Earn $100+ Per Day Posting FUN VIDEOS and Make Money With YouTube Shorts

Earn $100+ Per Day Posting FUN VIDEOS and Make Money With YouTube Shorts
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Want to make money with YouTube Shorts? Here is how you can do it – just upload these FUN videos to YouTube Shorts and monetize them in a variety of ways.

Today I’m including a YouTube Shorts tutorial showing a how to get around YouTube Shorts Monetization issues.

YouTube Shorts can easily get you tons of subscribers, and drive millions of additional views to your channel over time.

In today’s video I want to show you how To make money with YouTube shorts in the Last seven days I’ve made one thousand Four hundred dollars just in ad Revenue Alone using the YouTube short strategies That I’m about to share with you today Today I’m going to show you how YouTube Shorts can help you grow your Subscribers fast and increase your Overall YouTube ad revenue and you can Also make significant affiliate Commissions using YouTube shorts as well So before we go through all the steps Please take a moment to smash the like Button just below this video for the YouTube algorithm and while you’re there Subscribe to my channel as well thank You so much I really appreciate you guys Support and now let’s get into step one Just in case you’re wondering what are YouTube shorts here is a very brief Description of what they are and why They’re so powerful these are videos Essentially that are less than 60 Seconds long and you’ve probably seen a Ton of them on both YouTube desktop as Well as as perhaps on your mobile app on YouTube and they are just going bananas At the moment look at this 197 000 views And this video was posted nine hours ago 144 000 views and this was posted 14 Hours ago they are just viral and YouTube Just pushes these videos like Crazy they are essentially competition

To tick tock because Tick Tock videos You know have been taken over and YouTube felt that they had to do Something and they’ve introduced this Format or videos under 60 seconds They’re very fast to make they are short They’re simple and they can get you Results do I personally use YouTube Shorts to grow my YouTube channel yes I Do here is an example of their YouTube Shorts video from my channel just one That I’ve recently published this video Here you can watch it on my channel if You want this video has gone crazy it Has had 212 000 views 212 000 views since it was Published and guys it took me about one Hour to make probably even less than one Hour because the video is so short and It’s still getting about one to two Thousand views every single day here are The stats from the last 48 hours a Thousand views per day and it continues To get me views and make me money and Get me subscribers every single day I’ve Also most importantly look at these I’ve Acquired almost 4 000 subscribers 3 900 Subscribers through this video that took Me one hour to make this is insane uh my Revenue is not Stellar it’s not huge From this YouTube shorts video still 89 For about an hour of work is pretty good And it continues to make me money every Single day So eventually it’ll turn into

100 200 Etc but the powerful thing here with This YouTube shorts is that I’ve Acquired 4 000 subscribers who are now On my channel and they’re going to be Watching my future videos I wanted to go Through these slides just to show you Your overall strategy that I personally Use and that I suggest that you can try With building out your YouTube channel And making money on your YouTube channel And that’s the difference between YouTube shorts and YouTube standard Videos the normal length videos with YouTube shorts they only take about an Hour to make their very quick which is Really Island The ad revenue on them is not so high Because a lot of the views that you can Get on YouTube shorts are not Monetizable but you do get some money I Showed my stats earlier on in this video And you can see that from about 200 000 Views I made about eighty nine dollars And it does tick up depending on whether My viewers watch it on their desktop Device on their mobile how they find my Uh my video Etc so the money the actual Ad Revenue itself that you can make from Shorts is not so huge but the big thing Is that with YouTube shorts you can Build your channel in terms of Subscribers you can add a lot of Subscribers to your YouTube channel

Quite quickly in my experience on Average I get about between 100 to 5 000 Subscribers per YouTube shorts video and That’s a great way to make money from Your channel by building up those Subscribers and then posting other types Or videos what’s the number one problem For YouTubers who are just starting out Their Channel cannot get subscribers do Not know how to start growing and YouTube show is an amazing way to start Growing your channel in addition to Publishing shorts videos you need to Publish standard videos as well and my Experience with standard videos is that They take anywhere between five to eight Hours per video to make My ad Revenue with standard videos is Between 300 to 5 000 on average per Video I’ve got some of course that Sometimes make less some videos make a Lot more than these but that’s that Seems to be the average and they do also Generate good subscribers per video But with standard videos you need to Have an audience first on your channel Before you start publishing those videos And that audience then needs to watch Your standard videos because if you just Create 20 or 30 standard videos they Might not get a lot of traction right Away so I recommend that you you do both You create shorts to grow your audience And then you do standard videos to then

Market various products or just Market Your content to the audience that you Grow using the YouTube shorts videos Step one of the process is to get a free In video account so click the link in The description below and you will land On a page similar to this the in-video Account that I’m going to show you how To use in this video is a free in video Account so go ahead and click get Started it’s free you don’t need to Upgrade so enter your name email Password Etc create that free account And let’s move on to step two step two Is to find your YouTube Niche idea you May already know what kind of Niche and What kind of topics you want to talk About on your YouTube channel but if if You have no idea what to choose for your Topic then type in caffeinated blogger YouTube niches or just go to my channel To my videos and find a video with a Thumbnail like this and I will talk you Through some excellent Wide Open YouTube Channel ideas that you can Implement Right away another excellent way to find Ideas for your YouTube channel Information for your topics is to go to Amazon Amazon is actually a really good Niche research tool as well as a very Good shopping website and from here you Can go into all on the left hand side And then take a look at shop by Department and then open up these

Categories here on the left hand side Because this will give you a really good Idea on the types of niches that you can Go into for example Home Improvement pet Supplies shoes sports fitness and Outdoors each one of them will have sub Niches within it as well so for example If I go into like let’s say pet supplies You can see that there are pet supplies For birds for cats for dogs so you can Build the channel around dogs that can Build the channel around Fusion aquatic Pets around around cats around dogs Perhaps you want to build a channel Around Garden if you click on Garden Once again you will see that there is Gardening barbecue and outdoor dining And the good thing is that if you create A channel about gardening for example You can become an Amazon associate which Basically means that as an affiliate you Can recommend products from Amazon and Mention them in your videos and then Anyone who buys those products through Your affiliate link will generate a Commission for you so for example if you Recommend if you make a video about some Cactus care or like succulents Etc you Could recommend this product over here Garden cycling kit and you know this Seems to be a really good product with Good ratings and a lot of reviews if Someone buys it through your link then You can make a commission we will get to

The monetization part later for now the Main thing is to just get an idea on What Niche you guys want to go into Let’s just say I’m browsing around I’m Having a look at pet supplies dogs maybe I I’ve I’ve got a dog I love dogs I’ve Got some experience with dogs and Training dogs so perhaps I take a look At this and I think well I do want to Make a Channel about dogs and you know There are a lot of things that you can Promote on the channel about dogs right There are dog seat covers there are all These different toys that you can Um talk about there is dog food of Course and everyone’s got dogs so this Is a really good Niche and for the Purposes of the uh of this video I’m Going to use the dog niche as the Example Niche for how we’re going to be Monetizing our Channel and how we’re Going to make money with YouTube shorts In this Niche step three is to find the Idea for your first video and some ideas Perhaps for your subsequent videos the Easiest way to do that is to type in a Search with hash shorts and then type in The main keyword that is related to a Niche so in our example that would be Dogs and take a look at what kind of Shorts videos seem to gain a lot of Viewers and seem to be popular and viral Because uh we’re going to be creating a Video that is similar to these in

General I can see that for the dog’s Niche videos of cute dogs as well as Videos of funny dogs seem to be going Viral so they’re going to be the types Of keywords and the types of videos that I would recommend that you start off by Making in this Niche so let’s take a Look at this one it says cute dogs Compilation funny dog cute puppy shorts That’s the title of the video it has had 41 million views in the last 10 months So I think that this is probably a very Good idea for a video that we can borrow And we can create as well so let’s just Make a note of this and we’re going to Put this into a notepad we’re going to Change the title slightly so perhaps we Can say something like this cute dogs 2022 compilation funny and cute dogs and Puppies and then we’ll put hashtag Shorts now we need to move on to the Next step and actually start making this Video alright so let’s start creating The video now let’s jump inside in video If you don’t have an in video account Yet then click below this video there is A link below this video go ahead and Grab your free account of Nvidia for the Purposes of this video we’re just going To be using the free account once you Are registered and once you’ve logged Into your in-video account you can go Into this section over here and choose The dimension of your video to get

Started now for YouTube shorts It’s Recommended that you do a vertical video Because most of the people watch it on Their mobile device and for mobile Device of course you want to have a Vertical video so choose this one here Vertical 9×16 as the format you will be Offered a bunch of pre-made templates But don’t worry about that just go here To blank canvas on the right hand side Okay and then choose vertical Mind by 16 And click this button over here that Says make video this will open up the Editor in video as a really really good Online video editor it also includes Some footage that you can actually use In your videos as well but we’ll get to That in just a second so we are going to Be making a video that is similar to These with cute dogs compilation so we Actually need to find some footage of Cute dogs you see these videos just 17 Seconds it’s had 41 million views so That’s crazy and we need to find some Videos which we can put into our own Compilation and uh and we’re going to be Making a similar video in video makes it Very easy for you to create these videos However you need this initial footage so Perhaps we we might grab two or three Different videos that we can create into Our own combination and how do we find Them well a simple way to do this is to Use YouTube search and type in this

Keyword for example cute dogs into the Search bar and then use filters and then Use under features choose Creative Commons so you want to find videos with Creative comments now guys creative Comments videos come with reuse rights If you choose Creative Commons license Here from the search results then all of These videos that are going to come up Now they’re all videos that allow you to Reuse them okay so they come with a License that allows you officially Without any issues to be reused in your Content here is the official note from YouTube support creative common license Gives a standard way for Content Creators to Grant someone else Permission to use their work if you’ve Marked a video with a ccby license you Retain your copyright other creators get To reuse your work subject to the terms Of the license so this basically means That the people the creators who created These videos they want you they give you The permission to reuse their videos in Your video so let’s see which of these Videos we can use and here we go there Is a vertical video over here cute dogs Compilation okay so this is something That we can use there is another one Here qdocs stealing food there is Another one here cute dogs can be funny And another fine and cute dogs so we can Stitch these videos together into one

Video and create our own video out of These videos over here to download those Videos you need to use a program I Personally use yt5s so if you go into YouTube downloader and then uh type that Into Google search one of the first Results that will come up will be this Yt5s so just open that up then you will Need to search and or paste that YouTube Link over here okay so just from that Video open the video that you want to Download grab this top part go copy and Then paste it in here and then click Start it will present you with a choice Of a few different resolutions so I want 1080p this one over here and then click Get link now it might open Um and add windows so just close that Wait until you’ve got something that Actually says the download button click Download and this will allow you to then Start downloading these videos so go Ahead and download several of these Vertical videos that you want to include Into your compilation and I’m going to Do the same gonna pause the video and Then I’ll restart it once I’m done okay Well now we’ve got all of our three Downloaded videos with creative commands Saved in this folder over here so we can Now start creating our own video out of Them to do that you can go into in video And then where it says uploads this is Where you can upload media so basically

You can upload the videos from which you Want to create videos so go ahead click Upload media and then select those files And upload them so we can start editing With them and then all it really takes Is just drag and drop these videos onto The timeline so you can see that you’ve Already got some default default scene Over here a default kind of a template You don’t really want to have this logo So just remove that logo from all scenes Okay after that you probably don’t want This writing so you can delete that Writing as well just select it and click Delete and it will disappear then you Can click here something that says Timeline okay you can see it it tells You to drag the media here to start Editing okay so what I want to do is Just go into uploads and then grab each One of them and just drag it onto the Timeline so let’s drag that over here Like this and It will tell you now the length of this File okay so this whole file is 22 Seconds if perhaps you want to use the Whole 22 seconds then this is fine you Can do that if you want to shorten it You can do it from this interface but I’m going to leave the whole 22 seconds So I’m going to use this option over Here that says useful video all right And this is going to create our first Kind of scene so now on the bottom here

I can see where it says scene Media One Video it also has got some default music Which we don’t really want to have so we Can just delete this music so just click Here select it and click delete like This okay and now we’ve just got this Media from the video we can use this Zoom to just zoom out a little bit and We can see that the first 22 or so Seconds are occupied by our first video So we can drag this second one over here Like this and then it says drag to add As a layer which is okay so we’re just Going to use the full video once again In and we can see our media one and Media 2 we want to put them one after Another like this so it will kind of Snap Where the first video finishes the Second one starts all right so we want It like that and then let’s do the same Thing with the third one so use a full Video once again and we will add the Third video just after the second one Starts so it goes like this media one is About 22 seconds the media two Is about 10 11 more seconds and then Media three now just pay attention to The sizes of these videos because Depending on the resolution of the files You might need to do this just drag them A little bit to fill them out okay like This and then you may want to preview These files so once you are happy with

Them just go ahead and press play and See how they are check if there is you Know good sound in this video If you’re Happy with it you can also move this bar Here at the bottom to preview how your Video is going to look I recommend that You play and listen to the whole video Make sure that you’re happy with Everything on this there is something Here at the end of video three uh some Kind of like a promotion you probably Don’t want that so we can trim this Video off see where it’s Just as it ends and go dark okay so we Don’t want that and just where this Starts and the video ends you can drag This file over here to make it shorter And sort of trim off that last bit if You want to add some music you can do That if there is for example no music in Your videos you can just go into music There’s a lot of royalty-free music that Comes in in video for free so you can Grab any music you want and then let’s Say if you wanted to get some rock music To have the dogs being cute to the rock Music okay you can just drag that over Here and add that so click plus and it Will get added as a separate track into Your um your file over here all right I’ll just press Ctrl Z because there’s Already sound in this video that I’m Creating the other cool thing about Nvidia is that you can actually it comes

Pre-loaded with some videos so if you Just go into video and you want to see What kind of footage they have you can Type in qdogs either here and see if They’ve got any footage that you want to Use in your videos some of it is going To be premium and if you want to use Those premium results for your videos You may need to upgrade to a premium To a premium account if you want to Upgrade you just need to click this Button over here upgrade and that will Open up this screen for you now to Upgrade from this screen uh you I’ve got A special coupon if you do decide to Take this out I’ve got a special coupon For you so just choose whether you’d Like monthly or yearly and click on get Business and where it says have a coupon Code I’ve got a special coupon code for You guys it’s cb25 that will give you 25 Lifetime discount so this is an Exclusive coupon that you can only get Through me and only if you click to get Your initial free account from my Affiliate link below now you’ll see that If you click apply from 137 per year it Goes down to 102.8 per year or you can Of course just go for a monthly plan Which is with a discount just 17 a month Okay now guys like I said you can Totally do this with just the free plan I’m doing all of these with a free plan But if you want to use any of the

Premium features I like using their Stock footage Etc you may need to Upgrade your plan now one last thing I Recommend we do in this video before we Export it is we include a call to action For people to buy something via your Affiliate link I’ll show you an example Of how Cesar millan’s Channel monetizes His videos You’ll see here at the bottom There is a link this one over here where It says Shop says us way over here and see there Is an Amazon link so Here’s linking from his channel from his Videos about dogs he is linking via his Affiliate link to his Amazon channel to His Amazon store where he’s inviting People to buy different things Essentially after clicking this link in Their videos now you can do the same Thing you can promote products on Amazon As an affiliate as an example if I type In uh dog toy okay you can promote any Of these dog toys and earn a commission If someone buys from your link so here I Recommend that you include in the last Maybe let’s say in the last five seconds Of your video you include a call to Action for people to check the links in Your description and very simple and Easy to do go into text and type in add Heading like this And this will drop in this text Placeholder for you at the bottom you

Can choose where the text placeholder Appears so I just want it to be in the Last probably five seconds or so so we Won’t see this text any earlier but once It gets to the last five seconds of your Video then this text will come up and What we’re going to say is just Something to kind of invite people to Check out the link in the description so You can write something like dog toys Check links in description okay and this Will prompt your viewers to scroll Through to the description below your Video and check the link in the Description and we’re going to want to Upload this video we’re going to put a Call to action and we’re going to put Your affiliate link into the description As well so that you can start earning Money from anyone who clicks your Affiliate link there’s a bunch of other Stuff that you can do with the video Because in videos like so powerful in Terms of the editing capabilities that It gives you but I’ll stop here Otherwise this video will go on forever And now we are ready to go download and Share so just export your video after Click download and share you’ll choose The format if you want 1080p then you Will need to upgrade your account if you Just want 720p then you can use the free Count a click export and Export your Video once your video has finished

Rendering you can download it from your Area in in video called my project so Just click download and save that video Step 5 of your process is for you to Join the Amazon Associates program now You can promote any products from any Affiliate Network the reason why I Recommend Amazon is because they have so Many products and it’s quite easy to get Accepted into the Amazon affiliate Program and start earning commissions on Any products that you recommend but you Can definitely promote products from any Affiliate Network that you want it can Be share a sale it can be CJ or Commission Junction For this video I’m just gonna Demonstrate to you how to join Amazon Associates program though so you type in Amazon Associates into Google and that Will bring up this one this website here Called amazon.com associate Central you Can click a button where it says sign up When you sign up you will need to enter Some of the supporting information such As your website or your YouTube channel URL now before you join I recommend that You have about five to ten videos total On your YouTube channel because this way You will be able to show that you are More or less established YouTuber who Has published a number of videos that Are getting some views that way you’ll Be likely to get accepted into the

Amazon Associates program see where it Says here at the bottom how do I qualify For this program it does say that Bloggers Publishers and content creators With a qualifying website or mobile app Can participate in this program then it Says if you’re an influencer with an Established social media following learn About the Amazon influencer program so Basically you can go ahead and sign up To the program over here and and then Provide your YouTube channel URL as well As some commentary around what you’re Going to be doing and how you’re going To be recommending Amazon products step Six Video and monetize it so in your YouTube Studio dashboard click the create button And then upload your video so all you Need to do is just drag and drop that Video I’m going to do that now and while This video is now uploading we can start Creating the title and the description If you remember in one of the previous Steps we created this title already the Way that I normally do this is I look at What kind of other titles have done well So we know that this video had 41 Million views with the title qdocs Completion and we wrote Our Own title Okay so I’m just going to copy and paste This because this title is basically Already done Next we want to I’ll just delete this

Default description that comes up next We’ll want to write a bit of a Description so generally YouTube Guidelines state that first three lines Should include the keyword that you want To Target I’m just going to write pause The video and write that description and Then I’ll come back to you alright so I’ve written this description here uh You can pause the video and just check Out what I’ve done basically I’ve Mentioned the keyword and parts the Keywords and some related keywords over Here in the first three lines of the Description and then what I’ve put in is Buy the best doctor here this is where We’re going to put our affiliate link so That you can start earning commissions On any of the products that you Recommend and to do that we can go into Amazon website and we can search for Doctoy just to see some of the best Selling products and if we scroll down Over here you can see for example this One here called wild notes bear has got 23 000 reviews so this looks really Really good we’re going to open that up And now what we need is this bit over Here it’s the product code it will Normally come from in the URL after DP Slash okay this is the product code We’re going to copy that and then go Into your Amazon Associates account so When you’re registered on Amazon

Associates you should have got your Login details you can go in there and go Into product linking and then where it Says product linking product links okay This is what you want to choose and then Search for any product and this will Allow you to create your affiliate link So all amazon.com and then four all Right enter that in over here click go Now you will see this result over here Once again and this is going to be the Affiliate link so uh let’s click get Link and you’ll want to choose this Option over here shorten URL with Amazon.to and this is going to be a nice Looking shortened Amazon affiliate link And now we can go back into the Description and put that over here so Now whenever someone watches your video And they click this link they will be Taken to Amazon via your affiliate link And any products that they buy on Amazon Within the first 24 hours you will get a Commission book quite often what happens Is they might click on this affiliate Link but then two hours later they might Buy a sofa or a TV or a fridge and you Actually get commissions on that as well Because you’ve just referred the user so It’s actually really really powerful Even if you are own only promoting a Product that is only worth like twenty Three dollars you can often get really High commissions because you’re

Referring additional sales while people Are shopping on Amazon as well once that Is done you can of course enter you know More details into the description just To give it a little bit of SEO and Search engine rankings boost the other Thing that is very important is to enter Your tags see where it says add tag this Is where you will want to enter a ton of Tags that are similar to qdocs Compilation so you want to enter our Primary tag here Cute dogs compilation alright but then You also want to enter anything else That YouTube suggests so Q dot Compilation to see it there is like a Year variant so we can say 2022 then After that we can grow cute dogs com Pelation and choose some of the other One cute dog’s barking compilation cute Baby dogs compilation so perhaps you Might want to enter some of them then You can also create a variant of cute Dog compilation okay so not multiple but Just one One word and then we can enter funny Puppy compilation something like that And just fill this up you’ve got 500 Characters so I recommend to put in as Many related tags as you can think of And basically this is it your video will Be ready to publish so go through all of The steps here and click uh publish to Make a video public and publish it right

Away after you publish the video here is What’s going to happen we already know That shorts videos for dogs make a lot Of money so you really can make really Good money by using YouTube shorts in This Niche you can see that they get Millions and millions of views so Hopefully your video should also get Picked up by the YouTube algorithm and Start bringing your views now once they Watch your video remember we actually Put in a call to action in this video That Prompts your viewers to click the link In the description okay so because of That so let’s just double check that let Me scroll through here a little bit okay Here we go see we’re putting this Awesome dog toys check links in Description so they will check the link In the description uh and similar to how Cesar Millan does it on his channel when They check the link in the description They will click on that Amazon link that We’re including We’re including the Amazon link over Here in the description once they click On this Amazon link they will go to Amazon via your affiliate link and that Way you can make money in two different Ways one is through ads Revenue okay Once your channel grows and you hit the Threshold for being monetized with YouTube AdSense your YouTube will start

Showing ads so you can make money that Way but also you will make money through Amazon commissions as well to make this Model work here is the suggested plan I Recommend that first you make five to Ten videos using in video this is going To give you a really good knowledge of How to operate the whole system you know How to operate in video how to download The videos Etc after you’ve got five to Ten videos go ahead and apply to Amazon Associates they will most likely approve You because you will have a more or less Established Channel with some videos and Some views on those videos after that go And start creating about 50 shots videos And fifty percent the videos as I said At the sort of earlier part of this Video your shorts videos are not going To make you money but they can give you A lot of subscribers fairly quickly and They’re very quick to make okay so these Are going to be your videos that are Going to boost your channel and give you Subscribers once you’ve got that Subscriber base you can start making Standard videos and standard videos will Help you rank for various terms they Will also help you to earn decent Revenue because the revenue that you can Earn on those standard videos is quite Good and quite High lastly this is not a Get rich scheme okay get rich quick does Not exist so 20 to 40 videos I recommend

For you to make before you actually Assess whether what you’re doing is Working or not generally after 20 to 40 Videos you will start getting some Traction and YouTube will start giving Preference to your videos over some of The other channels that are just Starting out as well in my experience it Takes at least 20 to 40 videos before YouTube starts taking you serious so Do it do not give up this is an Excellent method and an excellent Platform and if you want a full video That shows you step by step how to start From absolute zero and create your YouTube channel and grow your YouTube Channel and exactly how I did this full Of advanced tips here is a free video For you guys to watch go ahead and watch This right now but before you do that Please smash the like button and Subscribe to my YouTube channel for more Videos like this thank you so much watch This video next and I’ll see you in the Next video

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About the Author: Darlene Thompson

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