5 REAL Side Hustles For Teens (or Anybody)

5 REAL Side Hustles For Teens (or Anybody)
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Side hustles as a teen or students are often overlooked and pretty hard to come by. In this video, I share 5 of the best side hustles for teenagers, many of which are completely online and actually work and make money. Many of which are from home!

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Foreign [Music] Side hustle I’ve seen other side hustle Videos If I had to choose one thing that Led to all my current success it would Be all the side hustles that I tried as A teenager you see the problem is side Hustles for teenagers or anybody for That matter aren’t really easy or Accessible to do and that’s why I spent The last few weeks deep in the research Hole trying to get the ins and outs of Some side hustles that you guys probably Haven’t heard of that you can take Advantage of now to become an absolute Kingpin in your industry and make a ton Of money doing so the first side hustle I want to talk about applies to anybody Who’s living in a populated area and This is charging lime or bird scooters For those of you who don’t know what Those are those are basically little Electric scooters that you can rent on The side of the road in populated areas Like big cities and people just rent These for a few hours with their phone And then they need to get recharged so What you do is you get the lime or the Bird scooter app and then you go in There and you switch it to the charging Section instead of the actual purchasing Of the scooter section and then you go In there and they tell you where the Locations of these individual scooters

Are so that way you can pick them up Whether you have your mom drive you or You drive your own car take them back to Your house charge them and then put them Back in certain spots and then you get Paid for all of the scooters that you Charge you can literally pick up as many As you want as many as you can fit just Keep in mind if you’re living in the United States it should cost you between 25 and 40 cents per scooter to charge to Full this is something that you’re going To be needing to take out of your cost As well as the taxes at the end of the Season for all the money you made Charging scooters then when you’re done Charging them you take them to what’s Called bird nests or lime hubs which are Basically just the hot spots that I Mentioned earlier to drop these scooters Off so that way people can grab them Again and then they’re going to use them And then you can grab them and charge Them again and make more money but the Cool thing about this hustle is that it Literally takes zero skill and zero Knowledge all you need to do is be able To drive to certain points on a map that They show you in the application itself So how much can you make charging these Scooters well bird gives you between Three and five dollars per scooter while Lime gives you four to five dollars per Scooter so like I said the sky’s the

Limit especially you have a trailer or Something crazy to carry these scooters In you can make a ton of money super Easily you just have to bring them home Plug them in drop them back off oh and Another fun fact about actually charging These scooters is that you get to ride Them a little bit for free they only go Up to like five miles per hour when You’re charging them but it does the job Another really good side hustle that Allows you to work completely remotely Is actually flipping sneakers on Websites such as stockx so you’re gonna Buy sneakers from Nike or whoever as Soon as these sneakers drop all of these High value sneakers and then you’re Going to take those and you’re going to Flip them on stockx now you’re probably Wondering how do I get these sneakers Before everyone else because a lot of People like hundreds of them are sitting There ready for the flip with the Computer as soon as they drop on the Website well you’re going to be using a Bot with python and selenium which I Will actually link down in the Description below you can get all of These Bots from what are called Repositories on GitHub and then actually Just go out there and the bot will Actually purchase these sneakers for you So that way you can load them on stockx And make money for the quick flip and

Know before you ask this side hustle for Teenagers is not illegal if you go look Up the law on it it’s actually Completely legal you’re not getting any Of these Bots from the dark web instead A lot of actual websites just sell the Bots so if you want to get an upgrade in Your Bot that might be something to Consider the next hustle is owning Dividend stocks now myself I’m not a Financial advisor and you shouldn’t take This as Financial advice but basically Dividends stocks are stocks that you buy And you hold and each stock will pay you For holding that stock at different time Points just for holding that stock to Put that into simple terms and basically In order to actually buy stocks in Almost all cases you need to be 18 years Old but a lot of times parents will Actually have stock accounts for their Children so basically what you want to Do with these stocks is you want to buy Stocks big name stocks that pay Dividends such as apple or Coca-Cola Those are great examples of stocks that Pay dividends and also when you buy These stocks you never want to sell These stocks because when you sell these Stocks you actually lose out on the Stock so you might actually buy a stock For fifty dollars and it goes up to Sixty dollars and you’re like I’m gonna Sell that no because these huge

Companies just like this continue to go Up if you go and you look at the graphs From like 10 20 years ago you can see That Coca-Cola and Apple stock was Actually a lot cheaper than it is now And it is split since meaning it’s made More copies and more money so basically The earlier you get into stocks and buy Stocks the better better you will do so Yeah I’m not a financial advisor or Anything but my personal strategy is I Buy up a bunch of stocks that actually Pay me in dividends and I add to these Every single week so I actually put Money aside add to this dividend Stockpile and then they pay me but all These stocks end up going up and I just Hold them hold them hold them hold them Hold them for years and years and years And years and they just keep going up in Price now sometimes they do dip down in Price but for the most part they have an Upward Mobility track meaning in 20 Years you’re going to be way up on your Investment and you might as well put Money into stocks and dividends that pay You money back instead of leaving it in The bank where it’s not really making Any interest and making you any money You can definitely listen to my upcoming Sales pitch right now because it’s going To teach you a whole lot about the next Side hustle now if you want to get some Free stocks all you need to do is go to

This link down in the description below Where they’ll give you 12 free stocks Just for signing up with my link these 12 stocks can be valued up to thirty Thousand six hundred dollars now it’s Pretty random and you’re likely not Going to get the thirty thousand dollars I’m just telling you that right now but All you need to do is open an account Wait a couple days once they verify You’re a real person so that people Don’t steal money from them and you put In one cent from your bank account into That account and you’ll get your free Stocks whatever you do with those you Can sell them you can hold them you can Sell them and buy stocks that pay out Dividends like I was just talking about The options are endless and they’re Completely and utterly up to you now the Next side also I want to talk about and This one I’ve mentioned way before on my Channel I’ll put a little card up here If you want to see a full video on this Is actually affiliate marketing and it’s The number one way that I make money With my channel so I sell people Products and services and I get a little Kickback in return now the important Thing is when your affiliate marketing Is to never ever ever and I mean ever Sell products and services to people That you won’t personally use or believe In so I only sell products and services

That I use myself such as epidemic sound Of frequent sponsor of this channel Because I believe that they can bring as Much value to other people as they bring To me so affiliate marketing basically As an overhang is when you sell other People’s products and services you get Yourself a kickback and then what you do Is you build up this monthly recurring Revenue structure subscription that’s The best way to do it in my opinion is To sell these monthly subscriptions not A one-off sale of affiliate marketing Not like when you go drop shipping and You sell one product you see the thing With affiliate marketing is it pays you Every single month as long as people Keep their monthly subscriptions so That’s in my opinion is the best thing To sell is actually these monthly Recurring subscriptions because people Tend not to cancel their subscriptions On their credit cards because they’re Like oh you know maybe I like this Product maybe I want to try this product Next month maybe they forgot to cancel It and you can make a lot of money just By selling these monthly recurring Subscriptions and honestly it’s a really Good thing to do now how do you get your Monthly recurring subscriptions in front Of people’s eyes how do you get them to Actually believe in you and buy the Products well the number one way in my

Opinion is just the show them the value That the product delivers so like in my Case in a lot of my videos I’ll show you Exactly why why you should buy this Product because this product is such a Great thing right and I show how I use The product personally because I do use The product personally and that’s the Best way to do it so you can create Instagram theme Pages which I have about A million videos on my channel on where You actually grow these giant massive Cat dog meme pages and you sell to your Audience so you find a product that Works for your audience you can grow an Outdoor survival page and sell a Subscription to a monthly recurring Outdoor magazine you could sell a Outdoor adventure box just think outside The box affiliate marketing has so many Opportunities all you need to do is Google it There are some websites such as ClickBank that will actually list a Bunch of products for you now I use ClickBank sometimes but honestly I found Working directly with companies instead Of through a middleman like ClickBank Makes you the most bang for your buck Now the next side hustle I want to show You is actually taking your notes and Selling them online now there’s a lot of People out there in the world who will Take your study notes summaries

Flashcard study guides and any other Study resource and buy those from you Completely online because they’re taking The same class and they want to have the Notes ahead of time maybe they don’t Want to write them themselves maybe they Want another perspective but as you can See on this website Studio which I’ll Have linked down in the description Below you can see on average a person Earns a hundred and three dollars per Month with eight dollars and ninety Cents going to you for just a document That you already had laying around from One of your classes and uploaded online All you need to do is take PDF printouts And upload them online you can do this At the library you can do this with a PDF scanner app on your phone and on Average people sell about 12 documents Per month and wait three days until Their first sale is made now this is Going to work in my opinion way better In college than it will in high school Because many of these major universities Have classes and classes and classes Dedicated to having these really really Intricate notes and if you put these Notes online you can make a ton of money Dude I’m sweating like an MF over here So yeah if you got any value from this Video don’t forget to smash the like Button and consider joining our Discord Community it’s completely free to join

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About the Author: Darlene Thompson

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