Earn $9.85 Per Image You Copy Paste Using NEW Website For Beginners!

Earn $9.85 Per Image You Copy Paste Using NEW Website For Beginners!
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Earn $9.85 Per Image You Copy Paste Using NEW Website For Beginners!

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Make Money Online by Copy Pasting on this FREE Website


Any earnings or income representations are aspirational statements only of your earning potential. There is no guarantee that you’ll receive the same results or any results at all for that matter. Your results will depend entirely on your work ethic, experience, etc… As always there is a risk with any business. I am not a financial advisor and nothing in this video should be considered legal advice


Okay listen up there’s a website out There that some people are using to make Thousands of dollars every single day by Copy pasting images so I want to show You what that website is how to sign up And where to actually get those images So you can go out there and start an Online business today and this also Requires no previous experience because All you gotta do is take these images That are available to you for completely Free and re-up them onto this website Which I’m going to share with you inside Of this video which means you don’t need To build your own website it also means That you don’t need to invest a single Dollar into this and it also means that As long as this website works in your Country this works all over the world And if you also want to participate in a One thousand dollars giveaway make sure To check out my friend’s YouTube channel Called Emma Collins which will be linked In the description box and down below She’s posting great make money online Videos and also videos related to Affiliate marketing and on top of all of That she will be announcing a one Thousand dollars giveaway soon so make Sure that you are subscribed to her Channel and that you are watching her Videos so you don’t miss out on a one Thousand dollars giveaway once again a Link to Emma’s channel will be in the

Description box down below just a quick Disclaimer here if someone replies to Your comment like this claiming they’re Me just know it’s a scam I don’t have WhatsApp I don’t have Telegram and I Would never tax you for money you can Check their accounts they don’t have a Verification badge they don’t have the Same subscribers or videos as me and They will just scam you my only Instagram account is at I’m Dave Nick People are just creating fake accounts Reposting my photos and dming you asking For money you can check their posts the Engagement is fake their new accounts And just know that I would never text You like that so just stay safe and Report them all anyways I want to show You something and we go over to this Website called Etsy you can see that People are sell if you search for puppy Wall art and also it doesn’t necessarily Need to be a puppy wall or they can Literally be anything it’s just a wall Art you can see all these different People selling these different images And making thousands of dollars for Example let’s open up this let’s use This as an example this person is Selling these images this one single Image for 9.99 this is like wall art That people can download and they can Print that onto their own wall they can Print it for a frame for a picture

Whatever they want to use it they could Use it for a lifetime but they will have To pay 10 dollars for it and you can see That they already have six thousand one Hundred and forty seven feedbacks and You know not every single person will Live a feedback meaning that they Probably got a lot more than 6 000 sales But even with 6 000 sales multiplied by Ten dollars that’s over sixty thousand Dollars that this person made with Literally just a couple of images that He uploaded once because all you gotta Do is upload these images once they’re Gonna stay on the platform forever and Whenever someone finds your product Whenever someone finds your listing on Etsy they can purchase that they can Instantly download that design that you Uploaded and you will be paid for that And that’s exactly why this works so Well and that’s exactly why I said that You can actually establish a passive Income system through this like this Person over here this is a new listing And they already have 644 feedbacks in The price of eight dollars so they Didn’t make sixty thousand dollars like A previous person but still made Thousands of dollars for these simple Designs and I’m going to show you where If you get these designs we’re Completely free we’re this one over here As well or this one over here as well

253 sales and a price of 12 here as well Here as well you can see people starting At these Etsy shops and making thousands Of dollars with their listings by Selling downloadable stuff and Etsy is a Platform that’s very similar to eBay Like a platform where you can sell Mostly handcrafted items and also items That you made either yourself whether It’s a digital product or a physical Product but items that you made with Your own hands like it’s a creative Platform so people come on to here some People actually sell like physical Products they will for example and do Something creative but on the other side You also have people selling digital Downloadables like these images over Here like cute cats cute puppies that People can download and then they can Print that onto whatever they want to Print it on they get full rights to do That and they’ve got to pay like eight Dollars six dollars which is a No-brainer but because this platform has Millions of users that quickly adds up So what we can simply do is I’m going to Show you how to sign up to Etsy but First of all to create these designs to Get these images that you can basically Just re-upload to your own shop you will Have to go over to the platform called Canva This is already Canada which is an Absolutely free tool you can sign up to

It for completely free and then as you Sign up you can go to the custom size Over here and then you can select for Example 1080 by 1080 and you can start Working on your design on your image That you want to sell on Etsy or you’re Downloadable in some of the previous Videos we talked about a person who Actually makes hundreds of thousands of Dollars by selling a resume designs Resume templates and as I showed you in Some of the previous videos that you can Actually get those for completely free On camera and they still made hundreds Of thousands of dollars by doing it so There is a lot of potential with this But what you can do is you can go to the Elements section for example you can Search for a cat element and you can Find something interesting from the left Hand side once again remember how these Look like so this one is also selling For 6.84 cents they’ve gotten as you can See 20 000 sales almost 20 000 sales Over here so that’s actually like over a Hundred thousand dollars in in revenue And basically what you can do is you can Select some of these designs let’s say For example let me try to find something Cool so maybe this one this look pretty Nice so I can put it in the middle and Then you can customize these designs as Well so for example if you want to find A hat for this cat or you can use for

Example this one so you can customize These designs to make them unique and to Make them stand out as you can see she Actually looks pretty cute so I’m gonna Make sure that this fits properly on her Now she has a head now we can add even More stuff so for example you can add Flour I can type in a flower like you Can customize we can actually play Around it’s actually a fun process to do This so maybe I can add a flower on her Tail I don’t know this looks pretty cool Honest so now I can also add different Elements I can also add some effects Like if you want to add facts you can go To the text section over here and you Can type in some nice quotes or I can Maybe just find some nice font from the Left side and I can even just type in Just leave this like feeling cute and I Can maybe maybe place it here and here’s A design that I can now download I can Just click or share this is something That I personally made in front of your Eyes and you can see I can download it Click on transparent background and Download it through my computer and it’s Going to be ready to be re-uploaded onto Etsy and I can sell this design again And again for basically unlimited times So what I recommend you do is go out There and create as many of these Different designs as you possibly can Whether that’s in Photoshop whether it’s

In photopia whether that’s in canva Whatever tool you want to use just Create as many of these different Designs upload hundreds upon hundreds of Different designs to beat your Competition on Etsy and start selling Them and once again you just need to Create them once and if they start Selling you start ranking you’re gonna Earn passive income from that because That’s something that you do with Vape Like you can create 100 different Designs in a single day and then you can Publish them also in a single day and Then you don’t have to do any of the Work after that if it still keeps Selling for the next couple of weeks Months or years you will just keep on Receiving those payments without Actually doing any additional work you Already made digital product now it’s Just selling again and again and because It’s a digital product there is no Shipping there is no inventory so you Don’t have to worry about anything like That and that’s actually the biggest Reason why I am so biased on online Business and selling digital products is It’s literally the best way that you can Make money and Dot like there is no Better way to make money in this day and Age because you don’t have to build Anything from scratch you don’t actually Have to build a physical product and

Ship that and worry if it’s going to get Broken or lost along the way no people Can literally download that with one Click of a button it’s instantly gonna Be inside of their device and they can Use it they’re satisfied you’re Satisfied you got paid you made passive Income and they’re satisfied because They got instant delivery so that’s the Beauty of digital products but anyways As I said if you want to learn more About making money with affiliate Marketing and if you want to participate In a 1 000 giveaway soon make sure to Check out Emma Collins YouTube channel Which will be the first link in the Description box down below she started Her Channel a couple of days ago she Started posting videos about making Money online and affiliate marketing and To help herself grow she will be hosting A one thousand dollars giveaway in one Of her videos that are going to be Posted on the channel really really soon Once again a link to Emma will be in the Description box and down below let’s Show some support for her and if you did Get some value out of this video make Sure to drop a like down below so we can Get to 1 000 likes as soon as possible And with all that being said and done I Will see you in some of the next videos

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About the Author: Darlene Thompson

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