you can make content just as Good if not better than the other people On the Reddit and we’re gonna head over And you can see they have different Links in these descriptions like I Mentioned every single one before right Here this is a trading program so if we Clicked on this this would be an Affiliate link so somebody actually Bought this trading program from this Bio which plenty of people are doing I Can guarantee you then the person who Actually runs this Reddit account gets a Kickback and the cool thing is we could Post this on all the different platforms And just kind of triple double dip on

Our money so to make money I recommend You use a website such as share sale so Say we had a politically charged Niche Account you could choose any Niche you Want I recommend something that you’re Highly interested in so you don’t get Bored of making content because you’re Going to want to make like a video One Video every day for like a month to make Sure that the algorithms on all these Platforms know who to push your content To and that way you can start building An audience because when you’re making Content consistency is the most Important thing so we’ve got share sale And basically this is a website with 21 000 different Merchants 241 000 Different Publishers and they’ve made Over 194 million dollars in sales for The people that are actually just Pushing their affiliate programs so on Websites like this they’ll have like Courses and guides so maybe they’ll have Like politics for beginners or they’ll Have like how to be the best political Candidate 101 different sort of things Like this if we want to go with the Political Niche and you can actually Sell these courses and a lot of them Have monthly recurring subscriptions Which will bring you passive income Every month as long as someone keeps That subscription so say they buy a Course that they actually really enjoy

And that course gets updated frequently By whoever created that course then You’re going to get a kickback as long As they hold on to that much like a Netflix subscription and the same Website like ClickBank does the same Thing I’ll also have that one linked Down in the description below but this Isn’t the only way we make money Affiliate marketing through these sort Of apps like this are actually really Really key and really beneficial and That’s why I suggest that you Niche down And you don’t do like a generic Reddit Answer page like this one here because Websites like this have a lot harder Time actually converting customers and That’s why you see with the Reddit Stories if we look at their link tree Here they don’t actually have anything For sale because their audience is so Broad so what are they going to sell to Like a super broad audience I don’t know But if your audience is Niche down much Like the one on this YouTube channel Then people are more likely to actually Purchase from you now if you wanted to Sell a bunch of different courses then You’d want to use a website such as Linktree just like they have on these Reddit pages and I have a link tree for Me myself on my YouTube channel you can See they give you all sorts of different Analytics I don’t really use my link

Tree too much these days for this Specific thing I use it on my short form Channels but if we add a new link then We could just add it and then we could Put whatever the title we want is so Like if we wanted to do like Drop Shipping course like if I were to sell You guys like a Drop Shipping affiliate Link then I would put in like the Affiliate link here and then you could See how many people actually clicked on That course and then you can kind of Keep your top contenders and kind of Narrow it down to different products so Like if we had two different political Courses then we could choose which Political course is the best and then Add a different one to do some more user And Market testing which is really Important because the entire thing with The short form content is that people Are scrolling Tick Tock for hours and Hours and hours and we’re sitting here Like okay how do we actually break into Their psyche from a marketing psychology Point and make ourselves some passive Income that comes in every month with Minimal effort the other way that these Accounts actually make money is through Ads and I’ve watched some of the ads on This profile because I went through and I really actually investigated all these Accounts but you can see there’s an ad Right here and I want to make sure I

Left at least one on the screen because These ads will actually bring you Thousands of dollars per month and That’s why having the contact Information like they have on this Account is really important because Advertisers when you get your page to Even a decent size will start reaching Out to you with thousands of dollars of Offers and they will pay you to make Content about their sort of brand on Your Reddit so say I wanted to pump A Drop Shipping course and Shopify reached Out to me Shopify reaches out there like We want you to pump our product okay I’ll make you an ad so they’ll pay you Money up front for that ad to get in Front of that targeted group of people Which actually saves them money and Makes you money and then every single Person actually signs up for Shopify Then guess what you’re gonna get a Kickback as well with a lot of these Sort of deals so be careful which deals You take because they will start rolling In the important thing is to put 30 days Of extreme consistency once a day at Least into these accounts to start Growing them that way the algorithms Know who to push your content to and how To actually generate you more views Because the longer that you actually Keep people on their platform the more Likely they are to push out your content

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About the Author: Darlene Thompson

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