How to Make Money with YouTube Shorts – $50,000 a Month Ultimate Guide

How to Make Money with YouTube Shorts - $50,000 a Month Ultimate Guide
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Learn how to make money with YouTube Shorts in this full step by step Shorts creation and monetization tutorial. This is the easiest way to make money on YouTube, and if you’re not doing this yet – you really should start asap.


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Starting from February 2023, YouTube Shorts will be paying everyone for any ads that are shown on the videos (subject to acceptance criteria).

So now is a really good time to get into YouTube Shorts, and today I will show you exactly what you need to do to earn good money with YouTube shorts.

Some channels in this niche are making will over $50,000 a month by uploading simple YouTube shorts videos, using the methods that I’m goiung to show you.

First, you should find a good niche for your YouTube channel. In today’s video, I am using a dog niche as an example.

Next, I show you how to find good keywords for your very first YouTube shorts video. You can just use the YouTube search bar which is actually a pretty powerful research tool.

Next, I will show you how to use InVideo (link above) to quickly create good, high quality videos.

Don’t forget to significantly change the videos – you should add voiceover, and other overlays, such as text call-to-action.

To monetize YouTube shorts, you can use Amazon affiliate links, promoting products that are relevant to the topic of your video. For example, in a dog niche, you could promote related dog toys, dog cages or dog food.

I hope you enjoy the video!

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(The Caffeinated Blogger)

Today I want to show you how to make Money with YouTube shorts by simply Downloading and uploading videos like This one here I will show you how you Can get huge amounts of views just like This channel over here you can see on The screen I’m even going to show you The exact Niche and the exact video Topics that get views like these Hundreds of thousands of views every Single day hey what’s up guys it’s Greg Here from the caffeinated blogger Channel and today I want to show you Some awesome strategies related to YouTube shorts if you’re not yet a Subscriber on my channel then scroll Down just below this video click the Subscribe button and enable all Notifications I bring out regular videos Like this one here to show you different Ways of making money online so you can Have a better future for yourself and Your family but yeah today guys we’re Talking about YouTube shorts and if You’re not sure what they are yet these Are the videos that you can see here on The screen that are less than 60 seconds Long so they’re very quick to create and They’re very easy to create because the This video that you’re watching now is Probably going to be about 20 minutes Long and it’s going to take me a whole Day to make but a YouTube shorts can be Made in just one hour you might have

Seen these videos on your mobile phone App or even on the desktop app and Basically these shorts are videos Usually vertical videos that look like This that are just going completely nuts At the moment it’s very easy to get Hundreds of thousands even millions of Views on your YouTube shorts videos Because usually each person watches each Shorts video more than once look at some Of these results over here so we’ve got This super simple kind of videos that Are getting millions of views a day look At this woman driver fails test shorts I Mean this is just footage from a Computer game right and it’s had 2.1 Million views in one day how insane is That and if we open this channel BeamNG Shorts just out of interest to see what Kind of stuff is possible with very Little effort let’s go into their shorts Okay you can see here all the assurance That are getting hundreds of thousands And even millions of views each short And that’s each video is less than 60 Seconds long let’s take a quick look at Their stats and open their channel in Social blade so this is just a free Service that allows us to see what kind Of views they’re getting let’s just Scroll down here and we can see that This channel is getting 6 million views Every single day is this crazy what do You think guys I mean comment below if

You think that this is crazy or is this Normal six million viewers a day with 60 Second videos and guys if you missed These news from around February 2023 so In just a couple of months from now you Will be able to earn ad revenue from YouTube shorts so you can imagine that This channel here that’s getting Millions of views every single day from YouTube shorts is going to be making an Absolute ton of money so guys guys Because of this now is really a very Good time to get into YouTube shorts if You’re not here doing YouTube shots you Have to start because from February You’re going to be making ad revenue on YouTube shorts and you can get so many Views and literally not very many people Right now are doing YouTube shows most People are still sticking to the old Format of long form videos so the market Is open now is the opportunity to do This I’m going to show you exactly what To do in this video so step one of the Process is to find your Niche for your Channel if you don’t have an idea in Mind yet if you already have a YouTube Niche Channel idea then that’s great go For it you can just skip through to the Next step but if not then here is how to Go about finding the niche for your Channel so open and just From your home page underneath the home Button there’s going to be a button

Called shorts you can go there and you Can just scroll through the different Videos that come up on your YouTube feed So these are going to be tailored to Your previous watch history and to your Interests and most likely the videos That are going to come up here are going To be stuff that you’re interested in so Just watch as many of these shorts as You can scroll through them and see if Any of them give you some ideas for what Kind of videos you can make if that Doesn’t help for some reason then Another way to do this would be to just Go into your search bar and type in Hashtag shorts like this and Once this page opens click on shorts Hashtag shorts and that’s going to open This URL over here shorts Now this is just a different way to Scroll through all of the trending Recent short videos regardless of your Watch history and this is just going to Give you some ideas of the types of Short videos that are actually doing Really really well right now so you Might be able to find something here so We’ve got this you know if you’re into For example computer games and um you Know you’re interested in making this Kind of footage like this one over here You can easily go ahead and do that as You scroll through you’ll find a ton of Different other examples for example the

Here is a golf video if you’re into golf You might want to start making golf Videos and the other thing that you can Do is in the search bar just after You’ve typed in hashtag shorts put in Space and then start hitting letters of Alphabet one after another so go like This shorts a okay so here is everything All the popular shorts topics uh that You might want to consider so we’ve got ASMR anime art and Magnolia Etc then we Can delete this and put in B and look at Everything that’s good to do with Starting with b same with C same with d Now you’ll notice that there is Something here called shorts cats okay So if you’re into videos about cats then You can go ahead and start a YouTube Channel about shorts about cats like Let’s take a quick look here shorts cats That perhaps might give you some ideas Of what kind of videos to make same Thing let’s say we type in D okay we we Get like Demon Slayer Dance Etc but one of them is dog which is also A really really good Niche so lots of Videos with shorts about dogs of course As well there are videos they get like 42 million views look at this one 42 Million viewers with cute dogs Compilation now the interesting thing About this video over here okay is that This is a compilation so guys the person Who uploaded this video did not make

This whole video themselves from scratch They just simply did a compilation by by Reusing other people’s videos and that’s What I want to show you today the type Of Niche that I want to show you today And type of videos is this compilation Type videos in the dog Niche that’s just One example you can go for like hundreds Of other niches just following the same Idea but for the purposes of today’s Video I’m gonna focus on dogs Compilation videos and this is a really Good Niche because if you’re smart about How you monetize your channel you can Make a lot of money in a few different Ways so one such example of a channel That you could potentially look at Making is something like Cesar millan’s Channel so he’s got 2.48 million Subscribers His channel of course is quite developed But this is definitely something that You can work towards as well if you look At his short speed he’s got shorts video That he uploads and he’s also got Regular length videos and if we open up Any of his videos there are going to be Ads that play at the start and Throughout his videos from which he Makes ad revenue and also in a lot of His videos he actually promotes other Products as an affiliate so what are we Talking about well there is this video Here how to develop boundaries around

Your dog and you will notice here in the Description so he talks about some kind Of solution a tool in his video and then He says click the link in the Description below as you’ve probably Heard a thousand times on everyone’s Videos but if we click on this link Amzn.t.o this link is actually what’s Called an affiliate link so that means That if we click on this link it takes Us to Amazon and this channel the owner Of the channel is an affiliate for Amazon so it means that if we buy any of This stuff that he he’s recommended in The videos then he’s going to make a Commission and it can be anywhere from About two percent to about eight percent Commission for promoting things on Amazon so that’s why it’s actually a Pretty good idea to go into this Niche Because you can make you can get a lot Of views make money with YouTube ads Revenue as well as promote some relevant Affiliate products such as dog food dog Training toys dog collars and other Things the people who are watching your Videos might be interested in buying all Right so let’s make a note here that our Niche is dogs and we now can move on to Step two which is finding a topic for Your first video so there are a couple Of ways to go about finding the topics For for the individual videos so if we Type in dogs and then space we can see

All the different suggestions the more Popular suggestions are at the top so Dogs howling dogs funny videos dogs Playing are all very popular Search Terms that a lot of people are Interested in and are searching for on YouTube every single day we can even Then start typing in letters one after Another like dogs a it’ll give us a ton Of suggestions dogs B it’ll give us a Ton of suggestions and here we know if We look through this we can see dogs Being funny is actually one of the Suggestions from YouTube so take a look At the search results and see what kind Of videos come up and just to get a General idea of what sort of topics and What sort of content should be covered If you make a video about dogs being Funny if the videos that you’re seeing On here are all long form videos don’t Worry because if you can see good views Like 10 million views 1.5 million views On these kinds of videos it means that If you make a short video on this topic You will also get a lot of views because This is sort of like proof of concept Okay people are interested in these Videos and they will also watch the Short videos on these topics as well With YouTube shorts there is no need to Worry about competition because people Literally will go into their shorts feed And they will start watching One video

After another they will just scroll Through like this through a ton of Videos until they find something that They’re interested in so you don’t need To worry about competition keyword Difficulty or anything like that just Find the topic don’t get stuck on it Take something like dogs being funny Whatever works in your Niche and for Your topic and just make a video on it Alright so here in our document I’m Going to put in topic that we’ve chosen Dogs being funny and we can move on to The next step in step three let’s just Talk through where we’re going to get The material and the footage for our Videos and the First Source that I want To share with you is the Creative Commons videos so let’s look at the Definition on YouTube of what Creative Commons actually is and how you can use This so Creative Commons is a type of License and you can take any Creative Commons video from anywhere online and You can use it as your own look at this It says Creative Commons license gives a Standard way for Content creators to Grant someone else permission to use Their work okay YouTube allows creators To mark their videos with a Creative Commons license if you’ve marked your Video with a Creative Commons license You retain your copyright but other Creators get to reuse your work subject

To the terms of the license so what does This mean guys this is very important it Means that if we go into YouTube and we Search for something on YouTube let’s Say we search for funny dog video Funny dog video like this and we go into Filters and we open we set filters to Creative Commons we’ll get a bunch of Videos over here all right and because These videos we’ve set this filter here To Creative Commons This means that all of these videos have Got Creative Commons license which means That you can reuse any of this footage As your own and as we can see it is Allowed YouTube says that that’s fine You can do this you can reuse any of This footage as your own in your own Videos the second thing that I want to Share with you is YouTube channel Monetization policies certain aspects of It because I get a lot of questions About what is okay and not okay to reuse Footage so I get a lot of questions like Can I just take this footage and can I Reuse and will my channel be monetized Or not so let’s go to their original YouTube channel monetization policy and On the topic of reused content this is Exactly what they’re saying they’re Saying reused content there is a Definition of the reused content so it’s Very important that you follow it but Here they’re saying what is allowed to

Monetize including but not limited to What YouTube are telling us is that it’s Okay to use reused content tent as long As you significantly change it so They’re giving us some examples here so For example they’re saying you can take A scene from a movie where you’ve Rewritten the dialogue and changed the Voiceover so you can basically take a Scene from any movie upload it but you Just need to change it you need to Rewrite the dialogue and change the Voices and this way you will probably Create sort of like a parody or a comedy On that particular scene in the movie They’re also saying to us that you can Post reaction videos where you comment On the original video so you can take Someone else’s video you could basically Take my video and post the reaction and That will be okay according to YouTube Definition another thing that you can do Is edit footage from other creators Where you add a storyline or commentary So that means again that you can Probably take this Creative Commons Videos okay and add your own commentary Over the top and if you do that then you Will be allowed to monetize your content Later on once you are able to start Putting ads on your YouTube shorts Videos so you’re not gonna have any Potential problems with YouTube as long As you follow these guidelines that

They’re setting out for you on this page Now the content that violates the Guideline okay so what you should not do Is taking someone else’s content and Making minimal changes and calling it Your own so examples of what’s not Allowed to monetize is where you take Short videos you compile from other Social media websites so you can’t just Take a bunch of tick tock videos make Zero changes and then post them on YouTube don’t do that so let’s go back To our notes and let’s write down what Are we able to use so what materials can We use and we can use Creative Commons Videos you can use that from YouTube or You can search for Creative Commons Footage online anyway just type into Google Creative Commons you need to Significantly change that footage all Right so you need to put in your own Voiceover your own commentary you need To edit it significantly and if you do Those things you’ll comply with the Creative Commons guidelines as well as With the YouTube channel monetization in Policies specifically with the reused Content guideline so step four is to Create the actual video and to do that You need a software you can use any Software that you want in today’s video I’m going to show you how to do it using In video I like in video because it Actually has a lot of footage that is

Already built into it you can see here On the left hand side I’m just kind of Like in the project editing interface And I’ve typed in find a dog and you can See there is a ton of videos that are Already here in this software and I can Use any of these as my own in my project Now for in video there are a few Different pricing tiers you can use the Free pricing tier or you can get Business or unlimited it’s completely up To you in this video I’m actually going To show you how to use the free editing Interface the big benefit of both Business and unlimited is that you just Get access to a lot more premium footage But you don’t actually absolutely need Premium footage it’s only if you want to Use it because if we for example just Look for dog footage and we exclude Premium and we exclude I stock okay Let’s just search for dog you can see That I still got dozens and dozens and Dozens probably even hundreds of Clips Dedicated to dogs and pretty much about Any topic you know if you type in cats Or something else like something related To Fitness or food or cooking there are Lots of Clips these are video clips by The way there are also images as well That you can use and you can use them as Your own because Nvidia gives you Permission to reuse all of those clips Like you’ve got full rights to use these

Any way you want in your videos so it’s Very convenient to have everything in The one spot and like I said you can Just use the free version by the way if You want to sign up to in video you can Use my link just in the description Below underneath this video so in this Video guys I’m showing you how to do Everything using the free plan of in Video once you’re inside your Nvidia Dashboard you will see something that Looks similar to this and from here you Can either go and create a video using The templates or just go straight into To the editor both ways are fine but I’m Just gonna in today’s video show you how To use the editor interface so let’s do This then you’ll be presented with the Choice of landscape square or portrait Let’s just go for portrait because we Want to create these vertical looking YouTube shorts videos so we can now Start creating the video so what do we Do all right well a couple of things we Can do to start putting it together one Is let’s go into the video on the left Hand side and since we are creating a Video about dogs being funny okay we’ll Just need some funny dog footage so for That in in video we can go into video And let’s now type in funny dog like This and if you’re on a free plan just Untick eye stock and premium and press Enter and that will give all of the

Options for funny dog videos and footage That you can use as your own inside this Project you can put together more more Than one video to get up to 60 seconds Which is the maximum length of a YouTube Short clip so and you can preview any of These but let’s just drag and drop this Over here and you can now kind of trim Or shorten this clip so this clip is Almost 18 seconds long if you want to Just take 10 seconds of this clip you Can do that so you can just kind of Preview how it is okay and then just Take a small portion of it if for Whatever reason you don’t like it you Can close it and then you can just Preview and try to find some other clips That you prefer more so perhaps I want To use 10 seconds of this clip so for This I can just set the in and out Timings just drag this left border and Right border to adjust that to exactly The section that you want so let’s say We want to take about 10 seconds from Here to over here and if we now click Add that will adjust this section so You’ve got your timeline now at the Bottom and you can scroll through the Timeline this is our media one which is The video you’ve got all of the controls Here at the top where you can crop fit Type adjust color stream speed Etc so Very standard editing interface so first Of all let’s change the size of this

Video because now it’s only showing kind Of in the center and it’s quite small And hard to see so what we can do is Just drag these borders to make this a Little bit larger all right it doesn’t Have to feel the whole screen but Obviously if we can see a little bit More of what’s going on there it’ll be Better alright so something like this Then you can just preview it and check How things are going so here are the Dogs kind of playing and you can now see Them a lot better okay so this is the First part of our video this is going to Take us to about 10 seconds you can use This plus and minus buttons to zoom in And out on the timeline so now that We’ve got this kind of first clip added In we can now add the second clip and Then the third clip so let’s just say to Give you an example of where else you Can get your footage let’s see how to Get the footage from YouTube so if you Go into filters let’s just make sure That we’re looking at Creative Commons You can type in any kind of search that You want click search you’re now looking At Creative Commons videos we can see Perhaps this video that we might want to Use it’s already in the vertical format Which works really well for us let’s Just double check scroll down if you Take a look at the license over here you Can see license Creative Commons

Attribution license reuse aloud okay so You’re allowed to reuse this video clip So now you just need to download it to Download the video you can use a service Called yt5s or any of the other YouTube Downloader Services take this link over Here and enter it so just click all of These kind of stuff that you see don’t Worry about any of it you don’t want to Click on any ads on it just type that in And you will now have a chance to Download it so 1080p get the best Resolution that you can and then click Get link now you can see that you can Download it over here here so just save It to a computer let’s go back into in Video and go to uploads and now you can Just upload that media that you have Just downloaded so click upload and find Your file okay and upload that over here So you can now see that this is being Uploaded once your file has uploaded you Can drag it to your timeline so click Here and drag this player head to Position where you’d like to add your New clip and click the plus button you Can scroll through and preview this Video and choose which bits of it you Would like to use let’s say if you want To just use a portion of it from here to Let’s say over here you can do that by Just adjusting this playhead so just Drag it until you see this new clip okay Over here happy with that then just drag

It until you see the end of where you Would like to end your clip so let’s say You want to end where this door closes The door all right like this that’s fine So now I’ve got about 20 seconds so just Click add now and that portion will get Pasted into the timeline over here so You can see we’ve kind of now got two Layers you can just drag drag them and Place them one after another like this So now we’ve got the first 10 seconds of These two dogs playing and then after That we’ve got this new video clip so Again you just need to drag and adjust The sizes okay so this one we can just Match this whole screen make sure that It’s taking up everything all right so Here we go we can Now preview again you Can zoom in and out on the timeline and Just preview what is happening over here And you can continue building up your Video Until It’s about 60 seconds long You can also totally post just a 30 Second YouTube short as well alright so Now let’s go back to our notes and as You remember we are now using Creative Commons and we are also using other Footage to which we’ve got rights but What we need to now do we need to Significantly change it or potentially Add our own voiceover in commentary so This is where you will need to go back Into in video and record your own Voiceover try to record some funny

Comment around top you can use this Option over here for that which says add Voice over and just try to add a little Bit of commentary a little bit of humor To make this video significantly Different to what it was before watch Some a similar video see what kind of Things people say over the top to make The videos funnier to perhaps add some Interesting or funny commentary you can Also do music over the top of this so if You go to music you can search by either Keywords or by mood of the music and Just add some music to make this video Different as well so just kind of play Around with it try to be creative last Thing that you can do to significantly Change these videos is to use text so if You go into text you can actually add a Heading into your video so let’s just Click it and click plus okay uh I’ve Actually just done that twice Accidentally alright so over here we’ve Now got this text placeholder I can just Drag it place it at the top and for this Section of the video I can just say Something like best friends you can Obviously be more creative than me with This but let’s just go over here and Let’s just say best friends something Like this all right so we can now see That this appears and then it’s there While this video clip is playing and While your voice is already saying

Something funny or something cute about This scene alright so next very Importantly remember how we said that Many of the channels on YouTube actually Promote some products on Amazon wherever It makes sense so you should absolutely Try to do that and in order to be able To promote things on Amazon just go to Amazon Associates and sign up okay so Type in Amazon Associates and just go Through the steps and sign up you Generally will be able to join Immediately you can get start getting Your links immediately as well if you Have any problems just check the links In the description below I’ve got a Special video that walks you through how To sign up to step by step Once you’re on Amazon you can promote Any product that you want for a Commission and here let’s just check What kind of makes sense to promote Within your video if your video has got Some funny dog toys which are perhaps Quite cool you can promote those this Kind of cage you can promote that on Amazon as well just go in and search for Dog cage like this and see what kind of Cages look similar to what is in the Video or what makes sense you know what Might people want depending on the Content of your video if you decide that You would like to promote perhaps this Cage over here like this one all right

You can just click on here and see how At the top you’ve now got something Called Amazon Associates side stripe so If you’ve got an Amazon Associates Account you can promote anything just by Being on this page and then clicking get Link it says get link text image or Text Plus image so we just want to get get Link text like this and then over here We’ve got something that says create Created text link below you can either Go for full link or short link short Link looks nicer this is exactly what This video over here is using it’s using A short link so just grab this short Link okay and let’s add it to our notes We’re going to add it to the description Of the video afterwards but this is Basically going to be your affiliate Link once you paste it into the Description of your video anyone who Clicks on this description will be taken Straight to Amazon to the listing of This cage now the good news is if Someone clicks on your Amazon affiliate Link but then ends up buying a PlayStation or a TV you’re actually Going to get Commission on the whole Purchase so even though this product is Just 41 dollars quite often I find in my Experience customers end up making like A thousand dollar purchase after Clicking on your link you’re gonna get a Credit for that whole order amount so

What would be a really good idea is to Actually put a bit of a call to action Here for people to say if you want a Cage like this then check the links in The description below and for that once Again we can use the text options and Then type in add heading and we’re gonna Click plus and over here we’ve now got Our text placeholder grab this text over Here let’s put it down at the bottom Perhaps make it you can make it a Different color for it to stand out a Little bit more you can maybe make it a Slightly larger font size but let’s Change this text to say something like This click the link in the description To get a cage like this now clearly this Is too big so let’s just reduce the font Until it looks fine all right so that’s Probably still a little bit too big so 64. now this looks okay all right so Let’s just Okay adjust the size so it comes up Nicely over here all right and now Anyone who’s watching this they they get This kind of non-intrusive reminder to Click the link in the description to get A cage like this so while they’re Watching this video they’ll see this Prompt to click the link in the Description to get a cage like this and If they scroll down to the description They’ll be able to click your link we’ve Already taken a note of this link all

Right and we’re going to insert this When we’re actually uploading the video So create this video once you’re happy With everything you’ve got your calls to Action you know you’ve significantly Changed it make sure to add your voice Over very important because you want to Significantly change the uh this this Sort of standard videos that you’ve Downloaded now you can go ahead and Export this video and we can now in The Next Step go through the steps of how to Upload this video if you see a screen Like this don’t worry it looks like it’s Kind of forcing you to upgrade but it’s Not you will be able to download free With just the watermark once this has Finished rendering if you’re worried About the watermark don’t worry too much About it because uh it’s fine to have a Watermark basically you are using free Software you’re using their footage so It’s not a big deal you’re actually Getting quite a lot of value for the Free account even though there’s going To be a little Watermark there on the Video they’re still completely fine to Upload alright so here now our video is Ready to download so I can just click Save you can see this is sort of like The the preview of our video it’s Looking pretty great over here all right So in this step we’re going to go Through the process of uploading and

Optimizing your video to get maximum Amounts of views uh so first of all go Into your YouTube studio so for your channel Click this create plus button to create A new video and drag and drop or just Select this new file that we’ve just Created this video file that we’ve Downloaded out of in video okay so the File is now uploading and and processing We can see that down here at the bottom And what the status of it is we now need To go through the title and description Of this video so for title You need to make sure that first of all You enter the keyword that you have Decided to go with and for us the Keyword is going to be this okay dogs Being funny Because your video will actually get a Chance to surface when when someone goes Into YouTube and types in dogs being Funny there’s actually a chance that Your video will end up coming up in one Of these search results even if your Channel is new YouTube will generally Give every new video a shot so don’t Worry about competition too much at this Stage especially with shorts videos just Make sure that you’ve got that included In the title of your video alright so Here we can say dogs being funny and Then we need to add or slightly change This title to make sure that it’s as

Viral as possible and catches attention As much as possible for that check some Other viral videos try to get some ideas From them so you can type in like Hashtag shorts funny dogs and can get Some ideas from there look at this video 59 million views so clearly this is a Video that has done well probably can Get some ideas from this title so you Can see it’s a super funny dog videos Alright so we can maybe say something Like dogs being super funny like this in Capitals alright so that’s one one Little change that we can do and then if We go back uh what what else is that you Will laugh in 10 seconds all right so You can say something like try not to Laugh okay Um so this is a pretty good viral title If our video is good and the title is Good then we’ll have a really good Chance of getting some great numbers of Views now in the description we need to Follow a couple of rules one is that we Need to include the keyword that we’re Targeting at least once so we can say Something like watch to see dogs being Funny all right and if you remember dogs Being funny is the keyword title or the Keyword phrase that we’re targeting with This video and then just type in some Other related keywords so you can say Something like something like this watch To see dogs being funny funniest dog

Videos compiled try not to laugh again You can actually get some inspiration From what these people do so clearly This video has done quite well you can Check what the description is of this Video just scroll down here and where it Says description all right you can see What they have done and get some Inspiration get some ideas from them a Write at similar description for your Video as well Now we talked about the inserting the Amazon affiliate link and this is Exactly where you would do it as well Remember how in the video we’re telling Them to click the link in the Description below to check out this dog Cage that we’re showing in the video Well this is where you can do it you can Say something like this awesome dog cage Then I usually get a service called get Emoji and with this I can say check mark Or you can use any of the other mergers Really that you like but I really like This one okay and we can go back in here And we can this is where we’re going to Insert our Amazon affiliate link just Grab that go back over here something Like this all right so now when someone Opens the description they will see Awesome door cage and this is going to Be clickable so when your video is Actually live they will be able to click On this affiliate link and that will

Take them to Amazon and they can you can Earn a commission on any purchases on Any of the products that they make from Amazon so you can now go through and put In the rest of the information in our Employed a screen so choose some of the Playlists if you don’t have a funny dog Playlist then create one now then over Here at the bottom where it’s got tags This is where you need to insert your Main keyword so here we will say dogs Being funny which is our Okay our main kind of keyword that we’re Targeting dogs being funny and then After that just type in a bunch of Related keywords such as funny dogs Funny dog videos like this All right and if you don’t know which Other ones to put in then just check Once again what keywords and what tags Other videos similar videos have used so If you’re going to funny dogs just look At long form videos and If you don’t have a vdiq instead Extension I recommend you install this Vitaq boost extension what it will help You do is it will help you see all of This information that is normally hidden See how it’s got video tags so vidiq is A free service just Google vidiq install The vidiq toolbar get an account there And you will be able to see all of these Video tags so just insert as many of These similar tags to what other popular

Videos have inserted into this Description over here and once you’ve Gone through all of these steps under Visibility then just choose public and Click the publish button congratulations You’ve made a YouTube shorts video That’s got a really good chance of going Viral and making some good money hey Guys so if you learned something new in This video then please scroll below this Video click the Subscribe button and Enable all notifications to get more Videos like this from me in the future On this channel I publish regular Tutorials like this one to help you get A better future for yourself and your Family and while you rather just smash The like button as well that will really Help me out with the YouTube algorithm Thank you so much for watching you guys Are awesome and if you are quite new to This whole YouTube business and you Don’t even know where to start or what To do I’ve actually got a video that Will show you start to finish exactly How to start your YouTube channel from Scratch so just watch this video over Here or somewhere over here on the Screen I’m gonna put a link it’ll walk You through everything from Total zero To through the whole process of starting The YouTube channel and uploading your Videos also check the links in the Description below a bunch of free

Resources over there for you guys as Well thank you so much and I will see You in the next video

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About the Author: Darlene Thompson

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