Now you’ll learn 7 Tips to Make Money on YouTube.
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0:00 Intro
0:17 1st YouTube Money Trick
3:02 2nd YouTube Tip
4:47 3rd POWERFUL YouTube Trick
6:47 4th YouTube SUCCESS Tip
9:37 5th YouTube Trick
11:52 6th YouTube Tip
13:49 7th YouTube GROWTH Trick
I simply want this video to help YOU to achieve more success on YouTube and understand how the “YouTube money game” works. So I share things that have worked well for me and others.
Making money on YouTube because much easier when you apply the steps that are proven to work. I am almost 100% sure that if you make money on YouTube following my tips, you’ll start earning money much faster.
If you have any questions on how to make money on YouTube, just ask me in the comments below and I’ll do my best to help you out.
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My name is Roope Kiuttu and you probably know me already from my popular YouTube channel Learn To Make Honest Money Online.
I created this channel Tube Journey To Freedom to help you to:
– Make Money on YouTube
– Monetize Your YouTube Channel
– Grow on YouTube
If you’ve ever wanted to earn money on YouTube, make sure to subscribe right now to learn the best secrets from an expert who has made money on YouTube for years:
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The information on this YouTube channel and the resources available are for educational and informational purposes only. The content of this YouTube is not an investment advice, financial advice, trading advice or any other advice or recommendation.
AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE: This video and description may contain affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I may receive a small commission. I won’t put anything here that I haven’t verified and/or personally used myself.
Forget the views forget the subscriber Numbers if you want to make some serious Money on youtube you must know these Seven things especially the last one and For those of you who want to make even More money on youtube in the end i will Give you two bonus tips so let’s get Started the first one views and Subscribers on youtube are not equal for Example you may have a video with one Million views that makes you zero Dollars then you may have a video with One thousand views that makes you one Thousand dollars so you need to Understand the difference between high Quality views and low quality views and High quality subscribers and low quality Subscribers because somebody may have a Video with one billion views and doesn’t Earn money another person has some video With 1 000 views and earns more money so How does this work how does this game Work let me give you some examples Somebody has a cat video Showing some funny cats so funny babies For example gets 1 million views but he Has let’s say 500 subscribers he cannot Monetize it on youtube and he doesn’t Have any offer there he makes zero Dollars then another person has also a Youtube channel with 500 subscribers but He creates a review of some expensive Product and then he has an affiliate Link in the description he says if you
Want to buy this product click the link In description go there and buy it People watch the video they click the Link in description and the video Creator even though he has only 1 000 Views he earns more money than the Person who had 1 million views so you May have a small amount of views but you May make significant amount of money Let’s take a second example you have a Video that gets 10 000 views But the viewers are 15 year old Teenagers for example from bangladesh Pakistan and india then you get another Video that gets 10 000 views but the Views are from 50 year old small business owners from California for example from the united States which one is going to make you More money the one with less views but The quality views because those people Usually have more money so it means that They are going to buy your products more Likely also advertisers will spend more Money on your video because the audience Is targeted in the us for the people who Have money so you need to understand That the quality of subscribers and the Quality of views matter a lot like when You see two channels both have 100 000 Subscribers it doesn’t mean at all that They would mean to say make the same Amount of money or let’s say two videos Have one million views it doesn’t mean
At all that they are making same amount Of money let’s say there is a music Video that gets 10 million views then There is a video about business topic That is one million views i’m 100 sure That the video with business topic that Gets 10 times more views is going to Generate more money than the music video With 10 million views that’s the power Of this and that leads to our second tip Which is choose a topic choose needs I’ve seen so many new people starting on Youtube and they publish videos about Literally everything In one video they tell about their Travels Next video they show their cooking in The third video they talk about Technology in the fourth video they talk About dating they talk about everything In their videos like they are all over The place If you want to grow on youtube if you Want to make money on youtube you need To pick a needs you need to pick a topic By the way this will also help your Followers because they know that you are Always publishing videos about the same Topic think about it from this way there Are for example newspapers like business Insider or forbes people who subscribe For those they know what to expect they Know that okay there are business news There are not like cats videos coming up
Or they are not coming like uh news from The some exotic places like trips or This kind of thing there are primarily Some business news and some business Topics on those news channels in the Same way you pick one topic on your Channel you pick something that you are Passionate about it can be for example Traveling it can be for example cooking It can be dating for example but you Cannot make all of them at the same time That’s not a good approach in my opinion Especially when you are starting out of Course later if you want to broaden your Topic you want to let’s say talk about More topics you may do it but start with Something specific it will help you to Grow faster and also to make more money On youtube if that’s your goal and now We are coming to one of the most Powerful tips but before that if you are Enjoying so far remember to smash up Likes and subscribe to my channel if you Like making money online because i Publish videos every single day where i Saw how you can make more money online So click to subscribe but then if you Haven’t already tip number three this is So like if you do this with a new Channel you can like you can save Thousands of hours you can say like Hundreds of hours like this deep this is Like so powerful i see so many youtubers They just try new things maybe this
Would work maybe this will maybe this Hey what if i should do this and then They don’t achieve much let’s say they Publish 20 videos and nothing gets many Views now you should do this tip number Three you should take for example five To ten similar channels like Channels that are publishing videos About the same topic that you are Then take a look at their most viewed Videos for example during the last month Not most with videos like five years ago During the last month for example let’s Say that channel has on average let’s Say 1 000 views per video but one video Got 20 000 views then you are like whoa What is this topic it means that usually It’s trending topic and if you create a Video about the same topic you may also Get higher amount of views then you take A second channel in your same needs Let’s say that they are getting on Average ten thousand views ten thousand Views ten thousand views ten thousand Then they have one video with one Thousand one hundred thousand views you Should create a video about that topic Or let’s take third channel that has Usually 100 views 100 views 100 views Then one video with 5 000 views you know What is the trending topic so you take a Look at other youtube channels what kind Of videos are getting lots of views Recently for them and create something
Similar by observing other channels you Can also get ideas for thumbnails titles For everything for videos like intros so That’s really powerful observe other Channels in your needs observe big Challenge but you can also observe small Channels like what is working for small Channels and as brian tracy says if you Do what other successful people do Eventually you will get the same results That they do so you don’t need to Reinvent the wheel simply model which is Already working this will save you like Hours and hours and hours and let’s say Some of you have already tried this and You come to me and say hey ruby i Already tried this i published like five Videos but i failed so i quit or Somebody says hey i’m going to try this Youtube make money online thing i’m Going to try youtube maybe i will Publish like five videos and if it Doesn’t work i will quit well that was Me before i published five videos first In my youtube channel like some years Ago and then i quit i decided okay this Doesn’t work that’s a failure astralis That’s losers strategy what winners do Is that they commit okay for example you Publish 10 videos you see first what is Working for others you create 10 similar Videos one by one then you analyze what Is working and what doesn’t work then You decide to improve you see what you
Can improve you analyze to analytics Then you publish 10 videos more and then Again you analyze you analyze you Improve then 10 videos again you analyze Analyze you improve and set the goal for Yourself publish at least 100 videos it Can be for example publish at least 500 Videos but i would set for yourself Publish at least 100 videos because then You have some tangible goals and now you Are not expecting like okay this will Happen immediately now you have some Long-term reason like okay i’m going This for long term i’m not just trying For five or ten videos i’m going this For long term i’m going to make money Because let me ask you which person is More likely going to make money and Succeed on youtube person a who says That okay i’m going to try this i’m Going to publish five videos or 10 Videos Or the person who says okay i’m going to Publish 100 videos first 10 videos then I analyze and improve then 10 videos Analyze improve which one is going to be More successful obviously the person who Is more committed for the long term by The way there was a study done once uh Between like three thousand channels Like many many youtube channels or was It thirty thousand still lots of youtube Channels and they noticed that an Average channel that has more than one
Hundred thousand subscribers they have On average more than 1 100 published videos so if you want to Have more than 100 000 subscribers on Average of course not always but on Average you need to have more than 1 100 Published videos that’s just an average And the channels that had more than one Million subscribers on average those Channels had more than 3 800 Published videos so that may give you Some perspective because so many people Think that okay they will like become Viral immediately most of the time on Average it takes more published videos It takes time to become viral it takes Time to grow your channel so this is not Like get rich quick thing but this is Get rich for sure thing now you are Going to learn something super important What is the most important thing in your Youtube videos is it the beginning is it Intro is it the middle it’s none of them The most important thing in your youtube Videos is usually the thumbnail because If your thumbnail sucks people are not Going to click it but if your thumbnail Is great more people are going to click It you youtube is going to promote it to More people more people are going to see It and it starts this positive spiral And again you don’t need to be perfect
With creating thumbnails from the Beginning but i recommend that you put Some effort in creating thumbnails and After you have done this analyze on Youtube analytics what is working Because youtube shows you a click Through rate like how many people click Your thumbnail who see it and then you Can see what is working and what doesn’t Work because personally i have been Surprised by the results like sometimes Somebody created me a beautiful looking Thumbnail i was like okay this is going To perform well but it flopped or then i Created myself i’m not a like visual Person i’m not like a talented with Visual things or things like that but Sometimes i created some simple Thumbnail and i put it there and it Worked like really well and i was like What how does it work like this so you Need to analyze what works in your needs In your topic because the results may Surprise you but i can mention three Things that has worked for me again this May work for you uh they may have worked For other people but you need to analyze Yourself so what often works for me is Putting for example a number in the Thumbnail and then also not putting too Many words because at the beginning i Was putting too many words in the Thumbnail and the font was too small so It was confusing there were so many
Things going on and i’ve seen many Beginners do this mistake as well so Don’t put too many words and also using Bright colors for example uh green or Yellow or let’s say in general bright Color so white for example rather than Dark colors like gray like black and This kind of dark colors again this may Depend on the industry and needs but in My case bright colors Numbers and then also not having too Much text these things have worked well For me and if you should put a lot of Effort on your thumbnail another thing Where you should put also a lot of focus Is your titles Put effort on your titles because again If your title is bad people are not Going to click it so this is Extremely important title is extremely Important i cannot underline it enough Here are a couple of tips that usually Work for titles first of all if you are Targeting some keyword you want to get Ranked on youtube search usually Starting with that keyword Helps you to get ranked higher for Example if you are uh trying to get Ranked on specific like let’s say some Product review you need to put that Product review in the beginning of the Title in order to get ranked of course Not always but this will help you to get Ranked higher with the youtube algorithm
Second tip is that use numbers of course Again not always necessary but this has Worked for me this has worked for other People and you may try it may work for You as well then third thing is to leave Some information gap like do something That forces people to clip For example uh telling child like what They don’t want you to hear or something Like five secrets revealed something Like people need to click it to see it Like what is happening here or shocking Thing happened in the uh trailer park or A shocking thing happened in the roller Coaster or something like this it’s like People oh what is happening there Because people are curious they want to Know what is happening there instead of Just let’s say we went to the holiday we Went for a holiday like this it’s Pouring but then you can put like a Shocking thing happened in our holiday Or you could never believe what happened In a holiday it’s completely different Emotion than such We went for a holiday you understand the Difference put some emotion there and Then something you can try you can use Brackets because they have often worked For me they have worked also for other People somehow they seem to catch people Attention so you can try that as well in A moment i will give you two bonus tips That you can use to make even more money
On youtube but before that Tip number seven and that is analyze Your analytics youtube gives you tons of Numbers tons of data that will help you To actually make more money on youtube More easily because you you can see what Is working what doesn’t work so it makes Your process much easier in the future For example i have learned what kind of Thumbnails work what kind of titles work And did you notice that in the beginning Of this video or in the title i said That seven tips or seven advice and in Order for you to hear all of them you Need to watch until the end that works Because in some of my videos i had for Example like some like payment proof on This website where i saw like okay i Earned money on this website but then i Saw the payment proof in the beginning Of that video people click away Immediately because they already got to Answers what for what they were looking For or for example is some product a Scam i asked that question in the title And then in the beginning of the video i Tell yes it was come stay away from that One and then people click away so you Should always leave some curiosity Always uh to the end of the video so it Encourages people to watch the whole Video and again i promise to give you Two bonus tips for making more money so Bonus tip number one is that you need to
Have some offer that you promote if you Want to make more money of course now There are different strategies for Making money on youtube you can make Money from youtube ads you can make Money from promoting someone else’s Products like as an affiliate you can Make money by promoting your own Products but in my experience people who Have some products in the description Who promote something on average they Make more money than those who just Focus solely on youtube ads of course You may need to balance a little bit Because uh if people click links in your Description and they go away from Youtube youtube doesn’t like it so you May need to have some sort of balance Like sometimes you focus more on Promoting something sometimes you don’t Focus on that so much so you need to Have some balance but if you have some Products that you promote for example Other people’s products as an affiliate Usually this will lead for you to Earning more money in the process then Tip number two is that uh have some call To action in the end i will give you Actually one example at the moment in The link in description of this video i Will show you my number one Recommendation for making money online If you click that first link in the Description i will show you immediately
The strategy that has made me thousands Of dollars online and that has also Helped dozens of other people to make as Well thousands of dollars on the Internet so if you want to see how you Can make money online click the first Link in the description did you hear That is a call to action click the link In description again you can have also Call to access in your videos you can Say for example what’s a specific video Like if you want to see 15 websites that Have made me money on the internet watch My video here i will leave you a link in Description or somewhere around that Video watch that video so you can have Different kinds of call to actions in Your video but always remember to have Some call to action another call to Action can be if you like making money Online click the subscribe button so you Will never miss out new videos thank you Very much for watching this video my Friend i hope you enjoyed and you and me We will see you in the next video have a Wonderful day my friend [Music] You