Asking 100 Millionaires Their Secret To Success

Asking 100 Millionaires Their Secret To Success
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Asking millionaire’s the secret to their success is something people really don’t have the opportunity to do everyday. So I flew across the country to a convention where I could ask all of them for advice, what they do for a living, and how to make money. Next trip, Wall Street?


Today we’re at fincon it’s time to see What the secret to entrepreneur’s Success is we do have a vendor list are Y’all on the vendor list are you Planning on being here for like the Whole conference probably the whole Conference yeah because we’re here for Uh we’re like media for for well let me Explain how we got here I decided to Travel across the United States of America to sneak into a secret YouTube Conference to answer one simple question What is your number one secret to Success as an entrepreneur you see I’ve Been training my entire life to become a Master entrepreneur just like the people Who are rich enough to get into this Convention so with my YouTube friends And insanely high stakes on the line I Wanted to get into the YouTube Convention to pick up some words of Wisdom to take me and every single one Of you watching this video to the next Level Yo yo you guys think we’re gonna be able To get into this event dude I really Hope so I’m nervous I don’t think They’ll be that strict I might just buy A ticket guys you guys can sneak in I’m Not getting arrested so we got caught Sneaking in threatened to get kicked out But they bought my excuse we’re like Media for will that means that you guys Have access to like the area through top

Jeep I don’t know about that I don’t get Paid enough Jake turn around Foreign Just like that we were into this Absurdly hard to get into conference It’s time to start doing interviews We didn’t even have to sneak in we Almost got kicked out and we got in That’s crazy normally that doesn’t Happen yeah normally they don’t come up To you and say they’re gonna call Security right away and then give you a Free pass to go into something that’s Safe I’m here with investment joy and uh What is your number one secret to Success Um the big thing is I think that Everybody fails I have failed way more Times I’ve been successful no one cares About how many times you fail they only Want to watch your success so the thing Is keep trying keep failing and just try To iterate over time I got one video it Has over 100 million views on both Tick Tock and YouTube and it’s about the Magic Penny how the Magic Penny doubles Every every day for 30 days and value Ended up with 5.7 million dollars life’s Like that if you have skill sets and you Increase the value of this skill sets Every day every week every month you’re Going to end at a point in life way Better I started my current Real Estate

Management company for 25 000 back in 2013. it’s now worth about 10 million Dollars so that’s the power of what Happens when you keep reinvesting keep Iterating keep getting better what’s Going on what’s the secret to success as An entrepreneur oh wow focus on branding What makes you different from anyone Else my videos I wear a bow tie I can Guarantee you nobody else wants to wear A bow tie on their videos because they Got to put it on every single video it Makes me different it makes me stand out From everyone else not fear and Rejection I was just talking about it Earlier but honestly I realized when I Stopped caring about what people think Of caring about the nose that might come From asking what I want Um I realized that half of it was not Fear of rejection and the other half was Asking for what I want because Oftentimes I would want something it Would be the simplest thing it could be Even a piece of candy or I want a real Estate deal or I want to purchase Something for Less I wouldn’t ask for it And then I would buy full price and hear Someone else got a discount and get mad And I’m like well how can I get mad when I didn’t even ask for the discount the Worst they can say is say no and it was Part of that fear of rejection I used to Make not ask so what is it that you do

For a living and how much you make so I’m a CEO of a crypto hedge fund there Isn’t a set amount on it and I’m also The founder of kids who bank which is a Youth financial literacy organization That teach finance curriculums and over 291 schools around the U.S and um how Much do I make there isn’t a set number So I had like the last three months I Did a crypto course I did 1.75 million But then um and I was a master class 101 But now we’re having like our course That’s going to be independent of me Which is probably going to do even Better numbers but in real estate like Just this blast up into this year we’re Up to 8.3 million and so maybe I’ll hit 10 million this year you know listening More than you talk even though I never Take my own advice on that what would You say is the biggest thing that you’ve Learned from working with creators Um that it’s different from traditional Media in the sense that creators add a Lot of value by having a community That’s actually like super valuable Brands are trying to penetrate creators And buy ads and everything and that’s All good and fun that’s important but The real value ad is penetrating down to The bottom of funnel their their Community of whether it’s five thousand Or ten thousand or fifty thousand people That really rock with them and they’re

Their tribe that’s where the most value Is my number one secret to success is Like relationships man it’s like what I Found over the last few years is like All about who you know and like the People you know are going to open up the Most doors for you compared to like how Much you make like it’s definitely worth Sacrificing like making more money for Building more relationships especially When you’re just getting started and you Think those those relationships kind of Build into net income oh totally over Time yeah and I I like to just like Really focus on like yeah just building The relationship not really thinking About like how is that going to benefit Me down the line but just like the more People you know the more people that Know you the more doors are going to Open speaking of connections after the First day that conference my friends Really wanted to put into stone how Important our connections are with one Another so we did what any reasonable Person would do and got tattoos so They’re actually getting tattoos too so You’re getting what the YouTube one I’m Gonna get the YouTube play button okay Same with you so they’re gonna get Matching tattoos since they’re a couple Yeah and then I will be getting Something else all right will just got His tattoo how are you feeling well I’m

Feeling like a million dollars Look at that right there with all the Tattoos completed and the bond between The boys stronger than ever we went into Day two of interviews as a group of top G’s what’s your number one secret to Success as an entrepreneur relationships Relationships Perfect and what sort of relationships Like how do you build these Relationships up one at a time one at a Time but I always tell people the first Relationship that was really impactful To me came from my dad so my dad Connected me to a friend his friend Connected me to his associate his Associate connected me to my mentor and Then I found that three people in my Life connect me to most of the people I Know so once you understand who those Connectors are really protect those Relationships you take risks early Because when you’re young losing Everything doesn’t really matter so if You take risks early from like 18 to 25 Especially if you’re young by the time You’re 26 27 you’re gonna be making more Money than the people that took the Conventional path even though from 18 to 24 you’re probably going to make no Money stuff like real estate Financial Advising mortgage brokers a really good Jobs unless you get into like this Entrepreneurial where you can make a lot

Of money really fast kind of like the Sales get yourself out there kind of Build a tough skin because it is a hard Job I mean it’s a hard field right What’s your number one secret to being An entrepreneurial success Well um I have to think that it’s some Form of having a vision in your mind of What you want and having to shut up the Rest of the world and keep working Towards that thing because if I told you That anyone would believe where I’d be At today based off of where I was five And a half years ago they wouldn’t have Believe me I would say the number one Secret is there’s entrepreneurship as a Whole yeah there’s folks that work in Nine-to-five corporate gun yeah but in The end of the day the secret is when You’re alone always remember there’s a Sea of other entrepreneurs that are Doing pretty much the same hours same Lifestyle so don’t ever feel you’re Alone and don’t live in fear of what Others say is what’s considered normal So the secret is basically understanding That what it looks like isn’t really the Truth right you’re never really alone It’s always going to be worth it in the End just keep on going don’t stop don’t Listen to others when they tell you to Slow down otherwise you’re your biggest Hamster That was fire thanks bro

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About the Author: Darlene Thompson

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