Picking the right side hustle and ideas for that side hustle can require a lot of research. In this video, I break down what I believe are the 7 best side hustles right now for beginners and teens. Now go earn that extra money!
Let’s be real you and i we can never Have enough money and while we’re deep In this 2022 recession which will get Worse in the coming years honestly you Should probably pick up another income Stream because you’re never going to be Able to have enough money that’s why i Wanted to create this video with seven Side hustles for beginners that you Could start today with just an internet Connection and just a laptop The first side hustle that i want to Tell you about is creating tick tock Theme pages now what’s a theme page well A tick tock theme page is just a topic Or theme niched page so you see a page That’s just about animals or dogs or Cats that’s a theme page it’s about one Specific topic or theme before this i Probably would have told you to create Instagram theme pages but instagram’s Made it really really hard for theme Pages in these most recent years and Tick tock with over 1 billion active Users is absolutely destroying and Taking over the entire internet so Here’s the plan you basically grow a Tick tock niche theme page pick Something that you’re super interested In pick something that you might be Knowledgeable about and it makes growing This theme page really easy then you’re Gonna go over to a website called swipe House on swipe house you can find plenty
Of brands that are looking for people Just like you with your tick tock theme Page to promote them and get them Customers our next hustle is paid Surveys with mturk which is amazon Mechanical turk now amazon mturk or Mechanical turk is literally the only Legit survey company that i have ever Seen in my entire life and can give you Some actual income streams coming in Like most of the ones that i showed in My challenge video which were complete And utter garbage but it’s all for the Sake of learning so basically you sign Up for amazon mechanical turk and if you Have a couple free hours here and there While you’re watching a movie chilling Out playing some video games you can Fill out surveys on the side and amazon Could pay you between 10 and 12 dollars An hour if you really kick butt that’s Why so many people on reddit actually Call this beer money because amazon Mechanical turk is the most popular side Hustle on the beer money subreddit and Honestly people just call it beer money Just because it gets you enough money to Buy some beer once a month once a week However much time you’re gonna put into It and speaking of amazon why don’t we Talk about amazon fba so basically the Premise with amazon fba is you find a Product that’s selling on amazon so you Check how much of that product is
Actually being sold on amazon and then You buy that product cheaper from Somewhere else and then upload it to Amazon to get it sold so basically a Quick rundown of how this works is that You send the products that you acquire For cheap to amazon amazon then stores Those products for you and when somebody Actually purchases that product from Amazon then amazon takes care of the Fulfillment ships the product out Because you already shipped it to them And then they pay you great products for This are typically consumable items much Like chapstick that people go through Yearly or monthly you know all the Ladies out there they love their Chapstick but consumable items just like Chapstick deodorant shampoos popular Items like that and if you can get them Cheap then you can make a lot of money Selling them in bulk but honestly i’d Say this is one of the harder ones on This list for beginners because it is Quite competitive and there’s a pretty Steep learning curve but a good way to Get started with this in my personal way That i started and tried out amazon fba For myself was going to my local dollar Stores such as a dollar tree and looking At all the books those are overstocked Books that didn’t sell in actual Physical locations such as bookstores so Then they sold them to dollar stores on
The cheap but the thing is a lot of People on amazon are actually looking For these books because they can be Quite hard to find in person so anything Can be found online especially on amazon That’s why you pick up these books for Like a dollar at the dollar store and Then you flip them for like 15 to 20 a Piece on amazon our next side hustle is Actually signing up and becoming a real Estate agent with a company called Redfin so basically redfin will actually Send you clients in your area in order To close deals and help them to buy a House and what happens is you don’t Actually pay redfin a cut of any of your Money until the deal actually closes so There’s really nothing to lose here you Could work for any real estate brokerage And then redfin will still send you Deals you get to stay at your brokerage It’s no problem at all so basically Redfin isn’t going to provide you a list Of people to call instead they’re going To list you on their platform and then People are going to choose you based on Customer reviews and you can increase Your real estate business by 10x no Problem you can make hundreds of Thousands of dollars a year doing this And although this is one of the harder Hustles on the list to get into this is One of the most profitable long-term Hostels that you can have and you can do
It on nights and weekends when you’re Done with school or done with your job And you’re gonna get a ton of relevant Sales and marketing experience talking About relevant deals let’s talk about a Niche specific marketing agency now There is a ton of overlap here with an Smma because you’re going to be doing a Lot of very similar things that you Could probably do in an smma as well but What makes a niche specific marketing Agency so good is that you can do a Diverse amount of things that an smma Cannot such as facebook ads google ads Thumbnails tick tock ads email marketing Or even growing instagram accounts for Clients these could be one specific Thing instead of a whole overarching Thing where you take care of all of Somebody’s social media with a niche Specific marketing agency you can Provide any service that brings value to The customers clients and businesses That you’re working with now you might Be like what makes this an agency well The good thing about this is in order to Grow an agency you actually need to hire People below you to do some of the work For you now the trick to finding people To actually help you with this work is That you can find niche specific discord Servers like mine which is linked down In the description below where you can Outsource the work to somebody working
For you for a cut of what you’re Actually getting from the client that You’re providing the services to and That’s so the client is covered they’ve Got everything that they need taken care Of by your agency while you’re out there Getting more and more clients for your Own business now to land clients it’s Actually really important for you to do Some email outreach and practice your Copywriting skills which can easily be Learned by watching some youtube courses For free so let’s say our business Focuses on making youtube thumbnails When reaching out to a client instead of Telling them that you’re going to make Them the best thumbnails ever and that Your thumbnails suck much like the Emails that i receive in this copy and Paste template all the time from random People tell them that you can take them From say a five percent click-through Rate on their videos to a six percent Average click-through rate on their Videos which is a 20 increase in both Business volume traffic And sales if you’re communicating like That it’s significantly more efficient And you’re more likely to land yourself A sale as opposed to not providing any Numbers and figures at all now the last Side hustle i want to tell you about is One of my favorite side hustles of all Time and that is ebay flipping so many
Of you i’m sure have seen garyvee’s Trash talk where he goes to all of these Garage sales all over the area where he Lives and he buys things from these Garage sales and flips them on ebay now The good thing is with ebay flipping it Doesn’t just have to be garage sales Where you find your products it could be Dollar stores it could be thrift stores And it could even be a random cvs where I picked up a copy of teenage mutant Ninja turtles sealed still in the Wrapper here it’s peeling but it’s new Right and this thing sells for 60 and You can see what i bought this thing for Let’s let’s see 3.25 I bought this for 3.25 that is a 57 Profit on something that i walked into a Store and found on the discount Clearance shelf that was sitting under The racks in the store for like 20 years Now how do you know what products to buy When you’re trying to flip things on Ebay and this is really easy if you find An interesting product such as a pair of Shoes at a thrift store then you go on Ebay you type in that exact pair of Shoes and go to completed and sold Listings and you could see when they Sold how much they sold for and how many Listings of the specific item are Actually being sold on ebay and when They sold so the key to getting amazing
At this is to actually get really good At writing product descriptions and Taking amazing photos so if you go on Ebay and you look at some of these Photos they are the worst thing ever i Mean there are some terrible photos on Ebay if you take some nice clean photos With a really cute kind of simple Background then you have no problem with Selling your product over somebody with The exact same product minimizing the Amount of competition that you would Absolutely have from this side hustle