💰 From 0 to $30,000/month on YouTube ➡️
Now you will learn how to make money on YouTube without making videos yourself.
By the end of this video, you’ve learned the whole money-making process and you’ll have lots of free tools to make it happen.
Personally, I think it’s easier to make money on YouTube just by recording videos. Then you don’t need to find music, video clips and other things.
You have the freedom to choose which method you want to use to earn money on YouTube. Both method can be ultra-profitable as you’ll learn in my videos.
I help people to make money on YouTube with different methods and I’m 100% sure that you can make a life-changing income on YouTube too!
If you have any questions on how to make money on YouTube without creating videos yourself, ask me in the comments below and I’ll be happy to help you further.
💰 See below how I make over $30,000/MONTH on YouTube
VidIQ: 1 Month for FREE below👇
TubeBuddy: First Month for FREE below 👇
My name is Roope Kiuttu and you probably know me already from my popular YouTube channel Learn To Make Honest Money Online.
I created this channel Tube Journey To Freedom to help you to:
– Make Money on YouTube
– Monetize Your YouTube Channel
– Grow on YouTube
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The information on this YouTube channel and the resources available are for educational and informational purposes only. The content of this YouTube is not an investment advice, financial advice, trading advice or any other advice or recommendation.
AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE: This video and description may contain affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I may receive a small commission. I won’t put anything here that I haven’t verified and/or personally used myself.
Every month from YouTube ads this Channel is earning 1726 thousand dollars from YouTube ads They are creating this simple Nature Music videos as you can see right here They put simple nature video clips and Then they add some relaxing music and by The end of this video you will know the Whole process how you can create these Videos to make money like these channels Are making of course your income may be Higher smaller or the same as distance But I show you the process how they do It first I will give you an overview of The money making process on YouTube and Then we will go through step by step Different tools that you can use to Start making money right now the money Making process on YouTube is really Really simple step number one you click Here and you upload videos step number Two you start earning money from YouTube As as these people are making and and Step number three you can earn three to Ten times more money if you simply leave Some links in the description also known As affiliate marketing so copy paste Links in the description and you earn Money from that on top of that you can Earn money from YouTube membership so You add this join button on your channel And people can give you money right There then you can also have sponsored Videos so companies will pay you money
For mentioning their products and if you Want you can also create modes so you Can create t-shirts or Caps or mugs or Different kind of things that people can Buy and you can earn even more so what Do you need to create this type of Simple videos there are three simple Things first one is the video part so as You can see these are simple nature Videos like a video clips and you don’t Need to go there to the nature and Record this you don’t need to have a Camera you don’t need any of that stuff Because I will show you websites where You can get these clips for free the Second thing is to add an audio so these Videos usually have some sort of music If you tap on YouTube Nature music you Will find many different natural Relaxing music there so video okay I Will show you the free websites audio I Will show you the free ones and then Also the editing software so you can Come by the video and audio in the same Way like I have put here you can simply See the audio here if you want to put it Lower you can do this if you want it Higher you can do this so that’s how Easy it is and you copy pasting so you Click your copy and then you can paste It you can see here and it’s so easy to Do this editing if you use a free Software especially with these types of Videos that are earning tens of
Thousands of dollars every single month Because this video Simply use this Nature images so you can simply copy Paste you don’t need to do any advanced Stuff that you see on our Channel Because we have a video editor who adds All these effects and all this kind of Advanced things if you want to make Simple money on YouTube then you can Simply put this now natural music videos Alright let’s go through the process First the video where do you get them I Will show you a couple of different Options the resource library that we are Using is called elvato elements it said Unlimited creative subscription let me Show you how to find some nature clips Here so we will put here videos you can See stock video and then we put here for Example nature and here you can see all These type of videos let’s have a look At an example you can see this one right Here when I download then it will remove This envato logo here and you can see That it’s really similar as this YouTube Channels are using you can see this kind Of nature stuff let me give you another Example here is nature Sweden waterfall Nature like so this one right here you Can see it’s like a simple waterfall Video but then we have also white clouds Alpine mountain you can see all kinds of Videos and some of them are even 4K so You can see it’s really high quality and
You can simply choose the best ones for You you can even filter the frame rate You can even filter with the resolution So you can only use 2K and 4K if that’s What you want so you can see there are More than half a million different Footage but envato elements is a page Tool so if you want the free option then There is also one called pixels and this Is 100 free I have now searched nature Right here and you can see there are More than one hundred thousand photos And then I search here videos 46 000 Different videos and if I show you some Of these examples you will see that they Are really similar that these YouTube Videos you can see here 4S is really Simple videos and when you come right Here you can see waterfall pretty Similar nature stuff and then you can Start downloading this and then you can Put them into your video editing Software such as this one it makes this Show you this one right here you can Delete this and then you can start copy Pasting those videos into your editing Software then the next one is story Blocks and you can see they have also These types of nature videos let’s have A look here nature and you can see many Different videos here is for example Sunset you can see beautiful birds They’re flying in the sky and here are Some animals also if you want to create
Animal background and this kind of you Can see beautiful maybe this is from the Alps I would guess maybe Austria or Switzerland look something like that and Then you can see different kind of Nature videos so here you can get the Videos there are three different Resources right for you and then of Course there is so-called fair use which Means that you may use some video clips Also from other creators but that is a Little bit risky it’s more recommended To use this kind of libraries where they Are these Creative Commons so you are Allowed to use 400 sure these clips Alright so now you have the video the Next step is to get the audio and one of The best resources is of course YouTube Audio library because if YouTube Provides this it means that it’s Copyright free so you can use it for Free and they have a lot of beautiful Music here sometimes I actually listen This just for fun there is for example This pianist called August gun kit he Has this really beautiful music with Piano let me give you an example [Music] Okay there you go you can add this into Your videos and you can actually search Here according to different genres so You can choose for example classical Music and then you can search for Different mood let’s say inspirational
And romantic music and what else for Example a duration let’s say longer than Five minutes so it’s easier for you to Create those videos and start earning Money immediately you can see this one For example John F Kennedy I had this Interesting you can see 15 minutes if we Remove this mood you can see now there Are much much more and then you can sort According to this and you can see the Longest ones from Beethoven is actually More than 23 minutes so you can use that One track for your whole video and start Earning money this is probably the Safest option but then there are also Many other options as well you can type On YouTube copyright free music and then You’ll use these filters and you search For channels and then you will find here Because they actually hundreds and Hundreds of different channels that Provide copyright free music and you can Choose any of this and they usually have Some information on the bottom of the Videos in the description if I click Here more they explain what is the Information about the track and what Else the playlist and something else Sometimes you need to put in your Description like give credit to the Creator but sometimes you can just use The music without giving credits to Anybody it depends on the creator of Course what they have decided but for
That reason I say that YouTube audio Library is probably the safest option Alright so now you have the video clips Then you have the audio how do you Combine those that is with the video Editing software and there’s a lot of Free software that you can use the free Software that I like to use to edit Videos is iMovie and the fact that it’s Free also means that it’s Ultra easy and Ultra simple you can simply copy and Paste you can see these clips really Easily let me show you if I add a couple Of them then you can zoom out and then You can drag and drop so it’s really Easy because it’s free and this you can Get for any Mac computer but there are Also beautiful software for any other Device for your phone or for your Microsoft computer or whatever device You are using for example hit film Express let me show you right here if You click this one it says free download And it’s also for Windows or Microsoft You can see and also for Mac so any Device you can create these free videos And start earning money and you can see Beautiful beautiful videos and if you Are using your phone for example when I Record my phone I use this screen Recorded X recorder and I’ve noticed That they have simple editing tools as Well more than 100 million people are Using this with an average rating of 4.8
Stars out of 5. so obviously you can Download free editing software to your Phone as well and if you are using Apple Phone simply go to Apple Play store and Then search for video editing software There or video recorder and then Download it for free and start creating These videos let me go through now the Whole process step by step so the first Step is to take those video clips for Example from any water story blocks or Pixels that’s the first step second step Is to add an audio for example from YouTube audio library and you add it Here on the editing software by dragging And dropping for example you can Download it and then you drag and drop It here on import media and then it’s Right there once you are done with the Video you will save it let me show you You will be able to export five and then You can save it with whatever you want Money making video or for example nature Beautiful music then you click here next To save it and here you can also choose The resolution and better quality I Recommend that one in order to have the Best quality available once you have Saved it you come to YouTube you click Right here you click here upload video Then you simply drag and drop your video Right here and it will start uploading And it will be ready on you YouTube the Next step is to add some of these
Thumbnails as you can see there are These small photos that people can see You can either use default thumbnails From the video that YouTube gives for You for free or you can use this free Software called canva.com and here you Can create your thumbnails by clicking Here YouTube thumbnail and you can see Here on the left hand side there are Hundreds and hundreds of different Templates that you can use as your Thumbnails once you have uploaded the Video to YouTube you want to add a title Targeting some keyword on YouTube that It will get ranked on top as you can see In my video sometimes on top of the YouTube search then you want to add the Description make sure that you include Your keyword at least two or three times There then also add the tags include Your keyword and related keywords there You can add the monetization right here So you can put YouTube ads you can tap All of these boxes to earn as much money As possible from YouTube ads then you Can leave links in the description to Earn money from that then you can click Here to add end screens so people watch Another one of your videos after Watching the first one increasing your Income then you can add cards to add Relevant resources and then I recommend That you click right here go for the Video and add also a P net comment right
Here so there you will probably want to Add some links so you can earn even more Money with your video once you have done All that you make sure that your video Is public and people can see it and then You start earning money automatically Now you might be asking rope do you use This strategy to make money on YouTube Yourself the answer is that I use even An easier way to make money on YouTube I Simply find the keywords that people are Searching on YouTube for example how to Make money online worldwide you can see Here that if I start typing something YouTube shows what people are searching For and I noticed that one of the Keywords that people were looking for Was how to make money online worldwide So then I created some videos targeting That keyword and you can see now they Are ranked here on the top once I have Found the keyword I plan my videos on a Free software called Google Docs Google Documents I type some notes there in Order to create the video then I click a Record button then I start moving my Mouth so I start talking once I am done Talking I post a video then if you want To edit that video you can also use this Free software or you can send a video to Some editor then you can simply come Right here you can upload the video and Then I start earning money automatically So that’s the process I use it’s easier
In my opinion because I don’t need to Spend time searching all these nature Clips and I don’t need to fight with the Huge competition that there is on YouTube with this kind of nature videos And I can also earn a lot of money from Links because with this nature and Relaxing music videos they earn money Mostly from YouTube ads but they don’t Earn so much money from links and that Means that their income potential is Much lower in the long term if if you Want to see more in detail how I Personally make money on YouTube and how I help other people to earn money as Well I want to invite you to join my Program called tube journey to Freedom Then I show you step by step how to Build a successful YouTube channel how To create successful videos Click by Click how to upload and optimize your Videos on YouTube tags descriptions Titles all this stuff how to analyze Your audience and how to monetize your Channel to earn money automatically and Also how to guarantee your long-term Success I will leave you a link in the Description where you can immediately Join my program tube journey to Freedom When you come right here you will see it Below my video I look forward to seeing You inside my program and I will be more Than happy to help you to start making Money on YouTube see you inside my
Program immediately