How To Start Affiliate Marketing EASY

How To Start Affiliate Marketing EASY $500 PER DAY for Beginners
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Here’s how you can start affiliate marketing even if you’re a total beginner. I will show you how to find and promote affiliate products using 100% free traffic. This is exactly how I make money with affiliate marketing.

I make over $10,000 a month in affiliate commissions and I want to teach you how you can start making affiliate income as well. Affiliate marketing is the best way to make money online – you don’t even need your own product!

Today I want to show you how to start Affiliate marketing even if you’re a total beginner.  I make over ten thousand dollars a month from affiliate marketing and I started making these commissions. Using the exact methods that I’m going to show you today if you learn how to do Affiliate marketing correctly you can enjoy 100 passive recurring commissions which keep coming in automatically even If you’re on holidays.

Today I will show you how to find products that pay you well over fifty dollars per sale and how to get these affiliate sales using 100 Free traffic let’s go Let’s get started with step number one Finding products to promote one of the Easiest places to start generating Affiliate commissions is Amazon. Amazon has millions of products for sale and you can recommend any of the products on Amazon and you can earn a commission on any of the sales that you refer to Amazon.

Amazon pays up to 2% commission on any of the purchases that are made through your affiliate link and if someone uses your affiliate link to buy aTV from Amazon, you will get paid at two percent commission on any of the Sales that you refer.

To get started with Amazon Associates just Google for Amazon Associates and make sure that you’re Looking at the version of Associates Program which is relevant to your region

For example if most of your traffic is Going to be from India you will want to Search up Amazon Associates India if Most of your traffic is going to be from The United Kingdom you’ll want to search Amazon Associates United Kingdom most of The English speaking traffic generally Will be coming from the United States so If you’re not sure what your traffic is Going to come from yet then go ahead and Sign up for Amazon Associates United States you can always join the other Countries Amazon Associates programs Later if you need to once you click on The sign up link you will see a page That looks like this where you will Click sign up then sign in with your Amazon email and password or create a New Amazon account if you need to then You’ll need to go through the steps Where you’re going to confirm your Account information if you don’t have a Website but you’ve got a tick tock Account or an Instagram account or a YouTube account you can enter that in Here as well and click add if you don’t Have any of the social media accounts Yet then go ahead and set up a YouTube Channel it’s actually 100 free and then You can enter that URL over here into The end of your website box click the Finish button and you should be able to Start using Amazon Associates instantly Now you can start promoting anything on

Amazon for example if you wanted to Promote MacBook Pro 14 inch laptop you Could promote any of these individual Products over here and if someone buys This product via your link you will get Paid a percentage commission and to get The link to promote this product you can Use this side stripe at the very top This should be enabled if you’re an Amazon associate and you just need to Choose the type of link that you want For the purposes of this video Let’s Choose the text link Amazon will now go Ahead and create the link for you we can See this is our link which we can now Share with anyone and any sales that our Link refers will be credited to our Associate account you’ve got two options Either a full link or a short link of Course the short link looks nicer and More presentable so therefore I Recommend to use the short link so let’s See what happens if we send this link Via a message or via an email to Somebody and someone actually clicks This link to test that let’s just paste That link into our browser hit open and You also see that this is now Redirecting to the Amazon site so if the Person now goes ahead and buys this Laptop for 2488 we would get a Commission of 2488 dollars multiplied by 2.5 percent And hit equals that would make us a

Commission of 62.20 and if you wanted to Promote a whole page of search results You can totally do that as well just at The top of any page on Amazon search for Get link text option and grab this link And this link will direct to whatever Page you’re creating the link from you Can promote millions of different Products on Amazon but in case that’s Not enough for you there are a couple of Other affiliate networks that I want to Share with you one is Primarily dedicated to digital products There is which also has hundreds Of thousands of different products for You to promote and Another one of my favorite networks Where you can promote hundreds of Thousands of different products as well Now you know how to get your links from Amazon and of course you will make money As long as you can get someone to click This link and buy something via your Link so the big question now is how do We get someone to click the link and buy Via your link one of the simplest ways To get traffic to your affiliate link is By Facebook Facebook was my very first Traffic source and that’s how I started With affiliate marketing from time to Time you can share your affiliate link On Facebook as long as it doesn’t come Across as too salesy I’ve recently Bought this MacBook Pro myself so you

Could perhaps consider sharing an update Like this I finally joined the dark side And got a Mac crazy I’ve been a PC Person for 35 years now loving the Mac Though it’s so silent I can hear the Grass grow outside something like smile Smile and just after you can insert this Link that we’ve just created so let’s Just grab that link again text make sure It’s the short link let’s copy this Right click copy hit enter and then just Click paste so now we’ve got this image Over here of the mark because that gets Automatically through when you paste the Link on Facebook if we now hit the post Button it will go ahead and get posted Onto your timeline as well as Potentially into the updates for any of Your Facebook friends and if any of your Friends see this update now when they Click on this image they will get taken Via your affiliate link into Amazon the Cool thing here is that if they click on It then you will get credits for Anything they buy on Amazon in the next 24 hours even if they do not buy this MacBook Pro but perhaps they end up Buying some food or end up buying a Table or a TV you will still get paid And that is because of something that is Known as Amazon cookie length Amazon Cookie length lasts for 24 hours so After someone clicks any of your Amazon Links you will get credits for anything

They buy in 24 hours after clicking your Link the key to succeed with promoting Stuff on Facebook to your Facebook Friends is to firstly have a targeted Audience and make sure that your Audience is potentially interested in What you have bought secondly is of Course not to overdo it because you Don’t want to spam your friends with too Many affiliate offers but if you share These from time to time and you sound Genuine then you are very likely to get Some affiliate sales this way there are A ton of other ways to promote your Affiliate links and I’m going to show You a more advanced way in just a second But before I do that if you want me to Make a dedicated video on ways to Promote your affiliate links using free Traffic then just drop a comment below And let me know that you want the Dedicated video on how to promote Affiliate links with free traffic and if I get enough of these comments then one Of the next few videos I’m gonna go in Detail how we can use free traffic to Promote affiliate links okay so another Very powerful way to get traffic to your Affiliate links is via your website Using a website I get thousands of Visitors a day and I drive hundreds of Clicks to various affiliate programs if You’re serious about succeeding online You really need to have a website at

Least a basic website that has got some Of your branding and contact information And if you don’t have a website yet and You’d like to set one up then check the Links in the description below I’m going To put a link down there to a video Where I show you from start to finish How to set up a nice and simple internet Marketing website which can be your Online home and your base so why is the Website so powerful well it can give you A ton of free traffic every day millions Of people search for keywords such as MacBook Pro versus iMac or something Like fishing rod reviews for example and They are doing this research before they Go ahead and buy a product that they’re Interested in so the type of people that Enter these kind of keywords into Google Are just about to press the buy button And therefore they’re perfect for Promoting affiliate links I mean check Out this website outdoor gear lab there Is a summary of best fishing rods for 2022 and there are various fishing rod Recommendations but then guess what Happens over here each of these links Where it says 72 dollars at Amazon’s see It if I click this link this of course Opens Amazon via the affiliate link of The owner of the website and this Website outdoor gear lab would be Getting thousands of visitors every Single day just from this simple Google

Search queries which means that they’re Getting 100 percent Free 100 passive traffic to their Content day after day month after month And a lot of people that are reading These reviews they would be clicking on The Amazon affiliate links and they Would be buying either the recommended Products or perhaps some of the other Products within 24 hours from Amazon Thus generating commissions for the Owner of this website I’ve just gone Through this myself recently in the last Few days because I’ve just bought a MacBook Pro and I was typing in all These comparisons of MacBook Pro versus IMac comparing and researching various Models and various processes and I ended Up buying my MacBook Pro from Amazon but Guess what I did it from one of these Websites as I was reading the review of The website I ended up clicking Someone’s affiliate link where it says Buy the MacBook Pro from Amazon I ended Up clicking it and I ended up buying one Of the models not this exact one but Another model but still I generated a Commission for one of these websites Most of these websites that you see here On the front page there are Informational websites but they’re also Affiliate websites and that is the power If you can get your website and your Page is ranking here in Google search

You can make really good money passively And here is how to do this step by step The best way to know whether your Article can rank for a keyword such as MacBook Pro versus iMac is to check the Keyword difficulty of this search term The best tool for checking keyword Difficulty is ahrefs and it’s a very Expensive premium tool at 99 per month But I’m going to show you how to use it For free yes that’s right for free and To do that all you need to do is just Scroll all the way to the bottom of page and check under free SEO Tools there is something called keyword Difficulty Checker once you click on This open it up and where it says enter Keyword you can enter any keyword that You want to assist keyword difficulty so Let’s take MacBook Pro versus iMac as a Potential keyword and insert it into This tool and then we can check keyword Difficulty click I’m not a robot and you Will get a keyword difficulty score for MacBook Pro versus iMac keyword Difficult to score is 26 which means That there is quite a lot of competition So all of these websites have a lot of Authority in Google’s eyes and if your Website is not established or perhaps Your website is kind of quite a new Website it will be hard to compete and Get your content into top 10 and that is Of course because MacBook Pro and iMac

Are very popular established products That a lot of websites have already Written on so the trick is to find Brands and products that no one has Written about yet and there are millions Of opportunities like this here is how To find them I do this all the time when I’m entering a new Niche let’s say if You wanted to promote something in the Audio Niche you could just research Biggest audio Brands and open up some of The results we can see on the top 10 Speaker Brands there is Bose there is Sennheiser Sony Etc and there is Something called kef which is one of the Top 10 speaker Brands I’ve actually Never heard of it so perhaps my gut Feeling is that maybe there is less Competition with his brand but we could Really try each one of these top 10 one By one through the process that I’m About to show you we’re going to use a Tool called Google Keyword Planner which Is 100 free if you don’t have access to A Google Keyword Planner yet then type That into Google click on this first Search result and sign up you may have To set up an advertising campaign but You can do that with a five dollar Budget and then pause it instantly as Soon as that is set up that will then Give you access to the keyword tool Essentially for free once you are inside Google Keyword Planner you can start

Analyzing and finding those keywords Click here on to discover new keywords And then make sure that your location is Correct right now for me by default I’ve Got Australia so we want to remove Australia and we want to search for Worldwide results that will make sure That you’ve got the right keyword search Volume in your results from our previous Steps you will remember that the type of Keywords that we’re looking for are the Keywords that have comparison of one Product product versus the other and We’re going to do that for the Brenda Speakers that is called kef so when we Go over to our Keyword Planner we want To type in k e f v s as our starting Query then we can hit get results and Now we’ve got a whole lot of keywords That are comparing various kef products With other types of products you can Take each of these keywords and analyze It in the free ahrefs keyword difficulty Checker so let’s copy this and paste That into the free ahrefs keyword Difficulty Checker and we can now check Your difficulty here we go we can see That keyword difficulty for kef LSX Versus ls50 is just two and here is a Very important part please do not skip This because it’s very important to the Success of the overall method look at The serp overview so serp overview is The current Google top 10 search engine

Results and you will see that three of The top 10 results don’t even compare LSX versus L less 50 so no one so far Has published this kind of article with This kind of content check this out the Number seven result Kev LSX review does Not compare LSX with ls50 the next one Number eight again does not compare them And the number 10 result again does not Compare them guys this is critical Information for us because we found a Keyword that has no competition and the Priority number one for Google is to Provide very relevant results in their Searches so even if your website is Brand new as long as you publish an Article on this keyword then you will Have a great chance of ranking in page One because literally nobody has so far Published this comparison of careful SX Versus ls50 if you’d like to learn more About this review method of affiliate Marketing I’ve got a whole length Tutorial for free just Linked In the Description below which you can go and Check out right now and if you guys Think you’ve learned something new in Today’s video then please scroll below This video smash the like button and Subscribe to my channel for more Tutorials like this in the future and if You’d like to learn two more proven ways To drive traffic to your affiliate links Then check out these two videos that

I’ve linked here on the screen thank you So much I really appreciate you all Taking the time to watch this video and I’ll see in the next one

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About the Author: Darlene Thompson

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