50 Ways To Make $1000 Online (Never Shared Publicly)
Click the link below to learn how I make $75,000/month on YouTube with my faceless YouTube automation channels – where I’m not making videos or showing my face.
See another great video here: How to Make Money on YouTube Without Showing Your Face
You can not only use that type of business to make money with ad revenue and brand deals, but you can also promote anything of your choice.
Whether that’s an affiliate link, your own website, print on demand, etc.
Click here & let me help you build your own online business:
👉 Wealthy Affiliate
Okay look at the affiliate marketing Strategy that I want to share with you Inside of this video. It’s stupidly easy And simple to set up. I mean the product Is already created for you, the website Is created for you, everything is Absolutely free, so you don’t have to Invest any money. It works all over the World. The traffic source is also done For you. Everything is pretty much done For you and it’s all absolutely free. All you gotta do is watch this tutorial To see exactly how to actually put all The resources together go out there and Actually have a potential to make Thousands of dollars.
A lot of people Are way too lazy to even watch these Videos all the way until the end let Alone just go out there take action and Actually do the work. So, if you can be in That one top one percent that actually Watches the video Until the End and then Goes out there and takes action then You’re actually 10 steps ahead of all The other people who are trying to make Money online so even despite these words That I’m saying right now in this intro A lot of people will still skip around a Lot of people will be impatient a lot of People will not even watch until the end And then they will just go ahead and Keep on living their normal lives or Even been complaining the comments like Hey Dave I didn’t make a single dollar
Of course you didn’t when you didn’t Even watch the tutorial let alone went Out there and actually did the strategy That I’m teaching so yeah enough about The rent make sure to drop a like down Below so we can get to 2 000 likes soon As possible and let us begin with this Affiliate marketing tutorial just a Quick disclaimer here if someone replies To your comment like this claiming They’re me just know it’s a scam I don’t Have WhatsApp I don’t have Telegram and I would never tax you for money you can Check their accounts they don’t have a Verification badge they don’t have the Same subscribers or videos as me and They will just scam you my only Instagram account is at I’m Dave Nick People are just creating fake accounts Reposting my photos and dming you asking For money you can track their posts the Engagement is fake their new accounts And just know that I would never text You like that so just stay safe and Report them all so first things first You will need to find some affiliate Offer to promote whether you’re gonna be Promoting something from ClickBank from Digistore24 or from whatever affiliate Network that you can think of it doesn’t Matter this same strategy applies for Any affiliate offer and any Niche Whether that’s gonna be Fitness in Health whether it’s going to be business
Crypto whatever you want to promote you Can use this same strategy so what you Want to do is let’s say for example you Want to use digistore24.com you’ll first Things first sign up to digistource you Will go to digistore24.com you will Create an account and once you log into Your account so let me just quickly log In to show you how this works so I’m Going to log into my account go to the Marketplace and then on the left hand Side you will be able to see all sorts Of different niches that you can choose From so in for this tutorial I will be Using fitness and health and Niche I Will go to fitness and health I will Change the currency to US dollars Because Digistore24.com is like a European Website so you can change that to US Dollars so you can see exactly how much It will be paid in US dollars so you can Just finally affiliate offer that you Want to promote and I for example found This offer let me just show you which One it I think it was on the second page That actually helps people lose weight Fast so yeah lean belly it helps them Lose belly fat and also you know it Helps them get their abs to show up so Basically they can take these pills to Lose weight faster like this is a Classic way last type of offer there’s a Lot of them and this one for example
Pays you 68 dollars per signal that you Generate so once you finally affiliate Offer that you want to promote you Basically just click on promote now and That’s instantly going to generate a Link and it’s gonna look like this so You can just click on that link you can Copy it and then you can share that link With other people so when they buy Through the link you make money so That’s how affiliate marketing works and That’s why I said like the website is Created for you you know how to build a Sales page from scratch you don’t have To create a product or whatsoever all You gotta do is copy your affiliate link And send people to that link so you can Make money all right that’s that’s super Easy now the next easy part is to Actually go out there and find done for Your videos for that particular Niche so What you can do is you can go to a Platform like pack sells over the pack Sells.com and this is a platform where You can find a lot of stock footage for Free now don’t worry I’m not gonna tell You to make YouTube videos or start an Instagram page or whatsoever so you Don’t have to do that but you just want To go through pack sales which is a Website where you can find a lot of Copyright free videos and photos so Basically they give you full copyright Rights to re-upload that content on
Whatever platform that you want without Any attribution to the author and also Without having to pay for anything so You can check the license here I know There will be a lot of people still even Though the pixels website literally they They tell you hey go there and take These photos and videos and share them All over the place we want you to do That it’s free there’s still going to be A lot of people commenting down below Dave that’s you’re stealing videos from Other people no pexels.com literally Exists so that you can go there and take Their videos and use them for your Social media so you just want to go to Pexels.com and then you want to go to Videos section right over here and then You can search for videos that are Related to the type of offer that you Want to promote so something that people Desire when they actually something that People desire that is actually aligned With the offer that you’re promoting so In this case I’m promoting a weight loss Offer that’s going to help people lose Belly fat so a lot of people who have Belly desire to have abs desire to have Like flat belly so I can search for abs Because I need those types of videos and I found like for example this this guy He looks really good but you can use Like any other like you can use this guy You can use this girl you can use
Literally any of these clips so I’m just Gonna download this one literally just Press the download button and the clip Is going to be onto your computer as you Can see it has been downloaded and we Can obviously use this so you can check The license once again you can go to the License and you can see that it is Allowed and they’re free to use and You’re allowed to actually share this on Other platforms so you want to go Through canada.com which is an Absolutely free photo editing tool and Also a video editing tool so you’re Going to sign up for free you can go Through custom size and you can select The custom size to be 1080 by 1920 so Basically it’s going to open up this Vertical type of video so now I’m just Gonna drag this clip that I got from Paxils.com for free it’s gonna show up Like this on the screen and I will just Make sure that this fits properly and What I’m simply going to do is I’m just Gonna add the text which is going to say Click the link in BIO to see how and Then the title is basically going to be Get six-pack abs in let’s say two days Or whatever whatever that might be you Obviously want to add a time frame Because that really really like helps You boost your sales so maybe I can do Something like this okay this looks nice And now we can of course customize and
Add different effects and whatnot so What I’m gonna do is because this is not Popping so what I’m gonna do wipe and I’m gonna do line spacing I’m gonna Reduce the live space and it’ll make it Look something like this All right this is a little bit better But now I’m also going to add some Element in the background to make sure That the text actually is standing out So something like this so I’m just Playing around with different designs And colors of course this is going to be The fun part so now if you actually play This 10 seconds video it just says click The link in BIO to see how and it’s a Guy with six pack abs so maybe before That I could also add tags that says get Sex back ABS in let’s say two days two Weeks whatever and then once you’re done Adding your call to action you will just Press share and you’ll press download And you will download this MP4 video to Your computer to your device whatever Device you’re using all right now you Have a clip of something that people Desire something they will attract People who are interested and who are Align with the type of offer that you Are promoting if that would that would Be like the offer that helps people make Money by trading then you can maybe put A guy with a Lambo or whatever and then Just add that type of call to action
Like a different goal to action if you Are promoting like a fishing course That’s gonna help people fish a lot Better I don’t even know like whatever Type of welfare you just find a clip That actually aligns with their desires And then you just add a quality action Using canva now once you do that you can Just go over and you can proceed to the Platform called Tick Tock yeah you can Literally just go to ticktock.com and Even if you have a brand new account That has zero followers that has zero Anything you can still get really really Good results because for example I Started this account and I didn’t even Have like a profile picture or Whatsoever I literally started it for Fun and I posted a clip that I was this Was like re-uploaded from my Instagram Page at I’m Dave Nick and basically I Let you just re-uploaded that I didn’t Promote it anywhere and it got 27 000 Views in the middle of cup or a couple Of hours literally 27 000 views out of Nowhere so yeah Tick Tock is a great Platform to grow pretty fast and so what You can do is you can go to the upload Section and you can just upload that Clip which you downloaded from canva.com So let it just load I would just select The file so now it’s loading over here I Can add the captions that maybe get six Pack into weeks maybe that’s that can be
The title then I will add some hashtags Like for you page we can also do hashtag Apps hashtag Fitness hashtag get ads get Shredded whatever that might be select The video to be public I’m not gonna Publish this now but basically we’ll Select public and you will click on post And that’s going to be live onto your Tick Tock page and now what you want to Do is you’re going to want to go to view Profile and then you want to click on Edit profile and create a call to action In your bio something like this as you Can see right now on my tech Talk Account at I am Dave Nick I basically Have a call to action for people to go And watch my YouTube tutorial so they Can watch my YouTube tutorials so what You can do is you can create a call to Action that will be get six pack abs in Two weeks in this case that can be the Call to action and then the link will Literally just be my affiliate link from Digistore so go back copy your affiliate Link and then you can just go back to Tick tock and you can just add your bio I add your link to bio like that and and The more of these videos that you post The more views you will look at and the More clicks you will attract because People will start watching these videos You will start getting views off of that And they will obviously attract people Who are interested in this case losing
Weight or getting six-pack abs to click The link in my bio and you can start as Many of these theme Tick Tock accounts As you possibly want to so for example You will start one Tick Tock account in The weight loss Niche you will start one Tech Talk account in the business Niche It will start one Tech Talk account in The gaming niche in the makeup niche in The cooking Niche the food Niche Whatever that might be you can start as Many of these accounts and just find Like a lot of different offers to Promote in all sorts of different niches Create these videos because it’s a Little on hold on for you doesn’t take That much time you literally just gotta Download a clip from pack sales.com add A call to action you are ready to go you Don’t have to build anything create Anything or whatsoever everything is Pretty much done for you you just gotta Go out there and take Massive Action Now Obviously this is not how I personally Drive traffic to my affiliate offers and This is not how I personally make money With affiliate marketing because I know There’s a lot better ways to to build an Online business and also Drive Consistent traffic and actually make Passive income so if you want to see Exactly how I personally make 75 000 a Month on YouTube without showing my face And without recording any videos on
Those channels then click the first link In the description box and down below Because automation systems that Step-by-step training program is Actually 50 off for the next couple of Hours so once again you can click the First link in the description box down Below to learn exactly how to drive Consistent traffic and build passive Income online so yeah I really hope you Got some value out of this video if you Did drop a like down below and I will See you next time