How To Make Money On Fiverr As A Graphic Designer
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How To Make Money On Fiverr Video Editing 2022
How to Make Money on Fiverr Photo Editing 2022
If you want to make money on fiverr as a Graphic Designer there’s five things you need to know. I’m gonna share with you those five things plus how you can make up to fifteen hundred and sixty dollars a week as a graphic designer on Fiverr. I’m also going to show you how the best Graphic Designers are earning on Fiverr and how you can copy their exact strategy for your business. Let’s get this money!
If you want to make money online in 2021 You’re gonna need to make sure that People can find you or else let’s face It Nobody’s gonna give you any money if They can’t find you websites like fiverr Freelancer and upwork make it really Easy for people to find you and hire you For your graphic design services hey Everyone i’m nick newsom i’ve been a Seller on fiverr for over two years now And i want to share with you some of the Tips that i’ve learned along the way um That brought me a lot of success fiverr Has been a great business asset for me And it’s increased my business tenfold And i know it can really do the same for You and your business and i want to Share those tips with you but before we Get into that i put together a checklist For graphic designers who want to Rapidly accelerate their growth on fiber
If you want my fiverr marketing hacks Checklist go ahead and click the link Down in the description to grab it okay Number one in order to get started on Fiverr you’re going to need to have a Seller’s profile if you need help with Setting up your profile go ahead and Check out the video up above i put it Together for beginners it’s a quick and Easy way for you to set up your profile I’m going to take you through the whole Process hold you by the hand and help You get set up number two okay next Let’s cover the potential money that you Can make on fiverr which is probably one Of the most important things because we Want to find out how much money you can Make and is fiber even worth it all Right so for this we’re gonna go into my Screen and we’re gonna go check out a Couple profiles on fiverr and see how Much some graphic designers are making All right so here we are on fiverr let’s Go ahead and type in graphic design And see what comes up all right fiber Graphic design is a search term we Scroll down a little bit um and then Here we go So basically this is where you’re going To see what what what a buyer is going To see when they come to fiber and they Start looking for helps and services um You know you got to have your thumbnail Up
You gotta create some good thumbnails to Attract attention Um but i really wanna point out this is What i wanna point out and what we’re Gonna do What we’re gonna do in this video is We’re gonna showcase the top sellers in Graphic design and we’re gonna look at What they’re doing how much money They’re making Right and then a little bit later in the Video we’re going to evaluate how their What they have set up in their gigs how They’re marketing themselves so you can Copy this for your business and you can Have the same success that they’re Having so right off the top you know What i look for is Level two sellers and top rated sellers Now some of the differences in fiber are There’s level one seller level two Seller and then your top rated seller Which should be the overall goal in your Strategy of marketing on fiverr you know When as you’re on fiverr So you’re gonna have a lot more uh that You can do on fiverr when you’re a top Rated seller plus people really look for That and they are more The higher paying clients are gonna pay You better as a top rated seller so i Mean but level two is not bad i’m a Level two seller i’m about to be a top Rated seller but level two is pretty
Good you get paid pretty decent as a Level two seller but what i wanna focus On is how much money are they actually Making so right here uh top rated seller Idea hits he’s got over 1001 orders total completed in his Fiverr in his fiverr career uh he’s got Six orders in the queue and he has basic Package standard package and premium Package which everyone will have as a Fiverr seller you’ll have three Different packages that you can sell per Gig so let’s start with the basic um and Take a look at that so he’s got six Orders in the queue at 65 dollars let’s Pull up the calculator And in the calculator so we’re going to Say six times 65 equals so that’s 390 on The low end and then for the premium is 260 and then if we bring up the Calculator again we’ll go six times 260 Oops 260 Equals fifteen hundred and sixty dollars That’s fifteen hundred and sixty dollars That you can make in a week as a graphic Designer he’s got seven days delivery Time so that tells you right there That’s within seven days you can Potentially make the fifteen hundred and Sixty dollars so three hundred ninety Dollars in the low end and sixteen Hundred fifty dollars on the higher end As a top rated seller okay and number
Three you have to copy what successful People have already done and are doing Currently so as you become a seller on Fiverr or if you’re already a seller on Fiverr you have to look at what Successful people are doing if you want To reach that level of success so let’s Take a look at what they’re doing and Let’s see if we can find anything that Really resonates so over here we have The top rated seller again and i’m only Going to look at top rated sellers or Level 2 right because we just checked we Don’t want to copy new sellers and we Don’t want to copy uh level 1 sellers They just haven’t reached the level of Success that we’re looking for we want To find the people that are at the top And do what they’re doing By the way if you’re getting any value Out of this video go ahead and smash up That like button it lets the youtube Algorithm know that you like videos like This and you want to see more of them it Also lets me know that you like this Video and i’ll make more videos like This for you about graphic design and How to make money online and on fiverr All right let’s get back to the video so Right away let’s go with the top rated Seller um I think we’re just going to do this all Together now he’s doing web graphics so That’s something you could do you could
Do web graphics as a graphic designer Print graphics he has right here at 130 And then large format graphics so look At what they’re doing and then you go Down here and you want to look at what They have written in their description Now this guy has please contact me Before ordering if you have any Questions please keep this one In your gig description because you Really want to put this out there it Encourages people to start communication With you and when people start Communicating with you is when you get Closer to the sale uh and then he also Notes i’m not drawing any characters Cartoons or illustrations okay excellent Why hire me uh why is this gig unique no Design is repeated proper and fast Communication unlimited revisions that’s Awesome 100 satisfaction guaranteed okay Awesome all right and he’s got some good Reviews he’s got you know five star Rating at over a thousand a thousand oh Well he’s got more than they showed up Top so just for this gig alone he’s got A thousand and one the other thing that You want to do is really get some graph Um some thumbnails that stand out now This one this one really stands out like I love that one i think it just catches My eye right away um but he has no video Here he has a fibers choice though so i Mean what i would do right here is
Follow people that have the fibers Choice you want to focus on that another Great technique to make money on fiverr As a graphic designer is social media Post design and the reason i say this is Because you can create templates that You can use again and again now let’s Take a little bit of a look on fiverr to See what’s going on there and evaluate The gigs a little bit so right here Social media post design um this is what Came up we’re not seeing any pro top Rated sellers oh here we go here’s the Top rated seller right here um they’ll Design 20 unique social media posts and Banner ads So let’s click on them Um So that’s the standard and then the gold And then the premium Seven orders in the queue And what’s really great about these Designs is once you create these designs You can use these again and again like Right here this looks like it’s either For real estate or or something in that Niche Luxury homes and you what you can do is You can create that design and you can Sell that again and again like if people Are looking for that you can put in you Know posts and banner ads for real Estate agencies for real for realtors um If you were doing like a fitness you
Could you could make it for a fitness Niche and you could sell these again and Again not only that but a lot of people Do this and then they also sell them on Etsy as you can see right here people Create their etsy profiles and then you Can sell all your same templates that You do on fiverr for specific customers You can put them on etsy develop your Profile put them on etsy and sell them Again and people don’t even you you just Make them once and people can just buy Them and then what they can do is take Those templates on canva and do them Themselves so that’s a really cheap way For you an easy way for you to make Money again and again from the same Design but this is all great nick you Say and like what if i don’t have the Skills to make these templates what if i What if i don’t have the skills to make These Um these instagram carousel posts well I’m glad you asked that because what we Need to do is go and take a course and Learn how to do some graphic design once You take a course on fiverr and this is A really good idea so not only are you Gonna learn the skills that they know Are in demand here on fiverr from one of These courses but you’re also gonna get A badge so in that badge you’re It’s gonna tell other buyers that you Know what you’re doing that you have the
Skill set To be you know to perform on the tasks That you say you will so under graphic Design we have creating identity systems Logo design fundamentals Symbol design for branding Photo manipulation and adobe photoshop So you can keep going on over here and They even have more courses so i would Highly recommend that you take a course From five or learn they’re not too Expensive Um brand strategy and design for small Business i think this is probably going To be a really good one here are some Features about this fiber learn course Learn how to be the number one choice Your customers can uh by constructing a Memorable brand experience that Customers will consistently support This has 648 reviews 4.9 stars there’s 22 videos in this course Two hours of training There’s a free preview if you want to Come over and check it out comes with a 30 day money back guarantee Unlimited access anywhere anytime and Then you learn from hand vetted Instructors experts in their field look It’s a 30-day money-back guarantee it’s Only 42 dollars plus you can sell your Skills for at least 42 dollars to help Out to help people build their brand Identity on fiverr and once you build up
Your your ranks on this once you build Up your reviews this this service will Be in high demand and this will Definitely accelerate your business on Fiverr link is in the description if you Want to take a course and still if you Don’t have any skills um the last thing That you can do Is learn on youtube you know there’s Probably plenty of videos on youtube They’re not put together like this one And of course um it’s gonna give you you Know everything you need to know there’s Over 22 videos here but the biggest Thing is like go get it on software like Canva it’s free start making designs Start building your portfolio and make Sure you put that into you know your Load your portfolio up into fiverr so That people can see your work and like i Said if you don’t if you haven’t created Anything yet and you want to become a Designer we’ll get busy and start Getting in there and creating something Okay And then last but not least if you’re Just starting out you know you can sell Your sell your services for five dollars Just to get some reviews um and again if You want my fiber marketing hacks go Ahead and put uh click the link in the Description get those hacks it’s Everything i’ve learned in my two years Of experience to help you accelerate
Your growth on fiber um i give you the Fast track you don’t have to do it the Slow way like i did and you can you can Just do it a lot faster last but not Least number five closing the client Sometimes when you’re talking to Somebody about your services they just Need that that little that little nudge Just a little push just to make that Decision to know that they’re making the Right decision to purchase your services And get what they’re looking for Now it’s not the easiest thing to do i Know everybody has a little trouble with Sales uh took me a little while to get Over it but i’ve done some extensive Training with sales professionals and I’ve really learned how to close the Client how to communicate with the Client and Take them from first hello to closing The sale and asking for the sale Actually ask somebody for money because Sometimes that’s exactly what we have to Do in order for them to make the Decision to purchase with us um and Because they’re going to make the Decision to purchase somewhere and we Just wanted to be with us rather than Our competitors now again if you want Some deeper training on that in my fiber Gig marketing hacks i put it all in There Click the link in the description go
Ahead and grab that checklist all my Marketing hacks uh so we can help you Out build your fiber gig profile Accelerate your growth on fiverr uh and Have more success than the average Graphic designer now if you guys have Enjoyed this video and you want to see More videos like this and how you can Make money on fiverr go ahead and click The like button and don’t forget to Subscribe because i’ll be coming out With new videos like this every single Week thanks so much for watching Peace