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You can not only use that type of business to make money with ad revenue and brand deals, but you can also promote anything of your choice.
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Any earnings or income representations are aspirational statements only of your earning potential. There is no guarantee that you’ll receive the same results or any results at all for that matter. Your results will depend entirely on your work ethic, experience, etc… As always there is a risk with any business. I am not a financial advisor and nothing in this video should be considered legal advice
In this video I want to show you how to Use this one single app if you get data From literally anywhere in the world It’s absolutely free to sign up to this App I mean the the name of this app Contains free so you don’t actually have To invest a single dollar but I’m not Gonna tell you to just download the app And use it as all the other people Because that’s not gonna make you that Much money I want to show you three Different ways that no one knows about That you can actually make a lot more Money with this app because if you just Download this app and you do what Everyone else is doing on the app you’re Probably not going to make that much Money it’s not gonna be worth your time So that’s why you have to pay close Attention to this video and stay with me All the way until the end of this video So I can show you three different ways That you can make money with this app Just a quick disclaimer here if someone Replies to your comment like this Claiming they’re me just know it’s a Scam I don’t have WhatsApp I don’t have Telegram and I would never tax you for Money you can track their accounts they Don’t have a verification badge they Don’t have the same subscribers or Videos as me and they will just scam you My only Instagram account is at I’m Dave Nick people are just creating fake
Accounts reposting my photos and dming You asking for money you can check their Posts the engagement is fake their new Accounts and just know that I would Never text you like that so just stay Safe and report them all so the app that We will be using is called the free cash And this is freecash.com I’m going to be Using the desktop version but you can of Course use this on your smartphone Device so there’s a lot of different Ways to make money with this app but There’s one particular option that will Be leveraging in one particular setting That we’ll be leveraging from free cash But I want to show you that people are Making thousands of dollars with this App by completing surveys offers there’s A lot of different things that you can Do this they even have a leaderboard Where they give 500 every single day to Someone who is like at the top of the Leaderboard so they’re like really Competitive pushing you to make more Money and more money because you see all The other guys in the leaderboard making Money and you’re like Um well I want to be the first one or I Want to be the second one or I want to Be the top 10 ones and in order to be in The top 10 then you actually have to put In more work and you need to complete More offers more surveys make more money So they’re pushing you to make more
Money which is really really good but That’s not gonna make you a lot like you Can maybe make 10 20 30 50 sometimes you Can even get to a hundred dollars in a Single day but it cannot probably Replace your full-time job depending on Where you’re living but it’s probably Not going to be any life-changing income The way that you earn passive income the Way that you make money by pretty much Even while sleeping with this app is by Signing up and then clicking on this dot Right over here clicking this arrow and Then click on Affiliates because if you Promote this this app to other people You can copy your referral link which is Going to be this link right here you’re Gonna make five percent of whatever they Make on the platform which may not seem Like a lot but it can quickly add up Because if someone makes a thousand Dollars on this app you’re gonna make Fifty dollars just from that one single Person without actually selling anything And without making them pay for anything They can make money by completing Service offers and stuff like that and You make five percent of whatever they Make if you refer a thousand people who All might a thousand dollars on this app You’re gonna make fifty thousand dollars In referral earnings without actually Selling anything so you just want to Copy your link which is gonna be this
Link right over here and there’s gonna Be three different ways that you can Promote this app and make passive income The very first one the very first option For you is to go over to canva.com canva Is a design tool with a lot of different Templates that you can choose from and Then you can search for Pinterest pin And you can create a design that Promotes this app that can literally be Anything of your choice you can just Select one of these templates I’m gonna Go with this one because it has a laptop On the screen but you can customize all Of this like you can change this photo By going over to the photos section on The left side you can add money you can Add anything you prefer so I’m gonna add Money like this for example and I’m Gonna type in a free app and I’m gonna Type in here earn fifty dollars a day With this free app with this free app I’m basically creating a promo design That I’m gonna be sharing with other People on one particular our platform And then I’m gonna type in here click The link below for a free instant access And then I’m going to remove the domain From below it’s gonna look something Like this just create a promo design in Canva click on share click on download And download this as a PNG file download If your computer to your device if You’re using a smartphone device you can
Also find canva and then you can just You do it on your smartphone device and Then you want to go over to Pinterest There is a Pinterest app that you can Download onto your smartphone device Whether that’s iOS or Android it’s Available for both create an account and Then go to create a pin and then you’ll Just drag and drop the design that you Made with canva you will create a call To reaction here there will be a free App for example you can type in free app Pays 50 a day and then you can write a Brand description about this app and Then most importantly you will paste Your Free Cash Link over here and you’re Gonna be able to publish that I have a Make money online board you can create Your own board that talks about making Money online and stuff like that and Then you can publish that on Pinterest Way through the link included so now More people are going to see this on Pinterest they’re gonna click on the Link they’re gonna be taken to free cash If they sign up and start making money You will start making passive income now The second way that you can promote free Cash and earn passive income from your Smartphone device is to go over to DeviantArt debit art is a platform where Arthas share their digital art and you Know they’re very creative they’re Putting a lot of effort in these designs
And in this art but they’re not making That much money you know it’s actually Very very very famous that artists don’t Make that much money which is pretty sad Because they were putting a lot of Effort it’s something they are Passionate about but they don’t make That much money so what you can do is You can just find people that are Posting their designs their art on here And you can open up their their Usernames you can open up their accounts You can see this account over here and Then you can click on chat and you can Start chatting with those people and you Can tell them that they can use free Cash and send them your link you can Tell them they can use free cash to make Some money to make some extra money on The side so you’re basically supporting Artists over here you’re in their free Time whatever they’re doing whether they Are standing in line whether they’re out With friends they could just pull up Their phone they can make money with a Free cash and you can just tell them That they’re gonna make some money off Of that and tell them that this is a Referral link that you’re also going to Benefit from it so you know you just Basically build kind of like a Relationship or a friendship with them Friendship with them and you know Incentivize them to make more money and
Free cash because the more money they Make the more money you will make in Return the more passive income you will Earn so that’s the second way that you Can promote it and the third option the Third way that you can promote free cash Is to also create a promo design on Canva and then simply find some Instagram pages to talk about business They talk about making money online Motivation like there’s there’s no Shortage of those pages there’s a lot of Them out there and then you can just Reach out to them you can message them And you can ask them for a shout out Price and in most of the cases the Shutout price will be anywhere from Twenty dollars to forty fifty sixty Dollars so if you can find some pages That have like a hundred thousand Followers and they charge 20 you can pay Them 20 box to share your link on their Page and obviously if they have like a Hundred thousand followers if a thousand Of them signs up through your link and They start making money you’re gonna Make your money back you’re gonna make Your 20 bucks and pay back because as we Talked about if a thousand of them make A thousand dollars on the platform You’ll make fifty thousand dollars now Obviously that’s not gonna happen or at Night it’s not gonna happen right away But if those 1 000 people even just all
Make a hundred dollars each there’s Gonna be five dollars per person Multiplied with a thousand people that’s Five thousand dollars in revenue from That now obviously that’s there’s not Not guarantee that all of them will sign Up and start making money right away and That all of them will make a hundred Dollars each but it can actually quickly Add up and you can do the math for Yourself and test out different pages Test out different call to actions test Out different designs so those will be Three different ways that you can Promote a free cash from your smartphone Device to make some passive income Without actively completing those Surveys and offers yourself but by Setting up those traffic sources that to Get you sign ups and then you earn Passive income when other people make Money so I really hope you’ve learned Something new in this video I really Hope you got some value out of this Tutorial and if you did make sure to Drop a like down below and I will see You in some of the next ones