Now you’ll learn How Much Does YouTube Pay for 1000 views!
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In this video, you will learn 3 criteria that affect in your YouTube ad revenue. In addition, you will learn 3 cool tricks how you can increase your income on YouTube.
1. Location of your viewer
If your viewers are from the Western countries such as the United states, Canada, Australia or somewhere in Europe, you can earn a MUCH higher income from YouTube than when your viewers are from third-world countries such as Nigeria, Bangladesh, India, Philippines, etc.
Therefore, your ad revenue will most likely be much higher when you create content in English than in other languages.
In a nutshell: US / Europe pays a lot. Third-world countries pay very little.
2. How many ads do you add there?
The more ads you add into your videos, the more income you will most likely earn. If your video is less than 10 minutes, you can only add one ad at the beginning of your video but if your video is more than 10 minutes, you can add more ads.
Having more ads means also that YouTube will make more money which can affect positively in your rankings on YouTube.
That being said, you also need to keep in mind that adding a lot of ads, may affect viewers’ experience negatively so you shouldn’t probably add too many ads to your videos.
What to do: I add usually one ad every 4 minutes on my videos.
3. What type of content do you produce?
Advertisers are willing to pay more money depending on what kind of videos you create.
For example: Business-related videos pay 5x more than videoblogs on my channel.
If you are creating “general lifestyle” videos, you will most likely earn that much ad revenue.
But if your content is something related to business or topics where a lot of money is being made, you can expect to have a higher ad revenue.
How to make 50 times more money?
There are a couple of ways how you can quickly increase your income on YouTube. I know people who have over 100,000 subscribers that are not making as much money than those with less than 5,000 subscribers. It all depends on what you do with your videos.
My #1 recommended way to increase your income easily on YouTube is
1. Affiliate marketing
I have prepared for you a 9,000-word guide where I show you step-by-step how you can make money online with affiliate marketing.
With affiliate marketing you don’t need any own products because you can simply make money by leaving a link to someone else’s products.
2. Sponsored videos
Companies and brands are willing to pay you money for showing their products in your videos. Some YouTubers earn $10,000’s for just quickly mentioning the products so the potential is huge.
However, in order to do this, you’ll usually need to have some following so companies are willing to pay you. That’s why I recommend that you start with affiliate marketing.
3. Sell your own products
This is where you may potentially make the biggest profits.
However, if you are starting out, you may not have your own products or it may take a lot of time and money to create so it’s much cheaper to get started with affiliate marketing. Get a week free of Wealthy Affiliate (no credit card required). Click HERE.
I hope you have found these tips helpful and valuable.
– Roope “Make money on YouTube” Kiuttu
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My name is Roope Kiuttu and you probably know me already from my popular YouTube channel Learn To Make Honest Money Online.
I created this channel Tube Journey To Freedom to help you to:
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– Monetize Your YouTube Channel
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The information on this YouTube channel and the resources available are for educational and informational purposes only. The content of this YouTube is not an investment advice, financial advice, trading advice or any other advice or recommendation.
AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE: This video and description may contain affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I may receive a small commission. I won’t put anything here that I haven’t verified and/or personally used myself.
In this video i’m going to show you Exactly how much does youtube pay for 1000 views and i’m going to give you Three ways how you can increase your Income and then also two bonus ways how You can increase your income on youtube If you like this video remember to smash Up the like button and also subscribe to My channel and click the notification Bell if you want to learn to make a live Chance income online listed for you here Different criteria that affects in your Income and the first one is location and With this one i mean the location of Your viewers not your own location so if Your viewers are from the united states You will earn more if they are from Third world countries like philippines Or nigeria or ghana these kind of things Then you will earn less and let me show You some example so here you can see for Example this link posting guide video That i have on my channel it has around 3200 views and i have already earned our Estimated 180 dollars so approximately 60 dollars For 1000 views which is quite a lot and You couldn’t earn this kind of income if You would be creating videos for people Who are living in the third world Countries let me show you an example Here you can see my plan pro matrix Video it has more than 47 000 views so If you compare this one it has five
Times more views actually 15 times more Views but the revenue is much lower so It’s 80 dollars only for 47 000 views And here you can see that there were Only 3 thousand views and one had eight Dollars and here you can see the reason So when i click here audience on this Video most viewers are from the united States on the other hand on this video The most viewers are from the Philippines so this really illustrates You the difference how huge the Difference can be in different countries If your viewers are from the u.s you may Earn even up to 50 dollars for 1000 Views however i would say that that is Not typical typical would be let’s say Five dollars for one thousand views from The philippines nigeria these kind of Countries it’s maybe sometimes only 20 Cents per 1000 views or something like That the second criteria is how many ads Do you add there and usually you can add One ad in the beginning and then if your Video is longer than 10 minutes you can Add several ads so two or three ads for Example i usually add one ad every four Minutes so for example if my video is 12 Minutes long i add one at the beginning Of course then after four minutes and Then after eight minutes and one very Important thing that people often don’t Think about when they create youtube Videos that this can also affect in your
Ad revenue is that what kind of content Do you create what what kind of needs Are you working in so let me give you an Example here i’ve written that business Related videos they pay five times more Than video blogs in my own experience so Let me show you on my channel i do a lot Of business reviews so affiliate Marketing guides or i had also created Some cryptocurrency reviews and Educational videos and those usually pay Like five to six dollars for 1000 views But then video blogs let me show you one Example here i have My first video blog actually it got Around 1200 views and it only paid Around 1.4 dollars and this is pretty Typical i have uploaded many video blogs And i’ve noticed that often it’s very Typical like one dollar for 1 000 views Now you can probably quickly calculate That if you want to make living with Youtube ads you will need to have Millions and millions and millions of Views so for most people it’s not so Easy and that’s why i have listed for You Three ways how you can increase your Income by doing other things in addition To youtube ads because for example Myself i see youtube ads as a little Extra small extra that you get for your Videos it’s not your main income or Income source it’s some extra that you
Get but the main income that you can Earn is by doing one of these three Things that i will show you so first of All is doing sponsored videos sponsored Videos means that somebody let’s say Some company pays you for example 100 For creating a video about their product On your youtube channel If you have a big youtube channel they May pay even one thousand dollars so if You have a huge channel they may pay Even ten thousand dollars for solving Their product in your video so sponsored Videos usually pay much much more than Youtube ads itself the second option That i highly recommend for you is Affiliate marketing i’m going to explain You in a moment how you can get started I’ve also left you a link in the Description where you can get started Immediately but with affiliate marketing Installed in a nutshell you can leave a Link into your description or your Comments in a moment i will explain how Affiliate marketing works and how you Can make more money by doing it in your Youtube channel the third way is of Course selling your own products so you Need to create a product and sell it to Other people the challenge with this is For beginners that you most likely don’t Have your own products or let’s say it Will take so much time to create the Product and arrange support and
Everything so it may be a little bit Challenging so i would say that if you Are starting out affiliate marketing is The fastest way to grow your income with A youtube channel and i want to mention That by using these strategies you can Really skyrocket your income because i Have met people who have a youtube Channel with only 1 000 subscribers and They may Make much more money with that small Youtube channel than those who are 100 000 subscribers so it’s really how you Use your audience how you use your Channel that defines how much money you Will make with your channel so let me Give you some examples so for example on My channel i promoted my email marketing Course and even though i wouldn’t get Much views if i get even one sale you Can see it’s already 400 For one sale so the potential is much Higher if i would want to earn uh 400 Dollars with youtube ads it would Require probably Tens of thousands of views a lot of use The second way is affiliate marketing so Let me now show you how you can get Started here on my youtube channel i Have published a video called 12 highest paying affiliate programs With requiring commissions up to ten Thousand dollar per sale and here i Explain 12 different opportunities how
You can make money with affiliate Marketing in a nutshell the process Works like this you sign up to affiliate Program you get their affiliate link Then you’ll create a video and then you Leave that link in the description That’s how simple it is and basically Almost every big company in the world Has an affiliate program the most Popular affiliate program is amazon so Usually when you go you on youtube and Search for videos for example headphone Review so let’s say laptop reviews so Smartphone reviews whatever you always See that those people leave their link In the description and it’s usually on Amazon so when somebody clicks that link And goes to amazon the person who Created that video he will earn a Commission and let’s say if he gets for Example 10 000 views and let’s say if One percent of them so 100 of them goes And buys something and let’s say he Earns let’s say 50 dollars per commission for one sale He earns five thousand dollars of course That’s as for example you can play with The numbers by yourself but you get the Idea with affiliate marketing the Earning potential is much higher and you Can do the both at the same time you can Earn money from youtube ads and you can Also do affiliate marketing and my Recommendation for you is always that do
Not just rely on youtube ads because It’s not going to pay you so much as i Showed you as i explained you youtube Ads pays you some money but if you want To make a living you would need to have Millions and millions and millions of You much easier way is to monetize your Videos by using affiliate marketing or If you already have your own products Then promote your own products if you Enjoyed this video and found it valuable Remember to smash the like button and Remember to subscribe to my youtube Channel below so you will never miss out Any new video and you will learn other Ways to make money online thank you very Much for watching and we will see you in The next one a wonderful and successful Day