Get Paid +$100 EACH DAY From Amazon & Book Bolt | (Make Money Online 2022)

Get Paid +$100 EACH DAY From Amazon & Book Bolt | (Make Money Online 2022)
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In this video tutorial, I teach you how to make hundreds everyday from Amazon + Book Bolt | (Make Money Online 2022). Amazon KDP and Low Content Books are about to take the world by storm. It’s one of the easiest online side hustles that I’ve run across for beginners or anyone in the world. The best part is, it’s really fast and you can do it without investment.

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This is what’s called a low content book And these sort of books generate people Tens of thousands of dollars per month Completely and utterly passively through Amazon KDP completely and utterly online It is the best business or side hustle To start up completely online from Anywhere in the world at any age all you Need to do is follow the steps that I’m Going to show you in this video and the Best thing about this entire thing is That you can have this up and running to Have a complete and utter brand new Passive income Source in less than one Hour now you’re probably wondering what Sort of books we’re going to be selling On Amazon KDP besides the Sketchbook I Showed you right in the beginning of This video and as you can see we’ve got Coloring books and as you can see there Are over 2 000 reviews on just this one Anxiety Relief coloring book and there Are almost 6 000 on this amazing Patterns coloring book and you could Also sell journals you could sell Sketchbooks like I showed you and you Could even sell planners but that isn’t Even all of the sort of books that we’re Going to be creating in just mere Minutes and I’m going to show you how to Do everything step by step it’s really Really cool and really just a great Business idea so let’s get right into That now at this point you’re probably

Wondering what is Amazon KDP why are we Selling books on Amazon KDP well Amazon KDP is actually Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing and as you can see you could Self-publish ebooks and paperbacks for Free with Kindle Direct publishing and Reach millions of readers on Amazon so The cool thing is you’re going to show Up in the search results Amazon’s doing All the marketing of the products the Books that you’re creating for you and You kind of just get to profit you just Got to create the designs upload them And Amazon will take care of all of the Fulfillment for you so this right here Is the best product to actually create These sort of books it’s called book Bolt and book bolt actually helps you to Find keywords that people are searching Into Amazon so that way you can sell These books that you create on the book Bolt platform with little to no Experience whatsoever now bookbolt is Actually a keyword tool as well so Basically you take the keywords that People are typing in just like I’ve Shown you in all my other videos with Some of these other products that find Keywords and then you’re actually going To create books that meet this search Criteria so that way you can make sales And that’s because bookbull is giving You all of the information and the Platform to actually create these books

And sell them on Amazon KDP it’s an All-in-one experience and I definitely Wouldn’t miss out on this if I were you So basically you can drag and drop cover And interior designs and create unique Books in minutes without prior design Experience because they have built-in Templates just like many of these online Sort of graphic design things except This is specifically for creating these Sort of books which we are going to be Selling and generating passive income Month by month by month from so as you Can see with book bolt we get a product Database and a trend Hunter and they Have over 5 million titles that you can Find emerging Trends in the industry Including hidden niches if you want to Kind of create books around that Specific Niche and dominate that Niche And be the number one seller in that Niche which is actually really cool They’ve got the keyword research tool And it’s absolutely phenomenal so Basically allows you to look at Amazon’s Real-time search results and the search Volume so that way you can actually see How much of specific books are being Bought and how many people are searching For those sort of books and also it’ll Help you pick the correct categories and The back end keywords and for those of You who don’t know a back-end keyword is When somebody is typing something on

Amazon and the search results pop up on The screen there’s a whole SEO or search Engine optimization that goes into all Of this but bookbolt takes care of this For us by really helping us to make this Really super duper simple so that way we Can get out there and dominate with no Experience so their Studio actually has A cover creator an interior designer for Some of the Interior Design stuff not Really so much the sketchbooks but like The coloring books and stuff like that The drag and drop editor which makes it Super simple to create these things Complete customization of your book and Over twelve hundred free fonts which is A ton of fonts and they’ve also got one Million royalty free images so let’s say You’ve got a coloring book and you want To put some images for people to color On well they’ve got over 1 million Royalty-free images for you to use in Your book so that way you don’t get sued Because that’s probably like the worst Case scenario of like any interaction of The entire internet as they get sued but There’s more than one million Royalty-free images that you can use Actually in your books so that way People can actually sell these books and Make money from them they’ve also got Different patterns and scalable designs And filters and they’ve got a whole Bunch of other stuff that we’re going to

Cover deeper in this video so before we Go any further I want to tell you guys About the sweet sweet hookup I got I got In contact with book bolt got us 20 off So we can get started on this brand new Business or side hustle you just got to Use the code Jake which will be down in The description below because typically This is about ten dollars per month or Twenty dollars per month depending on Which plan you choose you can also get a Three day free trial by signing up for Any of these you can cancel this at any Time all you need to do is register but Make sure when you purchase this you use My 20 off discount code because you guys Can start this business for literally Less than ten dollars per month or even Do it for three days and if you don’t Like it then cancel your subscription so Once you register for book bolt and you Log in the first thing you’re gonna see Here is this tutorial screen and they’ve Got step-by-step tutorials that they Made specifically for you to teach you Exactly how to use the book bolt Platform as you can see they’ve got them On product search seller search they’ve Got them on cloud book scout favorites Keywords KDP categories pretty much Anything you can think of just watch all Of these videos if you don’t think that You got enough value out of this video Or you just want to go a little bit

Deeper into the topic because this Tutorials that they’ve set up for all of Us are absolutely s-tier they’re amazing Tutorials and on top of those free Training videos they actually have a Free live training every Thursday with The founder of book bolt it’s included In your membership and it’s free to Attend you’re gonna get tons of value And you can get every single thing that You want answered done in that live Stream so the key to actually selling Book books on Amazon is to go over this Cloud feature here and you can see here That we can search by the top 100 best Sellers in any category that we choose So if we wanted to create a journal for Instance then we would be able to look At the top 100 best sellers because it’s Really important to note that we’re not Going to create the content that we want To create we’re not going to create the Books that we want to create we’re going To create the books that people are Looking for so that way we can make Sales because if they’re not looking for Those they’re not going to find them so For this example in particular I’m Actually going to adjust the price down To about 50 bucks because that was what I saw in my research you can also adjust The top 100 top 200 300 we’ll do with The top 200 best sellers and we’ll click Search so once you click search your

Results will populate here and as you Can see you can see we’ve got this Motivational swear words coloring book We’ve got this handbook for the recently Deceased we’ve got another coloring book And these are in the journal category so As you can see right here you can look At the reviews you can look when they Were published okay and you can see Exactly how many monthly sales these Products actually have which you can see This one is 800 this one’s 733 this One’s got 669 but the important thing to Note here is you look at the price so You could see the price for something Like this is only five dollars per book But if you’re selling hundreds of copies Per month of different books all of this Adds up because you get a sweet sweet Kickback of up to 70 from Amazon KDP but If you want to go one step further I Highly recommend that you click on these Little drop downs here and as you can See this is the results data so it’s Going to basically aggregate all this Data for you to access really easily and You can see after clicking on this Button we get all of this data that’s Aggregated to us basically the Parameters that I put in and it’s Basically an average of all this data That’s put forward to us but the Important thing to notice is the average Price you can see the average price of a

Book in the journal category is actually Eight dollars and 84 cents for the top 200 best sellers highly don’t recommend Pricing your item to some extraordinary Amount of money like this 35 dollars and Sixty cents or the one dollar and forty Three cents because we’re not gonna make Any money in the dollar and 43 cents so The average price Keeps Us competitive We can price it a little bit lower we Can price it just a little bit higher or We could price it right on the dot and Make it just right you basically want to Look at the competitors for the sort of Books that you’re creating and create Something of a similar or greater value So heading back down to these trending And top selling books right here we can See there’s a pattern between these We’ve got the sort of the trippy on both Sides here we’ve got like the trippy Flowers on the left trippy flowers on The right and this one I’m sort of going To ignore because these are both Coloring books and I think we’re Actually going to create a coloring book I’m going to show you guys how to create Coloring books so that way you can make Them yourselves and you can see we just Need to make this really fantastic and Insane cover get people’s attention in The search results much like a thumbnail On YouTube like how you ended up on this Video so if we get a really good sort of

Cover for our book people are more Likely to buy it because we caught their Attention and people those attention Spans are actually really short and Decreasing year by year by year so the More flashy the better title the better So make sure you use this tool to Actually find what you want to create Because that’s the most important thing It might take you some trial and error But that’s just business and side Hustles in general you can just create As many things as you want until you Find something that’s your gold mine and Then you use that gold mine to make more And more money so let’s just get into Making our brand new book bolt cover so We’re going to go over the top right Click our name then we’re going to go Down to the brand new book bolt Studio Which I highly recommend you check out Make sure you write your email and your Password and login now once you’re on This page you’re going to choose what Kind of book you want so like what sort Of project type that you’re really Interested in for me we’re gonna go with A paperback cover and interior and we’re Gonna name this adult coloring book so Type that in and then the standard size Is usually six by nine but there’s so Many other options you can choose from Especially for like a coloring book or a Sketchbook like I’m creating in this

Typically they can be a little bit Bigger but there’s also small ones so We’re just gonna go with the small one Change the page count to 40. I have no Bleed and bleed you have an option here And then you have all sorts of different Interior and paper types for me I’m just Going to go with the black and white Interior with the white paper keep it Nice clean and simple then click create Project so once you’re in here you’re Gonna have a whole bunch of information Displayed on the screen all of this is Very beneficial information for you to Read so that way you can understand Exactly what you’re doing when you’re Creating your book and let’s get started With the whole designing of this process So as you can see right above my head Here you have all sorts of different Menus that you can actually go through And I’m just going to show you guys Exactly how to go through all of these What they do how to use them so the First one is actually the drawing one so It basically just gives you a little Cursor so if you want to create your own Drawings or you have one of those Drawing tablets this is like the perfect Thing for you you can also press Ctrl Z If you make a mistake and it’ll get rid Of that for you you can also adjust the Size change the color of the pencil that You’re drawing with the next one is

Actually the shapes tab so this tab will Actually allow you to choose different Shapes such as maybe this X and just Click on it add it to your artwork here And you can actually make some really Cool intricate designs with these simple Shapes but that’s completely and utterly Up to you for how creative you want to Be with it the next one we have is Actually sort of like the heading and The text that you can add to this thing So if I just want to add some text I Would just click on that and it pops up On the screen and then you can just type Whatever you want inside of that text And the next one is where you would Actually upload files that you want to Use inside of your book bolt projects or You can use pixabay or unsplash which if You guys aren’t familiar these are Actually just royalty free stock image And video websites so this is pixabay Right here they have millions of images And basically book bolt takes their API Drags it into book bolt and allows you To access all of these royalty-free Images so that way you can monetize your Content and make money without having to Go out and get these images for yourself The next piece of our design menu is Actually the page templates and this is For the interior templates that you’re Going to be using inside of your book so For me I’m going to keep mine blank

Because mine’s like a Sketchbook Coloring book but they have all sorts of Different designs as you can see there’s A free version so like if you have not The maximum book bolt membership you can Use these the pro version gives you Access to a whole bunch of different Other templates like these mazes and Sort of these fill in the blank sort of Spelling things and then you can also Add like templates so if you don’t want To have to sort through all of these Templates all over again then you just Go to this like section and all your Likes will appear here so I’ll show you Exactly what I mean I’ll like this one And it populates in our like section Here the next section is actually the Make pattern section so to do that all You need is to click on like a shape Like this and then go click on the make Pattern and then it’ll say create Pattern with selected objects you click OK and then you can make different Patterns that actually look really cool On your book so if you want to expand That like I just did then you can just Ask a whole bunch of people out of your Life if you know what I mean I’m just Joking but you see what I mean here we Can make this as intricate as we want I Really like this feature that they just Recently added to book bolt it’s one of My new favorite features the next piece

Is actually the mask piece and it’s Really cool so you could actually just Create masks and this is probably not Super intuitive or useful for you unless You have graphic design experience but If you look up masks and you’ve done Stuff with Photoshop before then Basically it’s kind of like how I’ve had For this entire video how I have had a Green screen behind me in this video not This specific part right here but I’ve Had a green screen behind me that’s sort Of an example of a mask so if there’s Something that you want to kind of hide Or something that you want to emphasize Using a mask is a really a great play For you next is the distress tool so by Just clicking on this distress effect Then you can actually add that distress Effect to different objects within your Actual project here so you can see I can Even adjust the size of this distressed Pattern that I added to this x other Than that it would just be this regular X so you can actually make some really Cool and intricate designs this way and Lastly are the grid lines so grid lines Are actually really useful if you’re one Of those people who is very particular About making sure that you have the Exact perfect dimensions of your design So if you’re looking for something that Is sort of symbiotic with the Surroundings that’s the way to go me I

Like to do things by eye but this is Really useful because they’re really Stepping it up here when it came to the Book bolt Studio as opposed to the Designer that they previously had and it Gives you a whole bunch of different Intuitive features to make these covers And Interiors just that much better than They already were okay so let’s get Started with our swear words coloring Book as you can see I’ve got the Reference image right here which is one Of the pop regular results that popped Up in the beginning of this video so I’m Going to make something pretty similar To this because it’s shown that it’s a Proven design that works so we might as Well make something as close as we can So I’m going to go ahead and I’m going To grab a floral texture I don’t think I’ll be able to get one off of pixabay Or unsplash but let’s see so we’re going To type in Floral texture And it seems like some of these may work Maybe we could go with this one right Here I really like the pink on that so you Could see we just populated that in There and if we want to make this bigger We can extend this to both sides but I Don’t really recommend stretching it Sideways like I did so you actually just Want to click on it and then make it Bigger so it’s more proportionate to

What the actual photograph was I don’t Know these are just kind of like real Flowers but this is a good example here So we could see we could still see the Bleed lines and everything because They’re all here on the book for us Which is really useful so what I’m going To do next is I’m going to just start Adding in these designs and I’ll do a Little voice over and show you guys what I was doing along this process so you Can see here I started adding some Shapes and I looked at the reference Image because I want to make my design As competitive as I can with these other Designs then I went on Google I wasn’t Happy with the flowers I had and I kept Searching until I found this purple one That I actually really liked then I just One click apply that to book bolt little Quick upload and then I started looking At complementary colors actually to Purple which are orange yellow and green And so I wanted to make sure that the Colors that I did use were complementary Colors and that’s an important marketing Thing from like a psychology perspective For you guys to understand then I Started adding in different words and Different text layers and then I had it Over and I started to just name my book I came up with my little title and I Started to arrange these things exactly The way that I needed to arrange them in

And that’s the important thing is that You just really take your time to make These designs because you really only Got to make them one time per book but The better job you do the more likely Are to actually sell things so just make Sure that you work really really hard on Your design make sure that it matters And make sure that people actually like Your product because they’re going to be Leaving reviews for it on Amazon and Then I search for a different shape to Add under here so that way I could put Actually what my book was so I titled my Book my feelings matter then I added This sort of ribbon shape and I added a Whole stroke to it to kind kind of let It pop out a little bit from that purple Background so I named it adult swear Word coloring book I told the people Exactly what it was as soon as they Looked on it just kind of like a Thumbnail like when you clicked on my Video you knew exactly what to expect Just by looking at the thumbnail okay so Now that we got to cover the book done I’m not gonna do the back cover but you Could see my feelings matter adult swear Word coloring book however you want to Do this is up to you I just use the Other one as sort of a bit of Inspiration so we can actually work on The interior just by going to the side Here and looking at our different pages

So it’s from here that you can decide What you want to do whether you want to Add some of these predestined patterns That they’ve created or like these Templates but for me I’m just going to Go ahead and add a shape here and then We could just put a word right in the Center here so we could just put like Go to text and then we’ll click like Sad because I’m not going to put Terrible words here but you know what I Mean so basically somebody could color This in we can design this however we Want we can go through every single page Here on the side just by scrolling Through you can even change the colors Of the said text here right here just by Clicking at the top and then going and Just adjusting that color so if I want To change it to Red if I want to add a Stroke to it I can click this button Right here and add a stroke so if I Wanted to add an orange stroke and then Make that 10 pixels so we could really See it here on the footage you can see Here we’ve got the 10 pixel stroke along Our coloring book action here so yeah It’s pretty simple oh and the last thing I’m going to mention before we move on And show you how to export these to Amazon KDP so you can upload them and Start making money is I’m going to show You about these layers here on the right Side so these layers are actually super

Important in graphic design they’re in Pretty much every program you can think Of so if I wanted this word right here This or chain of words adult swear word Coloring book to disappear I could drag That beneath that actual layer itself And that’s how I actually made this Design here so you can see I’ve got this Orange circle and I overlaid a little Pattern on top of it and then I have Another Circle that’s beneath it and I Have a stroke along the edge here Because I kind of wanted to give it a Look of sort of like a gem sort of pops Out at the screen from you orange and Green are complementary colors to purple Which you can Google All About Complementary colors and Design This was Just a quick little mock-up I did but You could see here that you can just Change this around completely and Utterly any way you want it doesn’t Really matter just make sure that you Make sure that this design is cohesive And it lines up within these bleed lines And make sure that it’s actually Competitive with some of these other Designs that we’re seeing all over the Place because you really want to be able To rank for these things and a lot of That just comes down to the packaging Which the packaging on these sort of Things is the cover and the words that Are on the front that drop people in so

The last thing we need to do before we Upload this to Amazon KDP and make money Is actually download said project that We have right here so we’re just going To head up to project in the upper left Hand corner and then we are going to go Download this project RGB and then it’s Just going to take a few minutes to Populate and we will be ready to go once It finishes downloading you’ll have Something like this pop-up with the Cover and the interior for the book all You need to do is double click on each Of these files go to the upper right Hand corner click this little save Button and then save them in your Desired location because we’re going to Go back in and upload these with Amazon KDP Now to create a KDP account it’s Super simple I’ll link this to you down In the description below all you need to Do is create an Amazon account and then Sign up with your Amazon account but if You don’t have one then you just go to The KDP and you sign up you got to put In your information for tax purposes Because they’re going to be paying you So that’s a really important thing to Note but for me I’m just going to sign In okay so once you have your book done And you’re ready to upload it to Amazon Whatever one you actually created Whether it was Kindle paperback Hardcover series I created a paperback

In this tutorial to show you guys we Click on this and it’s going to have us Fill out all the information that we Need to fill out on our book so as you See we got to select our language we got To put in our title but our titles Really really really important for SEO Or search engine optimization so that Way our book shows up in the Amazon Search results but don’t worry because Book bolts got that covered as well so Head right back to book bolt and then You’re going to go down to this bottom Corner and we are going to go to Keywords so we created a swear words Adult coloring book because that’s what We saw pop up here just as an example But we’re going to go to the keywords Section here and once we’re in the Keyword section we are going to go to Search And then we are going to type in swear Words coloring book just like we did to Show for this example and then we’re Going to click search book ball is going To populate all of the best trending Keywords so that way we can include them In our title in our book so that way we Pop up in the search results and we can Start making money and just wait a few Minutes while it populates because it’s Got to get all that data for us and You’ll be good to go okay as you can see Our data is now popped up and you can

See we have a swear word coloring book Which has an Amazon search volume of 10 300 per month with high competition so It tells us how competitive these Keywords are so that way we can actually Make better books and sell more books so It’s a little bit hard for us to rank For a swear word coloring book but if we Go for some of these other keywords Where they don’t have the data then Adult coloring book motivational swear Words has a thousand searches per month Which is potentially a thousand sales I Don’t think every single one of these Converts but quite a few do so basically We could take these keywords and we can Make them we could make a swear words Coloring book for her for him for women We can make one that’s funny and you can See there’s all sorts of different Results here for what we can add in and You can see the competition on all of These and that’s really really really Important and then you can also see how Much people are searching for this on Google so you could see even though this One on Amazon isn’t being searched 10 000 times per month it’s being searched 1400 on Google it’s being searched 720. So your swear word coloring book can Also pop up on Google if it gets enough Hits on Amazon which is honestly in my Opinion a pretty cool deal so we’re Gonna go ahead and we are going to go

With adult coloring book motivational Swear words as you can see we know that There’s not high competition because There’s no data on the amount of Competition here if there were a bunch Of competition then we would actually be Able to fight that competition off once We actually rank for these keywords with All this complete we’re going to go Ahead and find ourselves a long tail Keyword so we could potentially list the Thing that we just made in this video on Amazon KDP and a really good way to Actually check out what the search Volume thing another tip and trick here Is to actually sort this so you can sort This by the amount of search volume so You see right now I have it low to high But we can also do high to low and you Can see we have swear word coloring book Four but in order to have this sort of Long tail keyword we’re going to look For something with a little more words Than this so swear word coloring book For adult that one will probably serve Us a lot better it might actually be a High competition search term so you can Literally just go through this try a Bunch of different phrases and type them In but in my experience the more the Words the better for as far as ranking Goes and that’s just from an SEO Perspective but you could see here that We’ve got all sorts of different options

I really like this one swear words Coloring book for adults cuss in color Because that is a that is the definition Of a long tail keyword so we’re just Going to take this phrase we’re going to Highlight it and then Ctrl C to copy or You can right click and click copy what Other way you prefer so now that we’re Back in Amazon KDP we’re going to go Ahead and click on book title and get This thing started so you can see this Was the long tail keyword that we Selected to make this particular entry About so we have swear words coloring Book for adults custom color so I Recommend you definitely have these Keywords in the title so they get popped Up in the search results I don’t know How many times I can express that it’s So important because we gotta pop up and Search in order for our product to get Found so we actually want to kind of Mess around with this a little bit so I’m going to go with cuss and color Which is the back end of this long tail Keyword swear Maybe we’ll put like a little line here And then we’ll go swear words coloring Book for adults so all I did was Rearrange this keyword so I have all of Those words that were in the keyword I Just rearranged them to make them look More appealing from like a title based Perspective so we could definitely name

Our book series cuss in color we can Make a whole series on this entire thing If we want to and also looking through All of these search results you can get Tons of different ideas so like if one Idea doesn’t work then maybe you could Rebrand the same book as something else But that’s completely and utterly up to You you just got to put in the time and Just kind of learn and test and see what Works for you and see what’s going to Actually make those sales for you next We’re gonna head over to subtitle which This is optional you don’t really need To add that unless you want to if you Have a series you can add it to a series If you have an Edition number that’s Also optional you could add that you Could put your author name if you want To so in my case I would just put Jake Telk because that’s my name and then if There’s any contributors and then you Can put a description for your book and This is also another important part of Actual keywords and like popping up in Search results so like for this Description we’re gonna put like the World’s best adult coloring book because If we rank for these long tail keywords And we have a bunch of these other Related keywords so we’ll go back Through this list and check out some of The related keywords then we’ll be able To if we make a bunch of sales on these

Long tail keywords we’ll be able to rank In these higher competition keywords That are harder for us to rank in which Is a really cool thing so if we have a Great product Amazon’s obviously going To want to push it and make us sales so World’s best adult coloring book and Then we have right here swear words Coloring books for adult cus and color So we will go back up we’ll grab our Title and then we will put that here so The world’s best adult coloring book Custom color switch swear words coloring Book for adults and then we’ll head back To the keywords section and then we’ll Add some of these other long tail Keywords into our description as well so Funny swear words adult coloring book so We’ll head back into here and then we’ll Put Another line and we’ll go funny swear Words adult coloring book for all your Needs the important thing is that you Don’t keyword stuff and keyword stuffing Is when you take a whole bunch of Keywords and you just shove them all in There and there’s no like congruency to The sentence and like no congruency to The description but you want to kind of Mix in keywords in any description and Sort of like a written logical way so We’ve got the world’s best adult Coloring book custom color swear words Coloring book for adults and funny swear

Words adult coloring book for all your Needs whether that’s to De-stress Have some fun Or Then we’ll get another keyword here find Another long tail scroll down here So we can rank for more of these or There I saw motivational or A little motivational Journey In the palm of your hand now I did Mention that this is sort of a coloring Book so you could do all sorts of Different sizes like I talked about Before for us we did the six by nine but In a lot of cases like if we’re doing Like a Sketchbook or something similar Like this like a lot of people like to Draw on like sort of the smaller canvas And that’s why we did the six by nine You could also do a bigger sort of Canvas for the Sketchbook in like eight And a half by eleven which is a really Popular size for that sort of thing so It’s really just whatever floats your Boat you can go ahead and try out the Product with both sizes and see which One sells for you so then we’re actually Gonna go to the publishing rights and in This case this is public domain work you Guys can go ahead and click on these and Read about that but in this specific Instance it’s best to put this is public Domain work and then we have the keyword

Section here so we can get an extra Little SEO boost and we’re just going to Take those keywords that we have before So we’re going to take those original Sort of keywords that we had and what Ever ones we also want to rank for so if We want to rank for motivational then We’ll put that in here so we’ll just Copy and paste that over and we’ll do That with a whole bunch of these Different keywords but if you’re doing This for like long tail keywords I Recommend having like a mix of like the Longer tail ones the ones that are Easier to rank in and sort of the high Competition ones so it tells Amazon’s Algorithm that this is what it’s about And if it sells well then they can push It on those big keywords and we won’t Have to worry so much about the actual Tons and tons of competition so yeah Just fill this up make sure you fill it Up all the way now the next thing we Need to do is select a category and to Choose a category it’s really important But book bolts got us covered on this Again so that way we can make sure that We get the most bang out of what we’re Producing here so let’s head back to Book bolt you’re going to go ahead and Click on your name in the upper right Hand corner and you’re going to go over To the KDP categories finder then we’re Going to take some of these keywords

That we want to rank in so if we’re Going to rank for adult coloring book Then book bolt is going to tell us the Best categories that we should use so Maybe we go non-fiction design book or One of these other ones so we’ll go with Non-fiction design book we’ll head back To KDP we’ll choose categories we’ll go Non-fiction and then we will go to Design And then we will go to book and we will Click save and then from there we will Click low content book And then we will say that this book in Particular because of the one I use for This example is not appropriate for Children under 18 years old and then we Will save and continue and move to the Next step here then depending on the Type of book we’re producing we will Publish without an ISBN so as you can See notebooks planners journals other Similar works such as the one we just Created don’t require an ISBN but if you Had like a written book it would require An ISBN and then you can click the Publication date if you want that’s Optional and then you can click the Colors for me I like the black and white Interior with the standard white paper And then you can actually adjust the Trim size based on what your Specifications are you can choose bleed Or no bleed and you choose matte or

Glossy I recommend for the cover that we Just go with the the matte cover but you Could also do the glossy cover if you Want but I like the matte personally for My sort of stuff so next we need to Upload the manuscript for our book which Is just the interior of our book so We’re going to click upload paper back Manuscript then we’re going to go here And we’re going to select the actual Paperback content that we created it’s Going to upload and with everything Uploaded and processing we are going to Head to launch previewer and we’re going To get a preview of what our book Actually looks like which is pretty cool In my my instance here so we’ll just Give this a couple seconds here and then You’re going to go to the save and Continue button it is really really Really really really really important That you preview that first but you can See we have a printing cost of 2.15 Cents per book on Amazon so then you’re Going to click save and continue and we Will go to pricing okay so now that We’re in here we’re actually going to go Ahead and select the territory so if we Only want to sell it in certain areas we Can but I’m going to go with all Territories we’re gonna sell it on Amazon and then we’re going to put our Listing price this is really important So make sure that you check the prices

To be competitive like we did in the Very beginning of this and I believe it Was like eight dollars and something Each so we are going to go ahead and We’re gonna go with 850 per book I think It was like 869 or something in the Beginning of the video it’s going to Take Auto or printing costs and then We’re going to get 60 percent of the Sales and give us a royalty of 295 and Then it will go ahead and convert this To all the other countries that they’re Selling in all the other major countries And tell us what we’re going to be Getting per sale which is really Important then you go to the terms and Conditions it’s going to take 72 hours For your book to actually be available And then you’re just going to click Publish your paperback book and that is Literally it your book is now listed you Can do as many as you want as little as You want and with as much creativity as You want so yeah as you can see starting This new business or side hustle is Actually pretty easy and don’t forget to Get yourself that three-day free trial Down in the description below and if you Want to buy a plan don’t forget 20 off With the code Jake link is down in the Description below and you can save a ton Of money on a monthly or a yearly plan Just by using my specific link so I got You guys on the hookup and good luck out

There with the hustle

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About the Author: Darlene Thompson

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